This seminar discusses practical techniques a mediator uses to defuse emotional reactivity and closed-mindedness and create a dialogue and resolution space. The presentation addresses the beneficial uses of mediation between dentists and patients, between dentists and their support systems, and arising in their daily lives. The presentation concludes with a review of some practical scenarios that may commonly arise.
the mediation process
the beneficial applications of mediation in dental settings
the practical applications of mediation in the daily lives of dentists
from practical scenarios of the use of mediation in a variety of settings, from simple to more complex situations and dynamics
This program discusses the necessary information required for medical claim submissions. From ICD-10 diagnosis codes to completing the required information. Medical insurance idiosyncrasies are reviewed.
what is required to be completed on a CMS-1500 form
how to find and select appropriate procedures and ICD-10 diagnosis codes
medically necessary verbiage for chart notes
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Socket Grafting from A to Z
Implant Dentistry
David Wong, D.D.S.
Course #: 1040 Date: 11/24/2023 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): David Wong, D.D.S.
With the popularity of dental implants as tooth replacement options, dentists are discovering the value in properly developing the bone and soft tissue for predictable long-term results. This program takes the clinician through proper socket grafting and hard tissue management. The specific focus is on proper diagnosis, material selection, and technique.
to identify the importance of socket grafting
to choose the proper bone grafting materials and membranes
basic, intermediate, and advanced socket management techniques
tips for managing implants in the esthetic zone
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Make Endodontics Part of Your Practice
Allen Ali Nasseh, D.D.S.
Anne Koch, D.M.D.
Course #: 1050 Date: 11/24/2023 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Allen Ali Nasseh, D.D.S. Anne Koch, D.M.D.
Following Covid, most dentists now realize what a significant part endodontics can play in your practice. This presentation addresses endodontics in such a manner that you can incorporate these topics immediately into your practice. The topics covered are how to achieve profound anesthesia, realis- tic straight-line access, emergency treatment and diagnosis, intuitive rotary instrumentation, and endodontic obturation using a bioceramic sealer. Multiple applications of bioceramic technology are also discussed.
to fully understand the concept of an Endo-Restorative Continuum
the ability to achieve profound anesthesia
about diagnosis and what is the key to clinical success and profitability (proper access)
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 4:30pm
Cementation and Ceramics 2023
Esthetic Dentistry
David Hornbrook, D.D.S.
Course #: 1070 Date: 11/24/2023 Time: 9:00am - 4:30pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s): David Hornbrook, D.D.S.
Dentistry is changing fast today. The role of monolithic restorations, universal adhesives, and digital design needs to be understood and implemented in every dental practice. This seminar discusses the importance of predict- ability, ease of use, and long-term success when deciding which restorative material and cementation option will provide the best results. This program explores cementation and ceramic problems and how to overcome challenges. Learn the benefits of CAD/CAM, Digital Wax-ups and Design, and high-strength, aesthetic ceramic materials.
esthetic, monolithic ceramics, and when to use what
PMMA long-term provisionals and how to use them
to achieve highly aesthetic anterior implant results
9:00am - 12:00pm
10 Characteristics of Multi-Millionaire Dentists Download Handout
Practice Management
John Vento, C.P.A., M.B.A., C.F.P.®
Course #: 1080 Date: 11/24/2023 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): John Vento, C.P.A., M.B.A., C.F.P.®
Learn critical but easy-to-understand business and financial concepts essential to leading you and your dental practice to multi-million-dollar status. Discover how to use tax-smart strategies to increase your cash flow and accelerate your path to financial independence. This engaging, interactive presentation gives you a blueprint for achieving your own personal and practicing financial freedom.
Learn to:
create a financial plan to take you into the multi-million-dollar dental club
uncover tax-smart investment strategies you can immediately put to work
discover the secrets to accumulating wealth
9:00am - 4:30pm
My First Implant: An Oral Implantology Hands-On Workshop
Implant Dentistry
Aeklavya Panjali, D.D.S., M.S.
Course #: 1160 Date: 11/24/2023 Time: 9:00am - 4:30pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s): Aeklavya Panjali, D.D.S., M.S.
Learn the biological basis and fundamental principles of implant dentistry. This hands-on workshop is designed for beginners that wish to learn about the surgical phase of implant dentistry for single-tooth restorations. The workshop outlines implant design principles, surface treatments, and other mechanical properties. Participants learn how to place implants using guided and non-guided surgery predictably. Participants learn to diagnose, plan, and surgically place single and multiple edentulous areas with endosseous implants in their practices.
to establish a basic foundation and understand dental implants, their biological basis, and applicability in restoring single edentulous areas
to predictably diagnose and treatment plan for conventional single-tooth implants
the skills that work when placing an implant
to gain confidence and improve clinical knowledge and skills to establish successful implant dentistry practice
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 4:30pm
Orofacial Pain, TMJ Disorders, and Dental Sleep Medicine: Hands-on Workshop
Orofacial Pain
Amey G. Patil, B.D.S., M.S.D.
Course #: 1170 Date: 11/24/2023 Time: 9:00am - 4:30pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s): Amey G. Patil, B.D.S., M.S.D.
This hands-on workshop for dental and medical professionals focuses on orofacial pain. Topics include diagnosing odontogenic and non-odontogenic pain, history taking, clinical examinations, pain management, headaches, TMJ disorders, sleep apnea, and psychological aspects. It covers complex craniomandibular disorder cases, restorative tools, treatment modalities, TMJ and dental sleep appliances, orofacial trigger point injections, and inter-disciplinary treatment planning. This seminar emphasizes the “primum non nocere” principle.
knowledge of odontogenic as well as non-odontogenic orofacial pain
to discuss the differential diagnosis of different types of headaches, TMJ Disorders, and sleep apneas
the fundamentals of fabrication of TMJ appliances and dental sleep appliances
how to administer orofacial trigger point injections in your dental practice
Crown lengthening procedures may involve osseous resective therapy and surgical management of soft tissue. These hard and soft tissue alterations may be provided in order to obtain a ferrule height and establish a biologic width. This hands-on workshop utilizes a plastic typodont to provide a practical exercise in exposing a maxillary premolar with a subgingival fracture. Techniques for incisions, osseous therapy, and suturing are reviewed. Indications and contraindications to surgical exposure are discussed.
to recognize indications and contraindications for crown lengthening
to design a flap for a functional crown lengthening procedure
methods for osteotomy and osteoplasty
suturing techniques for flap closure
9:00am - 12:00pm
Modern Monolithic Injection Molded Composite Dentistry
Esthetic Dentistry
Arthur Volker, D.D.S., M.Sc. M.S.Ed.
David Clark, D.D.S.
Course #: 1190 Date: 11/24/2023 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Arthur Volker, D.D.S., M.Sc. M.S.Ed. David Clark, D.D.S.
Say goodbye to layering, condensing, and burnishing. This hands-on workshop offers a unique approach to modern resin dentistry. Participants perform injection molding to create ideal margins, rounded emergence profiles, and smooth as a mirror restorations in two anterior exercises: deep caries and black triangle. The workshop will include two Class II exercises too.
the six steps to achieve rock-solid posterior composite contacts in even the most complex cases
to combine flowable and regular composites with the injection molding technique and when to use bulkfills
the next big thing in esthetics
how to obtain great, consistent, and predictable cavity
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Composite Veneering; Layering, Shaping and Polishing: A Hands-on Workshop
Dennis Hartlieb, D.D.S.
Course #: 1200 Date: 11/24/2023 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Dennis Hartlieb, D.D.S.
The participants learn a step-by-step application of direct resin for creating a composite veneer. Layering the composite with appropriate materials to create the strongest but most polishable restoration is taught and practiced during the hands-on workshop. Understanding and applying the techniques of tooth morphology and contour helps the participant when they return to the practice when treating rotated teeth, diminutive teeth, and teeth that need to be brought into the dental arch.
layering principles and what materials are critical for success
the importance of microfill composites for ultimate esthetics in free-hand bonding
opaques and tints, and adjunct materials for cosmetic success
polishing and how to make your composite restorations vibrant
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Hands-On Oral Surgery for the General Practitioner
Are you ready to dive into the world of atraumatic extractions? Tired of breaking buccal plates or fracturing root tips when you take out teeth? This hands-on workshop goes over critical extraction techniques and armamentarium to improve your oral surgery skills.
different instruments that can be used to extract teeth
to extract teeth as minimally traumatic as possible
how and where to section teeth
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
La implementación Digital en casos de Implant-Ortho/Curso de Tecnologías Digitales en Ortodoncia/Tecnología digital para incrementar la predictibilida
Cursos de Español
Andre Chen, D.D.S., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Daniela Gurpegui Abud, D.D.S., M.S.
Elena Cervino, D.D.S., D.M.D.
Course #: 1260 Date: 11/24/2023 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Andre Chen, D.D.S., M.Sc., Ph.D. Daniela Gurpegui Abud, D.D.S., M.S. Elena Cervino, D.D.S., D.M.D.
Room: 1E07 Topic: Cursos de Español Tuition: $55.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Lab Technicians, Doctor
LA IMPLEMENTACIÓN DIGITAL EN CASOS DE IMPLANT-ORTHO Los software y protocolos digitales llegaron para ayudar a la odontología en muchas especialidades. Ortodoncia e Implantología fueron las áreas tecnológicamente más afectadas por la misma. Maquinaria nueva como escáneres intraorales, nuevos software de planificación o incluso más. La avanzada tecnología de haz cónico vino a mejorar la calidad del tratamiento, acortando citas y duración del tratamiento, y por lo tanto mejorar la satisfac- ción del paciente y aceptación. Con la implementación de alineadores trans- parentes, la aceptación de casos en adultos es mayor por lo que la comuni- cación entre el ortodoncista y la cirugía oral de gran importancia.
CURSO DE TECNOLOGÍAS DIGITALES EN ORTODONCIA Las tecnologías digitales han revolucionado la práctica odontológica, espe- cialmente en las áreas de ortodoncia e implantología. Con la introducción de escáneres intraorales, nuevos softwares de planificación y tecnología avan- zada de haz de cono, se ha mejorado la calidad del tratamiento, se han redu- cido las citas y la duración del tratamiento, lo que ha llevado a una mayor satisfacción y aceptación por parte de los pacientes. Con la implementación de alineadores transparentes, la aceptación de casos en adultos ha aumen- tado, lo que hace que la comunicación entre ortodoncistas y cirujanos orales.
TECNOLOGÍA DIGITAL PARA INCREMENTAR LA PREDICTABILIDAD DEL TRATAMIENTO PERIODONTAL, IMPLANTOLÓGICO Y MULTIDISCIPLINAR El avance que las tecnologías digitales han experimentado durante la última década ha sido exponencial y ha facilitado la implementación de protoco- los de tratamiento en la Clínica Dental que mejoran tanto la predictibilidad como la calidad de nuestros tratamientos. En la especialidad de Period- oncia, el uso de estas tecnologías, en específico, escáneres intraorales y tomografías computarizadas de haz cónico, permiten al clínico planificar la secuencia a seguir con el objetivo de predecir posibles complicaciones y educar al paciente con antelación de las mismas. Asimismo, facilitan la comunicación entre especialidades, como sucede frecuentemente entre la Periodoncia, Prostodoncia y Ortodoncia. Específicamente en Periodoncia, estas tecnologías aportan información relacionada con la estética de la encía y como ésta se ve o no afectada con el tratamiento de implantes y prótesis fija para la rehabilitación de zonas edéntulas en nuestros pacientes, y facili- tan la anticipación de los cambios que el tejido duro y blando experimentan durante el tratamiento.
El apoyo para este programa es proporcionado por
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Pain-Free Endo: Canal Location and Navigation Hands-on Workshop
Marcus Johnson, D.D.S., M.S.D.
Course #: 1020 Date: 11/24/2023 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Marcus Johnson, D.D.S., M.S.D.
This hands-on workshop reviews the biology of local anesthetics and how to achieve profound anesthesia for the hot tooth. This workshop takes a deep dive into understanding efficient access to the pulp chamber and locating the orifice of the root canal system using anatomical landmarks in calcified canals, especially identifying MB2. A systematic method for minimally engaging the canal system is presented with an efficient shaping protocol in highly curved and double-curved 3D printed molars using controlled-memory instruments to help facilitate 3D obturation of the prepared root canal system.
the biological objectives of achieving profound pulpal anesthesia in the
hot tooth
to understand root canal treatment manipulation about each anatomical challenge in locating canals in calcified cases
thermomechanical processing and Electrical Discharge Machining for the manufacturing of rotary files and why this manufacturing is superior to milled nickle titanium
a roadmap for customized instrumentation protocols with the HyFlex CM and EDM rotary files, even for the most challenging cases
This program explores frequently seen problems during restorative treatment, showcasing a variety of failures. Attendees learn systematic techniques, utilizing digitally generated designs based upon aesthetic and functional principles. This approach expedites important decisions, provides unique patient communication options, and improve the predictability of the esthetic outcome’s. The analog brain drives the digital technology.
how to utilize digital libraries and choose the proper tooth forms that will optimize the illusion
how to evaluate the digital mockup in the analog world, chairside, and make corrections
the distinctive steps to identify and address difficult clinical situations
Support for this program is provided by
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Practice Accounting for Minimum Tax
Practice Management
Jay Malik
Course #: 1110 Date: 11/24/2023 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Jay Malik
This course is designed for dentists who own their practice and want to learn how to manage their finances. It teaches methods to use financial data to make informed business decisions while minimizing tax burden using legal tax-saving strategies. The tax-cutting strategies are IRS-approved and court tested, specifically for dental practices. This course simplifies financial data into actionable insights. It provides a primer on The Rich Dentist System℠, a set of protocols that can significantly increase the net worth of dentists and lead to financial independence at an earlier age.
to set up and effectively utilize a practice accounting system
to generate meaningful data for measuring practice financial performance
innovative tax savings strategies
to combine efficient accounting and legal tax strategies to build wealth
Support for this program is provided by
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Soft Tissue Grafting Grafting: Teeth vs. Implants
Implant Dentistry
David Wong, D.D.S.
Course #: 1120 Date: 11/24/2023 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): David Wong, D.D.S.
Gingival recession is a periodontal problem that affects both teeth and implants. However, treatment options and expectations are completely different. This program explores the different ways soft tissue grafting is used to treat gingival recession on teeth compared to recession on implants.
Learn to:
identify the challenges of gingival recession
review various treatment options for teeth and implants
discuss the limitations of treating recession around dental implants
address esthetic implant complications
Support for this program is provided by
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Advanced Endodontics for the General Practitioner
Allen Ali Nasseh, D.D.S.
Anne Koch, D.M.D.
Course #: 1130 Date: 11/24/2023 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Allen Ali Nasseh, D.D.S. Anne Koch, D.M.D.
This presentation takes the participant to a more sophisticated level of understanding Endodontics. The clinicians discuss numerous topics, including the expanded use of piezo-electric ultrasonics, new irrigation protocols, advanced instrumentation techniques utilizing both heat-treated and non-heat-treated rotary files, and multiple applications of bioceramic technology (obturation, perforation repairs, pulp capping). Real World Endo originates “Hydraulic Condensation” and will fully describe all aspects. Additionally, a completely drill-free post system is introduced.
Learn to:
have a working knowledge of the multiple applications for piezo-electric ultrasonics
understand the marvelous repair capabilities of bioceramic technology fully
realize that the “Blend Technique” is completely intuitive
Support for this program is provided by
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Surgical Incisions, Flap Management, And Suturing Techniques: A Hands-On Workshop
This workshop reviews incisions for surgical access for periodontal regenerative therapy or respective treatment associated with natural dentition. Utiliz- ing a cadaver pig jaw, the participant learns flap elevation, positioning, and closure suturing techniques. Anatomical considerations associated with flap elevation, periosteal fenestration, and incision closure are reviewed. Surgi- cal instrumentation and various suture materials are discussed.
how to design a surgical flap for periodontal access
how to elevate a mucogingival flap
suturing techniques for flap closure
postoperative management
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Modern Monolithic Injection Molded Composite Dentistry
Esthetic Dentistry
Arthur Volker, D.D.S., M.Sc. M.S.Ed.
David Clark, D.D.S.
Course #: 1230 Date: 11/24/2023 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Arthur Volker, D.D.S., M.Sc. M.S.Ed. David Clark, D.D.S.
Say goodbye to layering, condensing, and burnishing. This hands-on workshop offers a unique approach to modern resin dentistry. Participants perform injection molding to create ideal margins, rounded emergence profiles, and smooth as a mirror restorations in two anterior exercises: deep caries and black triangles. The workshop will include two Class II exercises too.
the six steps to achieve rock-solid posterior composite contacts in even the most complex cases
to combine flowable and regular composites with the injection molding technique and when to use bulkfills
the next big thing in esthetics
how to obtain great, consistent, and predictable cavity
preparations with new bur shapes
Support for this program is provided by
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Invisible Class IV Restorations: A Hands-on Workshop
Dennis Hartlieb, D.D.S.
Course #: 1240 Date: 11/24/2023 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Dennis Hartlieb, D.D.S.
The participants learn a step-by-step application of direct resin for fractures of anterior teeth. Techniques for fractured incisors to help camouflage the restoration and maximize retention are reviewed and practiced. Concepts to create and utilize a customized lingual incisal matrix are used in the hands-on exercise. Utilizing opaquing techniques, and a combination of appropriate nano-filled and microfilled composites, the participants overcome the problem of ‘shine-thru’ commonly seen with other composite systems.
bevel design and layering techniques to create invisible Class IV restorations
how and when to use opaquers to create naturally appearing restorations
the importance of microfill composites for ultimate esthetics in free-hand bonding
to experience using discs to create seamless margins and exquisite polish
Support for this program is provided by
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Hands-On Oral Surgery for the General Practitioner
Are you ready to dive into the world of atraumatic extractions? Tired of breaking buccal plates or fracturing root tips when you take out teeth? This hands-on workshop goes over critical extraction techniques and armamentarium to improve your oral surgery skills.
different instruments that can be used to extract teeth
to extract teeth as minimally traumatic as possible
how and where to section teeth
Support for this program is provided by
Karl Schumacher
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Voluntariado, Llamados a Servir
Cursos de Español
Hector Hernández Navarro, D.D.S.
Hector Daniel Hernandez Villalvazo, D.D.S.
Room: 1E07 Topic: Cursos de Español Tuition: $55.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Administrative Staff, Lab Technicians, Spouse, Educator, Nurse, Doctor
En este seminario, veremos cómo el servicio comunitario a las poblaciones más necesitas ha bendecido a los ponentes, también cómo les ha brindado una amplia perspectiva de la odontología y la vida en general. Usando como ilustración experiencias en lugares exóticos internacionales o en la propia comunidad. Analizaremos, aspectos culturales, respeto a las regulaciones y creencias de otros países, así como equipos e instrumentos para facilitar la odontología portátil. Si deseas sentir la gratificación del servicio a los demás, acompáñanos y aprende cómo planear y levar a cabo el servicio.
Elapoyoparaesteprogramaes proporcionado por
9:00am - 4:30pm
International Oral Cancer Symposium (Seminar and Workshop)
Room: 1E08 Topic: Oral Cancer Tuition: $445.00 Credits: 7 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Educator, Nurse, Doctor
This program addresses all aspects of Oral Cancer, from diagnosis and treatment to reconstruction. Topics include epidemiology, diagnosis, pre-cancerous disease, HPV and oropharyngeal cancer, imaging modalities, radiation and chemotherapy treatments for oral cancer, surgical therapies, biopsy technique review, and referring patients for treatment. This seminar concludes with a case review and question and answer session.
All oral cancer treatments are based on a pathological diagnosis of a soft tissue sample. Oral healthcare providers must know how to evaluate and plan to use the optimal biopsy technique. Attendees perform biopsies and suture techniques on animal soft tissue and review how to complete the pathol- ogy requisition form correctly. A question and answer session concludes this workshop.
9:00am - 12:45pm
International Oral Cancer Symposium (Seminar Only)
Room: 1E08 Topic: Oral Cancer Tuition: $295.00 Credits: 4
Seminar Only!
This program addresses all aspects of Oral Cancer, from diagnosis and treat- ment to reconstruction. Topics include epidemiology, diagnosis, pre-cancer- ous disease, HPV and oropharyngeal cancer, imaging modalities, radiation and chemotherapy treatments for oral cancer, surgical therapies, biopsy tech- nique review, and referring patients for treatment. This seminar concludes with a case review and question and answer session.
9:00am - 4:30pm
Foundation for Airway Health Summit
Sleep Apnea
Jeffrey Hindin, D.D.S.
Jeremy Montrose, D.M.D.
Steve Lamberg, D.D.S.
Course #: 2040 Date: 11/25/2023 Time: 9:00am - 4:30pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s): Jeffrey Hindin, D.D.S. Jeremy Montrose, D.M.D. Steve Lamberg, D.D.S.
The Foundation for Airway Health brings together leading dental educators, scientific academy representatives, allied health organizations, and members of the public to offer information you and your dental team must know about unrecognized sleep/airway issues and what you can do to impact positive health change for patients. This year, the Foundation will offer a more interactive program to allow you to recognize hidden issues and develop treatment paths for care. Think you have an airway problem? Register early - yours can be one of the case presentations.
Poor sleep, chronic disease and inflammation, learning difficulties, performance issues, and behavior problems express unrecognized, ”hidden” airway problems. Currently, only 15% of airway problems are recognized. Dentists can and must play a front-line role in diagnosing and treating airway dysfunction. Attendees at the Airway Summit will learn about the emerging importance of airway health and sleep in dental practice, how to improve treatment outcomes, join the fight against chronic disease, and expand the professional practice in these areas.
Learn to:
screen patients for airway and sleep issues and follow ADA recommendations
understand the connection between airway and sleep issues and chronic medical and dental health disorders
be aware of how airway sleep issues affect growth, development, and learning
include airway and sleep screening for better outcomes in restorative dentistry
recognize the signs and symptoms of airway sleep issues in your patients when you return to your practice
The Foundation for Airway Health is a 501(c)(3). Founded in 2012, the Foundation for Airway Health is a nonprofit organization dedicated to raising awareness with the general public and the healthcare industry. Through its initiatives, the Foundation seeks to highlight the role of the airway in overall health and well-being for all and educate clinicians to recognize the role and importance of optimal airway physiology and sleep in health, development, performance, and function.
The Foundation for Airway Health is dedicated to helping the public realize their maximum potential by championing the recognition, diagnosis, and treatment of airwayrelated disorders through collaboration, awareness, research, education, and access to care
9:00am - 12:00pm
Onward to Ownership: A Roadmap to Practice Success
Practice Management
Chris Hutzelman, B.S.
Danny Cammarosano
Gary Baumwoll, Esq.
Maritza Duran
Reed Wrisley, B.A
Course #: 2050 Date: 11/25/2023 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Chris Hutzelman, B.S. Danny Cammarosano Gary Baumwoll, Esq. Maritza Duran Reed Wrisley, B.A
Navigate your path to dental practice ownership with our specialized guide. This program simplifies buying or starting your first practice, laying a solid foundation for a prosperous career. Discover essential tools, funding options, transition strategies, and tackle common challenges aspiring owners face. This session offers a comprehensive insight into the dental industry’s evolving marketplace, setting the stage for your successful debut as a practice owner.
the essential tools and strategies for successfully starting or buying your first dental practice
the ins and outs of funding options and transition strategies tailored for first-time practice ownership
how to tackle and overcome common challenges typically faced by aspiring dental practice owners
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Prophylaxis: Still Working The Bugs Out?
Oral Medicine, Diagnosis, Pathology
Thomas Viola, R.Ph., CCP, CDE, CPMP
Course #: 2060 Date: 11/25/2023 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Thomas Viola, R.Ph., CCP, CDE, CPMP
Knowledge of anti-infective agents’ properties allows dental practitioners to make sound clinical decisions when assessing the risk of infection after dental procedures. This course focuses on treating acute oral infection and managing such infections with palliative and anti-infective agents, including potential risks, adverse effects, and contraindications. Attendees learn current guidelines for prophylaxis of infective endocarditis and joint replacement infection.
the pharmacology of the most common anti-infective agents used in dentistry
the principles of antibiotic usage and its administration in dentistry
recent updates in recommendations for antibiotic prophylaxis before specific dental procedures for cardiac, orthopedic, and immunocompromised patients
9:00am - 12:00pm
To Save or Extract a Tooth: That Is The Question
Implant Dentistry
Robert Miller, D.M.D.
Course #: 2070 Date: 11/25/2023 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Robert Miller, D.M.D.
One of the biggest debates in dentistry today is whether or not to save or extract a tooth. One does not want to fall into the adage “that if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.” This program reviews the factors of clinical success and the parameters of deciding to salvage a tooth or consider its replacement with a tooth-borne bridge or dental implant.
the factors which influence clinical success and treatment outcome
the periodontal, restorative, and endodontic considerations in treatment planning for dental implants
to understand why salvaging or extracting a compromised tooth may be the treatment of choice
to identify the parameters when considering a replacement with a tooth- borne bridge or dental implant
9:00am - 12:00pm
Which Laser Is Right for My Practice
Laser Dentistry
Larry Lieberman, B.S., D.D.S.
Course #: 2080 Date: 11/25/2023 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Larry Lieberman, B.S., D.D.S.
This seminar comprehensively reviews hard and soft tissue lasers, focusing on everyday dentistry. The clinician discusses the lasers used in oral surgery, extractions, implants, and biopsies. Attendees learn about laser smile design with predictable hard and soft tissue crown lengthening through discussion and clinical video presentation.
about available types of lasers and applications
about lasers in periodontic disease and periimplantitis
about lasers in restorative dentistry
fillings without numbing and pulp caps with a 90% success rate
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Code of Ethics, Your Roadmap to Professional Success
Guenter Jonke, D.M.D., M.S.
Kevin Henner, D.M.D.
Course #: 2090 Date: 11/25/2023 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Guenter Jonke, D.M.D., M.S. Kevin Henner, D.M.D.
The dental profession holds a unique position of trust within society. The Code of Ethics is the playbook for your daily professional success. This program reviews the Principles of Ethics for the American Dental Association and the Code of Professional Conduct. Various common ethical dilemmas are discussed and how they apply to the Code. Maintaining high ethical stan- dards in our daily practice benefits all of us.
the five core ethical principles: Patient Autonomy, Nonmaleficence, Beneficence, Justice, and Veracity
specific types of professional conduct and their application to the five core principles
about advisory opinions and the interpretations that apply the Code of Professional Conduct to specific fact situations
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 4:30pm
Complex Treatment Planning: From Diagnosis to Care
Leonard Hess, D.D.S.
Course #: 2100 Date: 11/25/2023 Time: 9:00am - 4:30pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s): Leonard Hess, D.D.S.
Nothing is more challenging than treating complex esthetic and functional prosthodontics cases. Often these cases involve worn dentition, airway, and TMJ problems all in one. Understanding the diagnostic process is critical to enable you to treat the underlying problem and not just the symptoms. This course focuses on the diagnosis, the role of CBCT, 2D and 3D treatment planning, and obtaining the final results.
to thoroughly diagnose to treat the problem, not just the symptoms
to understand the role of TMJ health and airway in complex cases
esthetic principles in functional smile design
the principles of designing a stable occlusion
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 4:30pm
Porcelain Veneers from A to Z: A Hands-On Workshop
Esthetic Dentistry
Effie Habsha, D.D.S., M.S.C.
Course #: 2180 Date: 11/25/2023 Time: 9:00am - 4:30pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s): Effie Habsha, D.D.S., M.S.C.
This comprehensive hands-on workshop provides critical insights into achieving predictable and aesthetic outcomes with porcelain veneers. Included is a complete aesthetic analysis of treatment planning principles required to achieve predictable results. The indications and contraindications for porcelain veneers are covered. This workshop follows a step-by-step, systematic approach to tooth preparation, impression, temporization, and cementation. Multiple tooth preparation and temporization strategies are provided.
to outline aesthetic analysis and case selection
to summarize indications and contraindications for porcelain veneers
a comprehensive step-by-step clinical protocol for veneer fabrication, including tooth preparation, impression temporization, and cementation
a hands-on component, including preparation, impression, and temporization of six anterior maxillary teeth
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Guided Bone Regeneration for General Practitioners
Implant Dentistry
Aeklavya Panjali, D.D.S., M.S.
Course #: 2190 Date: 11/25/2023 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Aeklavya Panjali, D.D.S., M.S.
Understand the biology of bone regeneration and bone graft healing, the biologic inter-dependency of soft and hard tissues, and the anatomic basis for intra-oral bone augmentation at anatomically compromised sites. Learn surgical principles, material science, and tissue engineering concepts related to performing guided bone regeneration procedures that set the stage for restoration-driven implant placement at sites with deficient alveolar ridges and/or poor regenerative capacity.
about diagnosing and treatment planning (CBCT and clinical evaluation)
recipient site requirements and preparation for successful bone regeneration
step-by-step procedures for allograft block with GBR for horizontal Ridge Augmentations
considerations for interim provisional restorations and Peri-operative patient management
Room: 1E06 Topic: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Tuition: $485.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Students, Educator, Doctor
This hands-on workshop provides attendees with an opportunity to develop basic skills used in sampling potentially pathologic tissue including excisional and incisional biopsies and management of the residual wound. Participants practice oral biopsy skills to master techniques and application in their dental practice.
Learn to:
develop a useful differential diagnosis for oral and perioral lesions
select the most appropriate biopsy techniques
describe the core surgical principles applied to excisional and incisional biopsies
discuss management of the wound and handling of the specimen
Crown lengthening procedures may involve osseous respective therapy and surgical management of soft tissue. These hard and soft tissue alterations may be provided in order to obtain a ferrule height and establish a biologic width. This hands-on workshop utilizes a plastic typodont to provide a practical exercise in exposing a maxillary premolar with a subgingival fracture. Techniques for incisions, osseous therapy, and suturing are reviewed. Indications and contraindications to surgical exposure are discussed.
to recognize indications and contraindications for crown lengthening
to design a flap for a functional crown lengthening procedure
methods for osteotomy and osteoplasty
suturing techniques for flap closure
9:00am - 12:00pm
Profitable Intuitive Endodontics-Hands-on Session
Allen Ali Nasseh, D.D.S.
Anne Koch, D.M.D.
Course #: 2220 Date: 11/25/2023 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Allen Ali Nasseh, D.D.S. Anne Koch, D.M.D.
This hands-on session begins with a brief review of the “Blend Technique,” a demonstration follows. All participants can perform rotary instrumentation using both heat-treated and non-heat-treated files. Participants perform hydraulic condensation, along with placing a drill-free post. All participants are encouraged to work with the piezo-electric ultrasonics.
Learn to:
predictably perform rotary instrumentation using the Blend technique
perform the hydraulic condensation technique with a bioceramic sealer
effectively work with a piezo-electric ultrasonic
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Simple Concepts for Anterior Composite Creativity: A Hands-on Workshop
Room: 1E07 Topic: Cursos de Español Tuition: $55.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Administrative Staff
En la cirugía ortognática u ortopédica de los maxilares participan ortodon- cistas y cirujanos maxilofaciales. Se explican las pautas para el diagnóstico conjunto entre ambas especialidades. Se exponen las principales indicacio- nes: anomalías del desarrollo maxilomandibular, secuelas de trauma, trata- miento integral de los síndromes craneofaciales, tratamiento del paciente desdentado severo y síndrome de apnea obstructiva del sueño. Se muestran los resultados de la planificación del tratamiento en etapas, que minimizan las complicaciones operatorias y sus secuelas estéticas o funcionales.
Como funciona el cerebro en las ventas. La comunicación en las ventas. Las 5 reglas del éxito en las ventas. Aprender a vender servicios de odontología. Las emociones en las ventas. Lenguaje no verbal.
Se exponen las pautas para prevenir, diagnosticar y tratar las complicaciones más frecuentes en Cirugía Oral. Se explican los criterios preoperatorios para el control de los riesgos en el paciente, con énfasis en la detección de aspec- tos anatómicos y patológicos que dificultan el acto quirúrgico. Se muestran los métodos para diagnosticar y tratar las complicaciones intraoperatorias, así como el manejo y la resolución integral de las complicaciones postopera- torias tanto en los tejidos blandos como en los tejidos duros.
9:45am - 12:45pm
Caring For Kids for Fun and Profit - From The First ToothBrush to The Treasure Chest
Pediatric Dentistry
Arnold Weiss, D.D.S
Course #: 2020 Date: 11/25/2023 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Arnold Weiss, D.D.S
This practical course makes pediatric dentistry enjoyable, predictable, and profitable. The clinician presents standards and techniques for working with patients ages 1 to 21 and their parents. Increase your expertise in pediatric restorative, minimally invasive dentistry, including SDF, Hall crowns, prevention, and pulp therapy. Bring your team and learn how to work together to treat children and have fun while minimizing stress.
Learn to:
create optimal conditions for treating children and teens in your practice
refine current clinical procedures and add new ones
work as a team for fun and efficiency
feel more comfortable and gain expertise in caring for children
1:30pm - 4:30pm
How to Destroy Your Practice in 60 Seconds
Pediatric Dentistry
Richard Marn, M.D.
Course #: 2030 Date: 11/25/2023 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Richard Marn, M.D.
Did you know 56% of dental practices will experience at least three medical emergencies this year? But research shows that only 10% will immediately take charge in these situations. In under 60 seconds, if not handled properly, they can go from minor to life-threatening. And the outcomes can be catastrophic for both your patients and your career. Are you 100% positive both you and your staff can handle any medical emergency, keep your pediatric patients safe, and protect your practice?
the 6 questions every dentist needs to ask themselves to make sure their patients and practice are protected
how to rate your practice on emergency preparedness
what makes for an effective response plan
how to create a cohesive team that can respond quickly to emergencies, while protecting your pediatric patients and your practice
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Mastering Single-Cone Obturation/BOTOX for the Dental Practitioner/Numb Tongues and Lips: Current Nerve Injury Management
Current Dental Topics
Daniel Hammer, D.D.S.
Tim Carlson, D.D.S., M.S.
Tom Goksel, D.D.S., M.D.
Course #: 2110 Date: 11/25/2023 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Daniel Hammer, D.D.S. Tim Carlson, D.D.S., M.S. Tom Goksel, D.D.S., M.D.
Room: 1E19 Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: $195.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Spouse, Educator, Nurse, Doctor
MASTERING SINGLE-CONE OBTURATION This discussion will give you tools to fill roots in 3 dimensions predictably and criticality assess your results for optimal success. Taking a renewed look at single-cone obturation with bioceramic sealers under the micro-CT lens, we will translate this into clinical application to avoid common pitfalls with this efficient technique.
define the keys to success with bioceramic single-cone obturation
review key evidence-based literature behind bioceramic sealers
provide critical assessment tools to ensure 3D fill
implement the single-cone technique into your practice
BOTOX FOR THE DENTAL PRACTITIONER No one understands facial harmony and balances more so than the dental practitioner. This lecture will cover the history and use of chemical neuro- toxins in treating facial rhytids. The presentation will include comprehen- sive information on neurotoxins’ safe and efficacious use to achieve desired outcomes.
to perform an esthetic evaluation of the face
understand treatment planning for facial cosmetic injections
know the relevant risks, benefits, and complications
NUMB TONGUES AND LIPS: CURRENT NERVE INJURY MANAGEMENT A nerve injury is devastating to the patient and dentist alike. However, knowing what to do and when to do it following a nerve injury will ensure your patient has the best chance for full recovery and restoration. This session will provide clinicians and team members with a general overview of the most up-to-date research and ever-changing landscape of nerve injury management and reconstruction.
to recognize nerve injuries and preform a comprehensive clinical exam to further characterize the nerve injury
the appropriate immediate post-injury management and timeline until referral for definitive treatment
to describe methods to prevent nerve injury in a dental practice
to provide patient education about nerve injury and prognosis of return of sensation
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Dreams to Reality: Guide to Starting or Buying Your First Practice
Practice Management
Jarrett Mathews, B.S.
Jason McKenzie
Robert Malandruccolo, B.S.
Course #: 2120 Date: 11/25/2023 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Jarrett Mathews, B.S. Jason McKenzie Robert Malandruccolo, B.S.
Room: 1E11 Topic: Practice Management Tuition: $100.00 Credits: 3
Are you thinking of starting from scratch or acquiring your first practice? What’s the secret to obtaining financing? What should you expect in the first few years of practice ownership? Have you determined the ideal business structure for your offices? Have you created a business plan? What size practice is right for you? If you are asking these questions, join us to review the options for practicing ownership. This seminar has been designed to address doctors’ concerns about starting from scratch or purchasing an existing practice. This seminar covers everything you’ll need to know to start your new practice and plan for your future as a dental practice owner.
how to develop business and financial plans for your practice
the right time to become a business owner
how to structure business entities
Support for this program is provided by
1:30pm - 4:30pm
“It’s Complicated!”: The Medically Complex Dental Patient
Oral Medicine, Diagnosis, Pathology
Thomas Viola, R.Ph., CCP, CDE, CPMP
Course #: 2130 Date: 11/25/2023 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Thomas Viola, R.Ph., CCP, CDE, CPMP
Dental professionals must frequently draw upon their knowledge of pharmacology for optimal care of today’s medically complex dental patients. However, many dental professionals cannot keep up with the latest trends in disease state management. This program provides an overview of the dental implications of prescription medications, non-prescription medications, herbal products, nutritional supplements, and substances most frequently used by our medically complex dental patients.
dental implications of prescription medications frequently found on patients’ medical histories
dental implications of non-prescription drugs frequently found on patients’ medical histories
the most common dietary supplements and describe their dental considerations
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Choices in Guided Bone Regeneration
Implant Dentistry
Robert Miller, D.M.D.
Course #: 2140 Date: 11/25/2023 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Robert Miller, D.M.D.
Guided bone regeneration has been part of our armentarium for the past 30 years. The choice of immediate implant placement or a two stage delayed placement to allow for complete bone regeneration is discussed using a detailed decision tree.
the factors which influence clinical success and treatment outcome
to increase case acceptance with simultaneous implant placement and Guided Bone Regeneration
to review a detailed decision tree outlining indications for simultaneous and staged implant placement
This program explores frequently seen problems during restorative treatment, showcasing a variety of failures. Attendees learn systematic techniques, utilizing digitally generated designs based on aesthetic and function- al principles. This approach expedites important decisions, provides unique patient communication options, and improve the predictability of the esthetic outcome’s. The analog brain drives the digital technology.
how to utilize digital libraries and choose the proper tooth forms that will optimize the illusion
how to evaluate the digital mockup in the analog world, chairside, and make corrections
the distinctive steps to identify and address difficult clinical situations
Support for this program is provided by
1:30pm - 4:30pm
如何使用 Pinhole® 手术技术治疗多部位牙龈退缩
Courses in Chinese
Chi Leung
Course #: 2160 Date: 11/25/2023 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Chi Leung
Room: 1E08 Topic: Courses in Chinese Tuition: $55.00 Credits: 3
PRF has gained popularity in the past few years due to its versatility and has made surgical procedures simpler, more predictable, and cost-effective for the practitioner. This hands-on workshop discusses the biological basis of PRF, iPRF, L-PRF, and A-PRF and describes the most common clinical dentistry applications. Participants learn the clinical process, the different applications of using PRF as a graft substitute and membrane, and how it enhances healing. The program reviews step-by-step procedures for using PRF in implant surgery, periodontal surgery, socket grafting, and much more.
the rationale and biologic basis for PRF
the differences and clinical applications of PRF, iPRF, L- PRF and A-PRF
Room: 1E06 Topic: Anesthesia and Sedation Tuition: $485.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Students, Educator, Nurse, Doctor
This hands-on workshop provides attendees with a review of basic skills used in achieving profound local anesthesia. It provides additional instruction in advanced techniques used to overcome anatomic challenges and other reasons for anesthetic inadequacy.
Learn to:
discuss anatomic landmarks used for regional blocks in the oral cavity
identify accessory innervations that may result in anesthetic inadequacy
demonstrate techniques that may be used to address anatomic variations
apply pharmacologic and physiologic principles to the selection of anesthetic agents in varying clinical circumstances
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Biopsy Techniques: Hands-On Workshop
Oral Cancer
Antonia Kolokythas, D.D.S., M.Sc
Deepak Kademani, D.M.D., M.D.
Edward Miller, Jr., D.M.D.
Scott Peters, D.D.S.
Course #: 2260 Date: 11/25/2023 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Antonia Kolokythas, D.D.S., M.Sc Deepak Kademani, D.M.D., M.D. Edward Miller, Jr., D.M.D. Scott Peters, D.D.S.
Room: 1E10 Topic: Oral Cancer Tuition: $415.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Educator, Nurse, Doctor
All oral cancer treatments are based on a pathological diagnosis of a soft tissue sample. Oral healthcare providers must know how to evaluate and plan to use the optimal biopsy technique. Attendees perform biopsies and suture techniques on animal soft tissue and review how to complete the pathology requisition form correctly. A question and answer session concludes this workshop.
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Contemporary Advanced Endodontic Treatment: A Hands-on Workshop
Allen Ali Nasseh, D.D.S.
Anne Koch, D.M.D.
Course #: 2270 Date: 11/25/2023 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Allen Ali Nasseh, D.D.S. Anne Koch, D.M.D.
PRF has gained popularity in the past few years due to its versatility and has made surgical procedures simpler, more predictable, and cost-effective for the practitioner. This hands-on workshop discusses the biological basis of PRF, iPRF, L-PRF, and A-PRF and describes the most common clinical dentistry applications. Participants learn the clinical This hands-on workshop confirms concepts introduced during the previous lecture of the same name. The hands-on session begins with a review of “How to Prevent the Separation of Rotary Files.” Using the Rhythm Technique, the Blend technique is introduced clinically to demonstrate how to use heat-treated and non-heat-treated rotary files properly. All attendees will perform hydraulic condensation, and the clinician will address the best ways to employ bioceramic technology. This workshop demonstrates the multiple applications of piezo-electric ultrasonics.
Learn to:
perform advanced endodontic instrumentation understanding the limitations of rotary files
apply bioceramic technology to many aspects of endodontic therapy, including obturation and perforation repair
locate hidden canals and MB-2 canals
Support for this program is provided by
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Making Posterior Composites More Predictable: A Hands-on Workshop
This workshop enables the participant to achieve predictable posterior composites utilizing several techniques, including bulk fill. The participants use sectional matrices for posterior composite restorations, a clear matrix technique, and heated composite for the tabletop.
Learn to:
utilize sectional matrices
establish contacts
utilize bulk fill and fiber reinforcement
use composites to restore vertical in the worn dentition
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Dispositivos Orales Ronquido/Apnea del Sueño
Cursos de Español
Luis Aneyba, D.D.S.
Course #: 2300 Date: 11/25/2023 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Luis Aneyba, D.D.S.
Room: 1E07 Topic: Cursos de Español Tuition: $55.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Lab Technicians, Educator, Doctor
Estas 3 horas de conferencia nos llevarán en un viaje desde la Clasifiación de los Trastornos de Sueño, Estudios de Sueño, Consulta de Sueño, Diversos estudios de predicción de prediccion de AOS y al final los tipos de Dispositivos Orales que existen actualmente y sus indicaciones Terapéuticas.
12:00am - 1:30pm
International College of Dentists Meeting - The Management of a Dental Implant Restoration
Room: Special Events Hall Topic: Implant Dentistry Tuition: $65.00 Credits: 2 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Administrative Staff, Lab Technicians, Educator, Doctor
The annual Luncheon Meeting featuring Dr. Yakir Arteaga will discuss “The Management of a Dental Implant Restoration.”
2 CEUs, Room: Special Events Hall, Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, Sun., Nov. 26, from 11:30 A.M. to 1:30 P.M.
Luncheon and Seminar Tuition: $65.00, Course 3320
If any questions, Contact: Rekha Gehani, Vice Regent, District 2, 516-506-5703 or or Dr. Lauro Medrano- Saldaña, Regent, District 2, 347-528-0690 or email sunsetpdentist@
Registration must be completed through the Greater New York Dental Meeting website,
8:30am - 10:30am
Digitize Your Practice: Finding Opportunities To Grow In Everyday Dentistry
Discover the keys to effective patient care, exceeding expectations, and practice growth in this dynamic program. The speaker will share how to treat patients with efficiency and precision while delivering the exceptional experiences patients expect and deserve. Propel your practice forward with strategies tailored to attract and retain patients. Acquire multiple ideas to streamline your office operations, and foster simplicity and teamwork for increased productivity and practice success.
Course objectives
Discuss workflows that support the ideal integration of digital technology.
Create a visual understanding and collaborative approach to patient oral health discussions driven by digital tools, including Invisalign® Practice App, iTero Element™ scanner, and ClinCheck® Pro 6.0 treatment software.
Discover opportunities to develop both practice and professional growth.
Support for this program is provided by
8:30am - 11:00am
International Volunteer Projects It's Your Turn Download Handout
Francis Serio, D.M.D., M.S., M.B.A.
Course #: 3310 Date: 11/26/2023 Time: 8:30am - 11:00am Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Francis Serio, D.M.D., M.S., M.B.A.
Room: Special Events Hall Topic: Volunteerism Tuition: $65.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Administrative Staff, Lab Technicians, Spouse, Educator, Nurse, Doctor
This presentation draws upon 40 years of the presenter’s international experiences. After discussing oral health problems worldwide, the course delves into the nature of volunteer projects. Significant time is spent on the nuts and bolts of running such a project. Resources for new and veteran volunteers are presented. There will be ample time for discussion and Q&A.
the characteristics of international and domestic volunteer projects
the traits of a good project volunteer
to identify potential challenges to the safety of clinicians and patients
to identify resources for the new and veteran volunteer
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
The Legal and Ethical Responsibilities of Practicing Dentistry in New York State
Margaret Surowka, JD
Course #: 3120 Date: 11/26/2023 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Margaret Surowka, JD
This course is required for re-licensure and has been approved by the New York State Education Department.
This program utilizes real-life examples, OPD discipline cases, and opinions rendered by the New York State Dental Association’s Ethics Council through- out the program as “real-life” applications and relevance to the everyday practice of dentistry.
Included are the Laws of New York Applicable to Dentistry and the Dental Practice Act; Miscellaneous Laws and Regulations; and the Ethics of Practicing Dentistry in New York: Professional Responsibility.
A.The Dental Practice Act:
scope of practice for dentists
scope of practice for hygienists
scope of practice of certified and non-certified dental assistants
supervision of all auxiliaries
Dental Anesthesia Certificate
special provisions of §6611
nitrous oxide equipment
B. Miscellaneous Laws and Regulations:
access to patient records, HIV, and confidentiality
Discover the game-changing role of digital workflows in the field of implant dentistry. During the course, you'll explore how the iTero Element™ scanner digital workflows facilitate seamless communication among dental professionals and patients, optimizing the implant treatment process.
Course objectives
Explore the advantages of digital workflows in implant dentistry.
Discover the seamless integration of CBCT scans and intraoral scans using planning software for optimized implant planning.
Review the improvements on the iTero™ Restorative Rx, which utilizes iTero™ scanners effectively for implant cases, exploring different treatment execution workflows.
Learn innovative hybrid techniques suitable for complex edentulous cases.
Room: 1E07 Topic: Cursos de Español Tuition: $55.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Educator
Orientación e información como obtener la licencia en USA. Donde aplicar para obtener la licencia dental. Cuando aplicar para entrar al programa. El costo de los programas.
donde aplicar para obtener la licencia dental en USA
cuando aplicar para entrar al programa
el costo de los programas
9:00am - 10:00am
What's New in Pediatric Caries Management
Pediatric Dentistry
Amr Moursi, D.D.S., Ph.D.
Course #: 3710 Date: 11/26/2023 Time: 9:00am - 10:00am Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Amr Moursi, D.D.S., Ph.D.
This program discusses the latest techniques and materials for caries management in children. Also discussed will be behavior guidance techniques that can enhance, both minimally invasive and restorative, caries management strategies.
Learn to:
evaluate the evidence for caries management
apply caries management strategies in children
implement behavior guidance techniques to enhance caries management strategies
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 4:30pm
Connecting the Dots Between Form, Function, and Esthetics: Let’s Start with the TM Joint and Finish with a Big Smile
Esthetic Dentistry
Edwin McDonald, D.D.S.
Michelle Lee, D.M.D.
Course #: 3010 Date: 11/26/2023 Time: 9:45am - 4:30pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s): Edwin McDonald, D.D.S. Michelle Lee, D.M.D.
Each patient we see has unique needs, personally and clinically. It demands a one-size-fits-one approach to care if we are to help our patients achieve a healthy, stable, and beautiful smile. In this seminar, we present each step, from examination, diagnosis, and treatment planning through the completion of treatment. We discuss the principles of function, esthetics, the structure of teeth and restorations, the biology of the Temporomandibular Joint, the entire stomatognathic system, and how we can utilize bite splint therapy to aid in diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Each component builds on the other in case presentations and connects the dots between these key dental concepts.
the behavioral strategies to build relationships and trust
the most thorough examination your patient has ever had
the principles of function – tm joint, muscles, and teeth
the key components in bite splint therapy
the principles of esthetics and tooth alignment
the principles of precision in restorative techniques
how to put it all together in cases from start to finish
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
Mastering Restorative for Children: A Hands-on Workshop
Pediatric Dentistry
Arnold Weiss, D.D.S
Course #: 3020 Date: 11/26/2023 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Arnold Weiss, D.D.S
The clinician demonstrates step-by-step clinical procedures from restorative to pulp therapy and stainless steel crowns. To have a successful practice, every dentist must know how to care for children effectively. This hands-on workshop uses typodonts to demonstrate clinical procedures from restorations to pulp therapy and stainless steel crowns. The Hall Crown, Silver Diamine Fluoride, and minimally invasive dentistry for children are discussed. Get pearls of diagnosis and techniques that you never learned in school.
how to effortlessly prepare primary teeth
how to assess and prepare a primary tooth for pulp therapy
to become more comfortable in caring for children
new techniques for control of dental caries in children
9:45am - 12:45pm
Alveolar Ridge Preservation Without Need for Membranes
This seminar demonstrates simple, cost-effective, predictable, and clinical uses for bone regeneration focused on one-step alveolar ridge preservation using novel composite graft/collagen materials. Cost-effective surgical techniques for routine tooth extractions and innovative surgical procedures for ridge preservation, sinus lift, and grafting around immediately placed implants are discussed. This course covers current clinical guidelines and the scientific rationales behind them.
to understand alveolar ridge preservation and why it is essential to graft sockets
to demonstrate simple, predictable, and cost-effective socket grafting techniques without the use of a membrane
additional surgical applications covering post-extraction grafting around immediate implant placement, including filling inter-proximal and facial gaps after extraction
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
Introduction to Dental Sleep Medicine: A Hands-on Workshop
Sleep Apnea
Joel Laudenbach, D.M.D.
Course #: 3060 Date: 11/26/2023 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Joel Laudenbach, D.M.D.
Relevant sleep disorders, systemic diseases, medical diagnostics, and oral appliance therapy (OAT) for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)/snoring are presented. Dental and sleep medicine guidelines, dental assessment, patient eligibility, protrusive bite registration, OAT options and selection, and common side effects are introduced in this workshop. Appliances are available to view and reinforce introductory dental sleep medicine and laboratory concepts.
to review sleep disorders, associated diseases, screening, diagnosis, and medical management
how oral appliance therapy (OAT) can manage obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and snoring, as well as its limitations
to understand dental and sleep medicine guidelines so attendees know when OAT is and is not indicated
to become familiar with mandibular advancement device options, patient selection/eligibility, protrusive bite registration, and commonly anticipated OAT side effects
9:45am - 12:45pm
Oral Manifestations of Systemic Disease
Oral Medicine, Diagnosis, Pathology
Thomas Sollecito, D.M.D.
Course #: 3080 Date: 11/26/2023 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Thomas Sollecito, D.M.D.
This course reviews common oral mucosal conditions, encountered in practice, as they relate to systemic disease. This seminar presents in a case-based learning format and focuses on the diagnosis and management of the oral mucosal disorder in the context of the systemic condition.
Learn to:
understand the relationship between systemic disease and its oral manifestations
evaluate the oral cavity in the context of the systemic condition
counsel your patients regarding the oral condition
9:45am - 12:45pm
“Waiting to Inhale” - Cannabis and Dentistry
Oral Medicine, Diagnosis, Pathology
Thomas Viola, R.Ph., CCP, CDE, CPMP
Course #: 3090 Date: 11/26/2023 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Thomas Viola, R.Ph., CCP, CDE, CPMP
Despite the rise in social, legal, and medical acceptance of cannabis, concerns regarding its widespread use remain, especially among dental professionals, since the significant routes of administration of cannabis involve the oral cavity. This program introduces dental professionals to the pharmacology of cannabis, including its various dosage forms, routes of administration, and adverse effects. Particular emphasis is placed on the impact of cannabis use on oral health and dental treatment.
the pharmacology of cannabis, mechanisms of action, routes of administration, and formulations
clinical considerations of cannabis use, adverse reactions, drug interactions, and contraindications
the dental considerations of cannabis, including potentially necessary treatment modifications
These programs are being presented by the New York City Dental Hygienists Association, a component of the New York Dental Hygienists’ Association and the American Dental Hygienists’ Association.
9:45am - 12:45pm
Create the Ultimate Digital Presence for Your Practice
Practice Management
Michael Antosy
Michael Olson, B.S.
Robert Antosy, B.A.
Course #: 3100 Date: 11/26/2023 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Michael Antosy Michael Olson, B.S. Robert Antosy, B.A.
Room: 1E11 Topic: Practice Management Tuition: $305.00 Credits: 3
You have a website, but now what? We should post a lot on social media or do SEO, right? No! So often, we see practices not align their digital strategy in a growth-oriented way, which delivers disappointing results and an over-extension of a marketing budget. If you’re feeling frustrated and spending a lot of money not to see a good return, this discussion is transformative and immediately impacts your dental practice.
what makes a patient more likely to choose one practice over another
how to stand out from your competition and how to get patients to choose you for their provider
which of your patients are more likely to leave a review - and how they want to be contacted
as the owner of your practice, how to get the best ROI out of your marketing spend so that you can continue to grow
Patency is one of the significant keys to endodontic success. For several reasons, it is a difficult step for many clinicians. Of course, root canal anatomy is a challenge but different from what most clinicians think. Close to 85% of the molars are not difficult to negotiate or reach patency. In the same way that a good craftsman knows how to use the correct tools, we as endodon- tists need to understand better our tools and how to use them to reach better results.
about mechanical patency
about rotary files
the new generation of .01 taper glide path files
about 950 rpm, .03/.05 single shaping system
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9:45am - 12:45pm
DSO: Yes or No?/Wellness: The Value Add/Marketing YOU
Current Dental Topics
Alan Stern, D.D.S.
Allison Simenkiewicz
Anthony Stefanou, D.M.D.
Betsy Carmack, D.M.D., B.A.
Jeffrey Ampratwum, B.S.
Kay Huff, R.D.A.
Kyle Roth, D.D.S.
Mike Green
Mike Wei, D.D.S.
Neo Positivity
Paul Goodman, D.M.D.
Course #: 3130 Date: 11/26/2023 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Alan Stern, D.D.S. Allison Simenkiewicz Anthony Stefanou, D.M.D. Betsy Carmack, D.M.D., B.A. Jeffrey Ampratwum, B.S. Kay Huff, R.D.A. Kyle Roth, D.D.S. Mike Green Mike Wei, D.D.S. Neo Positivity Paul Goodman, D.M.D.
DSO: YES OR NO? Whether it is an existing business or an emerging one, selling to a DSO comes with a list of pros and cons. Our panelists carefully weigh the upsides and the downsides of this emerging trend.
Panel 2
WELLNESS: THE VALUE ADD Work/life balance doesn’t mean having it all, it means having it all work together. For dental professionals, especially those with families, it can be achieved by understanding your priorities and having the resources to make them attainable.
Panel 3
MARKETING YOU Personal and professional brands are the foundation to your goals. Effective marketing differentiates you and your practice, and help define who you are and what you do.
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9:45am - 12:45pm
Planning and Successfully Having Crucial Conversations
Practice Management
Jane Long, Ed. D.
Course #: 3140 Date: 11/26/2023 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Jane Long, Ed. D.
Have you ever been in the middle of a conversation, it turns crucial, and you are either at a loss for words, or your emotions take over? This interactive session provides participants with strategies for having complex, high-stakes conversations. Attendees learn to move from emotion-filled discussions to productive, honest dialogue. This session facilitates learning and understanding of communication styles under stress and how to plan effectively and have difficult conversations in both professional and personal lives.
Learn to:
control emotions during difficult conversations
have a crucial conversation after real-life practice
Room: 1E18 Topic: Infection Control Tuition: $100.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Educator, Nurse, Doctor
This seminar fulfills the mandatory infection control course for oral healthcare providers required for re-licensure in New York State. In addition, attendees review PEP, PPE, managing occupational exposures, and the bloodborne pathogen standard along with Covid-19. This course will identify the benefits to patients and oral healthcare providers of adhering to scientifically accepted principles and practices of infection control, thus reducing the likelihood of passing a bloodborne pathogen in the dental office.
the risks for transmission of Bloodborne pathogens in a dental setting
the methods of reducing risk
the principles of managing occupational exposures in the dental setting
a review of CDC/OSHA/PEP guidelines
New York State Approved Infection Control
9:45am - 12:45pm
Startups and Expansions: The Economics of Dental Facility Investments
Practice Management
Joseph Lombardi
Michael Lynch, M.S.
Patrick McGahren, B.A.
Course #: 3220 Date: 11/26/2023 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Joseph Lombardi Michael Lynch, M.S. Patrick McGahren, B.A.
Room: 1E15 Topic: Practice Management Tuition: $100.00 Credits: 3
When determining whether to purchase or lease office space, it’s important to consider business, strategic, and financial factors. It’s imperative to approach the decision with a specific game plan and a complete understanding of all your real estate options and project costs and how each affects your profitability and long-term financial goals.
to develop a plan to maximize your investment
to understand real estate and cash flow
site selection and the importance of demographics
to evaluate finance options – leased space vs. real estate financing
project costs and affordability
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9:45am - 12:45pm
How To Increase Practice Profits, Even In Uncertain Financial Times
Practice Management
Eric Block, D.M.D.
Kenn Butler
Leonard Tau, D.M.D.
Course #: 3230 Date: 11/26/2023 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Eric Block, D.M.D. Kenn Butler Leonard Tau, D.M.D.
Whether you are looking to boost revenue or reduce costs in suitable environments when the economic tides are unstable or even amid a downturn, this session gives dental practice owners a playbook for profitability while providing needed care to their patients. Discover how approaches in digital dentistry, high-growth business strategies, and patient experience can ensure your practice thrives in 2024.
to increase practice efficiency, maximizing chair time
about new offerings to add to the dental practice
to attract and retain patients in the modern era
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9:45am - 11:45pm
What Dentists Need to Know about Artificial Intelligence Download Handout
Christopher Balaban, D.M.D., M.Sc.
Course #: 3240 Date: 11/26/2023 Time: 9:45am - 11:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Christopher Balaban, D.M.D., M.Sc.
Artificial intelligence is transforming dentistry, unlocking clinical and business insights for dentists and their teams. Discover how AI analyzes large amounts of data in seconds to provide quantified data to support diagnoses and promote operational efficiency. Learn how the easy-to-understand findings improve doctor-patient communication, enhance case presentation, and increase treatment acceptance, leading to better patient outcomes.
to understand how AI works, its capabilities, and its limitations
how AI enhances clinical decision-making, elevates clinical consistency, and reduces decision fatigue
how AI provides evidence-supported documentation that can increase insurance claim approvals
to discover what’s coming next as dentists harness big data and predictive analytics to provide better care
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9:45am - 12:45pm
Hands-on Implant Planning and Diagnostics with a Digital Workflow
In this hands-on session, participants experience the power of an integrated workflow to realize clinical treatment planning needs. Learn how to combine exocad’s powerful implant-planning and surgical guide design software with NewTom’s state-of-the-art CBCT scanners to experience 2D/3D imaging that delivers precise diagnostic capabilities, outstanding efficiency, and enhanced precision for your practice.
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9:45am - 12:45pm
Laser Airway and Accelerated Healing
Laser Dentistry
Larry Lieberman, B.S., D.D.S.
Course #: 3290 Date: 11/26/2023 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Larry Lieberman, B.S., D.D.S.
This program focuses on how lasers can help airway and sleep apnea. The clinician discusses how different laser wavelengths can help accelerate healing and stop the pain. Attendees learn how laser therapy stimulates the healing process for patients. Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) and its use to promote wound healing are presented through clinical videos.
to assess breathing patterns in pediatric and adult client populations
Title: Stress-Free Anterior Composite Restorations - Dr. Adam Hodges
Course Description: Many clinicians find great stress in providing multiple large anterior composite restorations. The value of conservative treatment is obvious but the skill set and time required often lead some of us to avoid this treatment option. The promise of digital technology is simplification of workflow and predictability of outcomes. This lecture will introduce participants to a new custom printed matrix which can be leveraged to decrease stress and make these cases more predictable with less chair time.
Learning Objectives:
Introduce this new technology
Discuss the advantages of using the 3M Filtek Matrix
Illustrate the digital and clinical workflow of the matrix
Talk about case selection
Show clinical examples using the matrix
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Time Slot #2: 10:30 - 11:00
Title: Transitioning from Standard to Ergonomic Loupes - Dr. Irene Iancu
The discussion covers key aspects of this transition, including the ergonomic advantages, customization options, and the adjustment period necessary for clinicians to optimize their experience. It also addresses factors such as improved posture, reduced strain, and enhanced visual clarity, all of which contribute to enhanced patient care and practitioner satisfaction. As the healthcare industry continues to prioritize ergonomics, this topic equips professionals with valuable insights into making a smooth and advantageous shift towards ergonomic loupes, ultimately enhancing the quality of healthcare services while safeguarding the health and longevity of medical and dental professionals.
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Time Slot #3: 11:15 - 11:45
Title: "Implementing CBCT on a Low-Tech Budget: Navigating Necessities, Benefits, and ROI" - Dr. Marty Jablow
Obtaining a Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) machine on a low-tech budget can be a challenging but rewarding endeavor for a dental professional. The following course outline provides insights into the basic needs, advantages, and return on investment (ROI) considerations for integrating CBCT technology into a general dentist's office:
Learn to:
Obtain an understanding of the fundamental capabilities of CBCT technology
Why enhanced imaging leads to better patient treatment and outcomes
How to evaluate the ROI of a CBCT for your dental office
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Time Slot #4: 12:00 - 12:30
Title: 6 Critical Questions That Inspire Your Patients to Say “YES!” - Dr. Debra Engelhardt-Nash
Description: At the heart of a great dental practice is certainly having exceptional clinical skills and the ability to deliver outstanding care. But eighty-five percent of the time spent with patients is communicating with them and fifteen percent of time with the patient is spent in clinical application. It’s one thing to have the clinical ability to treat the patient. It is another skill to be able to communicate effectively. If we don’t communicate effectively from the beginning of the patient engagement, we may never reach treatment acceptance and delivery of our care. Changing one word can change the course of the conversation. Learn six (6) Questions that Inspire Your patients to choose You.
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9:45am - 5:00pm
Botox and Facial Fillers: A Clinical Workshop and Demonstration
Botox and Dermal Fillers
Steven Clark, M.D., D.M.D.
Course #: 3470 Date: 11/26/2023 Time: 9:45am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s): Steven Clark, M.D., D.M.D.
This full-day demonstration on “live” patients and mannequins focuses on the art of aesthetic use of Botox and facial fillers. The morning didactic session introduces neuromodulators (Botox, disport, and Xeomin) and various facial fillers. The discussion includes facial aging, patient selection, safety, and efficacy of the latest products. “Live” demonstrations follow in the afternoon. The clinician (board-certified plastic surgeon whose practice focuses on aesthetic medicine and cosmetic Surgery) discusses “Clinical Pearls,” which he has developed over the last 20 years to ensure proper technique and safety to achieve excellent cosmetic results. Mannequins are available for participants to practice the hands-on portion of the program.
the history, science, and mechanism of action, proper dosing, and storage of Botox and facial fillers
facial aging, facial anatomy, patient selection and adequate technique: how to stay out of trouble
facial fillers – selection to improve facial aging and volume – what works
9:45am - 5:00pm
Incorporating Porcelain Veneers In Esthetic Treatment: A Hands-on Workshop
Porcelain veneers can be used very often to create highly esthetic results. This workshop aids in the esthetic diagnosis and treatment process. A series of illustrations delineate the micro and macro aspects of smile design. These principles of esthetic diagnosis can be used to formulate a wax-up to demonstrate to the patient the potential of treatment. Learn and practice veneer preparation, provisionals, and cementation
to understand the smile and different preparation designs
proper case selection
to form putty matrices and guide preparation
9:45am - 12:45pm
Mastering Posterior Composite Restorations: A Hands-on Workshop
Restorative Dentistry
Marc Geissberger, D.D.S., M.A., B.S., C.P.T.
Course #: 3490 Date: 11/26/2023 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Marc Geissberger, D.D.S., M.A., B.S., C.P.T.
The use of composite resin material as a direct restorative for anterior and posterior restorations has dramatically increased in the marketplace. With self-etching technology emerging as a viable alternative to traditional techniques and the development of new technology to assist clinicians with bulk-fill techniques, it is easy to get confused and fall behind. This hands-on workshop provides step-by-step techniques and materials that allow clinicians to place beautiful, life-like posterior restorations efficiently. Several tips and tricks are presented and practiced to increase the practitioner’s quality and predictability daily. Participants learn techniques to master Class I, II, and V posterior restorations.
self-etching principles and how they are applied to composite resins
to create life-like posterior restorations in Class I, II, and V situations
to develop efficient placement techniques that maximize clinical outcomes and esthetics
to select and place an appropriate matrix system
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9:45am - 12:45pm
Elevate Your Daily Dentistry: “Closing the Gap” with Anterior Direct Composite Restorations Hands-on Workshop
In a general dental practice, patients often present with esthetic issues regarding the spacing or recontouring of anterior teeth. Providing services to meet our patient demands in an efficient, esthetic, and direct way using composite resin is one of our most rewarding daily experiences. Attendees learn practical tips on managing a peg lateral case using direct composite resin. Aspects of smile design, diastema closure, finishing, polishing, shade, and material selection are discussed in detail. The hands-on portion will allow attendees to restore a peg-lateral using various techniques.
Learn to:
discuss smile design principles and treatment plan space closures
discuss techniques for directly closing spaces and their indications
demonstrate how shape, texture, and polish all have a significant impact on the outcome of anterior restorations
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9:45am - 12:45pm
Predictable GBR for your Practice: A Hands-on Workshop Download Handout
Implant Dentistry
Robert Miller, D.M.D.
Course #: 3510 Date: 11/26/2023 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Robert Miller, D.M.D.
Guided Bone Regeneration has been part of our armamentarium for approximately thirty years. This hands-on workshop addresses the premise that successful implant dentistry requires the correction of ridge defects before or at the time of implant placement. The factors determining whether immediate placement or a two-stage delayed approach is indicated will be presented in a detailed decision tree. We will also review socket management, biomaterials, and suturing in a workshop environment with the ultimate goal of safe, predictable, guided bone regeneration in two-stage indications.
the importance of successful Guided Bone Regeneration in your practice
how to improve both the clinical and esthetic results of immediate implant placement
a simplified decision tree to aid in the evaluation of extraction sockets
a step-by-step surgical protocol reviewed and performed in a workshop environment
9:45am - 12:45pm
Surgical Crown Lengthening: A Hands-on Workshop
Avi Schetritt, D.M.D.
Course #: 3520 Date: 11/26/2023 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Avi Schetritt, D.M.D.
Surgical crown lengthening is one of the most commonly required procedures in restorative dentistry, yet it is often underutilized. This hands-on workshop with pig jaws reviews the diagnosis and surgical crown lengthening techniques for restorative and esthetic purposes. Full-thickness flaps and osseous contouring methods, as well as post-op management and pain control, are taught in this workshop.
the biological and restorative indications for crown lengthening
surgical steps and instrumentation for predictable crown lengthening
9:45am - 12:45pm
Endodontic Safety and Simplicity: A Hands-on Workshop
Allen Ali Nasseh, D.D.S.
Anne Koch, D.M.D.
Course #: 3530 Date: 11/26/2023 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Allen Ali Nasseh, D.D.S. Anne Koch, D.M.D.
In this clinical hands-on workshop, the clinician discusses the foundations of safety and simplicity in clinical endodontic practice while achieving predictable endodontic results. This workshop presents the safest instrumentation and obturation protocols for beginner and intermediate dental practitioners performing routine endodontic therapy. The instrumentation protocol discussed prioritizes safety by reducing the chance of instrumentation and obturation errors by applying a safe reciprocation protocol to safely treat all anterior and premolar teeth while managing basic molars. Various tips and tricks for optimizing case outcomes are discussed.
Learn to:
the elements of safe instrumentation for routine endodontic therapy
a safe and simple instrumentation/obturation technique
the role of irrigation and debris management to improve safety and outcome of clinical cases
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10:00am - 12:30pm
Building a Sustainable Population Health System for Future Generations/The Role of Innovative Technologies for Sustainable Population Health
Public Health
Course #: 3270 Date: 11/26/2023 Time: 10:00am - 12:30pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Room: Exhibit Floor - Booth #2015 Topic: Public Health Tuition: $50.00 Credits: 7
The second edition of the Global Population Health Summit, in cooperation with the Greater New York Dental Meeting and accredited by the International Congress for Health Specialties - ICHS, under the theme “Sustainable Population Health”, aims to improve the level of population health and establish essential global fundamentals for a sustainable healthcare system, as well as to develop capabilities and expertise in the healthcare sector to tackle the raising challenges to sustainable population health. The Summit serves as a global scientific platform to support evidence-based discussions, present solutions and recommendations to maintain the rights, safety, dignity, continuity, and well-being of the global community.
Develop and Monitor Sustainable Population Health Policies that Exercise the “Do no harm” Principle
Media and Technology and its Effect on Mental Health, Healthy Families & Stable Societies
Long Term Strategies for Population Health to be Inspired by Public Health Data, Scientific Research & Evidence and Preserved from Influences
10:00 - 10:10 Introduction
10:10 - 11:00 Session 1:
Develop and Monitor Sustainable Population Health Policies that Exercise the “Do no harm” Principle
11:10 - 12:00 Session 2:
Media and Technology and its Effect on Mental Health, Healthy Families & Stable Societies
1:00 - 1:50 Session 3:
Long Term Strategies for Population Health to be Inspired by Public Health Data, Scientific Research & Evidence and Preserved from Influences
1:50 - 2:00 Summary & Conclusions
The Greater New York Dental Meeting's Scientific Poster Session is a vibrant and engaging event where students present their dental research visually. Each student presents a poster summarizing their research question, methodology, results, and conclusions. Dental professionals can walk around the room, interact with the students, both local and international, and ask questions about their work. This program highlights the newest advances in dental research from national and international dental professionals and students.
gain exposure to a wide range of research topics, from dental materials and technologies to clinical practices, oral health promotion, and epidemiological studies, and broaden your knowledge and understanding of the different areas within dentistry
observe the various research methodologies employed by the students and enhance your knowledge of the scientific investigation, types of studies conducted, data collection techniques, and statistical analyses used to draw meaningful conclusions
provide insights into novel research findings and discoveries made by the students and learn about innovative approaches in treating dental diseases and potential advancements in treatment options
reinforce the importance of evidence-based practice in dentistry by evaluating the quality of the research presented and considering how these findings may impact your clinical decision-making
Designed for dental team members, this course reviews the critical role of the dental hygienist and the clinician's examination to identify occlusal problems and provides guidelines for communicating findings to the patient. Hygienists will learn how to use the iTero Element™ Scanner tools to influence the patient to start treatment. Patient education using the iTero™ scanner's proprietary tools, Occlusogram, Invisalign® Outcome Simulator Pro, TimeLapse, and NIRI technology will be illustrated to provide an optimal experience and build clinical confidence.
Learning objectives Gain a basic understanding of the health benefits of Invisalign® therapy and the subsequent consequences of malocclusion; occlusal trauma, wear, abfraction, decay, and periodontal disease. Evidence-based research is presented and translated in an easy-to-use, patient-friendly manner. This is essential for the dental team to conduct successful consultations and ultimately improve the health of both the patient and the practice. At the end of this course, team members will understand how to:
Adopt clear aligner therapy into everyday treatment recommendations.
Identify the consequences of malocclusion as it relates to periodontium, oral, and overall health.
Perform an orthodontic and functional assessment guided by iTero™ scanner tools Viewer and Occlusogram.
Develop a strategy for effective and efficient use of the iTero™ scanner suite of tools.
Illustrate the benefits of a Perio-Ortho-Restorative clinical protocol through clinical case studies.
Identify candidates for orthodontic therapy with Invisalign® aligners.
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11:00am - 12:00pm
The Application of the Dental Avatar
Isaac Tawil, D.D.S.
Course #: 3800 Date: 11/26/2023 Time: 11:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Isaac Tawil, D.D.S.
New trends and techniques in the dental field are emerging at a rapid pace. Intra-oral, desktop and facial scanning along with 3D printing have made digital dentistry effective and efficient. Concepts such as recreating the patient digitally “the dental avatar” are being embraced to enhance the effectiveness of laboratory communication and dental treatment. This program discusses how to implement these technologies with seamless integration to aide in surgical planning and restorations for full arch dental Implantology.
Learning objectives:
discuss the need for digital applications
discover advancements and new tools utilizing CBCT (cone beam computer tomography)
explore the use of intra-oral, desktop and facial scanning
analyze the components and benefits of three-dimensional printed guidance for implant placement
understand the process of temporization and 2-3 visit finalization for full arch implant restorations
12:00pm - 2:00pm
Colgate Symposium: Precision Caries Prevention
Dental Caries
Maria Ryan, D.D.S., Ph. D.
Mark Wolff, D.D.S., Ph.D.
Teresa A. Marshall, Ph.D.
Course #: 3700 Date: 11/26/2023 Time: 12:00pm - 2:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Maria Ryan, D.D.S., Ph. D. Mark Wolff, D.D.S., Ph.D. Teresa A. Marshall, Ph.D.
Room: Special Events Hall Topic: Dental Caries Tuition: $60.00 Credits: 2
Colgate Symposium: Precision Caries Prevention
The WHO’s recent “Global Oral Health Status Report” shows that almost half of the world’s population (45% or 3.5 billion people) suffer from oral diseases. Global cases of oral diseases have increased by 1 billion over the last 30 years. Untreated dental caries is the most common condition globally, affecting an estimated 2.5 billion people. This symposium will highlight caries preventive strategies, starting with improved oral health literacy. The use of fluoride-containing products available over the counter in toothpastes and mouthwashes and those administered within the dental office, such as prescription fluoride treatments and professionally administered varnishes, are discussed. Studies on Arginine revealing a newly discovered active agent to prevent caries by addressing the dysbiotic microbiome are shared. Strategies to encourage behavioral changes, including using connected technologies to engage and motivate people to improve oral hygiene, are presented. Finally, the importance of diet and nutrition is emphasized.
Learn to:
explore the burden, trends, and inequalities of untreated caries in the US, and discuss the need to transition to non-operative/preventive treatment of caries in clinical practice
review in-office and at-home caries preventive strategies available today, and the role of behavior change and connected technologies in improving clinical outcome
discuss present diet assessment strategies appropriate for the dental office and the importance of dietary counseling for caries prevention
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12:30pm - 5:30pm
Annual Medicaid and Government Benefit Programs Forum and Discussion Panel
Margaret Surowka, JD
Natalia Chalmers, D.D.S., M.H.Sc., Ph.D.
Robert Blashka, D.D.S.
Course #: 3390 Date: 11/26/2023 Time: 12:30pm - 5:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Margaret Surowka, JD Natalia Chalmers, D.D.S., M.H.Sc., Ph.D. Robert Blashka, D.D.S.
For our 11th year of this program, we have made the presentations shorter and the discussions longer. We have a presentation from Ms. Belkys Garcia, the lead attorney for the recently settled Medicaid Lawsuit. Ms. Margaret Surowka, an attorney who does Medicaid provider defense, will update us on Medicaid Policies and Administration. Dr. Allen Finkelstein, a dentist who has worked as an Administrator and consultant for large insurance companies that provide Medicaid coverage and who continues to advocate for Medicaid providers and patients, will tell you how we can fix the Medicaid mess in NYS. Dr. Natalia Chalmers, Chief Dental Officer, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), will also add her insights to this discussion.
Dr. Robert Blashka, a former consultant and administrator for DentaQuest, will discuss the Medicare Advantage Program. And Dr. Steven Backer, a former owner of Urban Dental Management and a Medicaid dental provider, to moderate and participate as a panelist.
If you are going to attend one Medicaid/Medicare-based educational program this year, then this is the one. You will get the information you need and be able to ask questions to the leaders who shape the policies.
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1:00pm - 4:30pm
“Revolutionizing Dentures” - Embrace the digital edentulous workflow using intraoral scanning technology (lecture & hands-on)
Restorative Dentistry
Lori Trost, D.M.D.
Course #: 3200 Date: 11/26/2023 Time: 1:00pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Lori Trost, D.M.D.
Digital dentures are now available that offer significant improvements in esthetics, fit, durability, and turnaround time. Clinical case discussion will illustrate current scanning sequences, edentulous ridge presentations, and other pertinent landmarks necessary to complete the digital denture workflow record. Join this interactive program to explore the technological and material advances that are transforming the denture fabrication process using the iTero Element™ .
Course objectives
Analyze the most common digital denture restoration scenarios.
Examine the anatomy of the edentulous arches and understand patient characteristics to determine the proper digital impression strategy.
Organize patient data to improve lab communication and leverage workflow efficiency.
Review current dental materials designed to fabricate digital dentures.
Participate in hands-on training on the iTero Element™ scanner with the Certified Trainer team.
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1:00pm - 5:00pm
Risk Management VII Course
Risk Management
Kevin Henner, D.M.D.
Course #: 3410 Date: 11/26/2023 Time: 1:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Kevin Henner, D.M.D.
Do you know how long you are obligated to store patient records? What information needs to be included in a medical history? How to legally terminate a professional relationship with a patient? Answers to these and many other, sometimes thorny legal questions are provided in the NYSDA Risk Management VII Course. A certificate will be issued to all participants who complete this seminar.
Learn to:
identify the risks associated with the practice and profession of dentistry
provide the framework to negotiate through risk management issues
provide an understanding of your malpractice policy
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1:00pm - 5:00pm
Cirugía Plástica Periodontal/Estética Periodontal/Tipos para un Tratamiento Endodóntico Exitoso/Técnicas para un Blanqueamiento Dental/Alta Estética e
Cursos de Español
Ana Orozco, 1356
Bienvenida Altagracia Gutiérrez
Carmen Contreras Mendoza, D.D.S.
Juan Felix Rosario, D.D.S.
Massiel Guzman, D.D.S.
Norbert Puello Reinoso, D.D.S.
Patria Rodriguez Tavares, D.M.D.
Sarai Rodriguez Tavares, D.M.D.
Stefany Tejada, D.M.D.
Course #: 3600 Date: 11/26/2023 Time: 1:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Ana Orozco, 1356 Bienvenida Altagracia Gutiérrez Carmen Contreras Mendoza, D.D.S. Juan Felix Rosario, D.D.S. Massiel Guzman, D.D.S. Norbert Puello Reinoso, D.D.S. Patria Rodriguez Tavares, D.M.D. Sarai Rodriguez Tavares, D.M.D. Stefany Tejada, D.M.D.
Room: 1E07 Topic: Cursos de Español Tuition: $55.00 Credits: 4 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Lab Technicians, Educator
La cirugía plástica periodontal resulta más una necesidad sobre la estética al momento de realizar restauraciones complejas frente a diferentes tipos de defectos. Demostrar diferentes alternativas restauradoras de la mano de la cirugía plástica periodontal. Valorar la importancia de un diagnóstico multi- disciplinario. Demostrar que la cirugía plástica periodontal más que estética es una necesidad en el tratamiento restaurador.
Para mantener o mejorar la apariencia estética del paciente, debe existir una interfaz diente/tejido de apariencia natural, sana y funcional. El éxito de una buena rehabilitación va de la mano de la interconsulta con el periodoncista para poder logar: salud, función y estética tanto protésica como periodontal.
Ilustrar sobre el correcto uso de las limas. Establecer un correcto protocolo de irrigación intraconducto. Construir una secuencia optima de obturación intraconducto
El blanqueamiento dental es un tratamiento estético conservador. Todo odontólogo debe conocer las técnicas para un blanqueamiento dental efici- ente. Técnicas para obtener excelentes resultados y libre de sensibilidad postoperatoria.
Los procedimientos estéticos para la zona anterior y posterior con técni- cas audiovisuales basados en el paso a paso de cada uno de los proced- imientos y materiales. Hoy día los materiales odontológicos basados en resinas compuestas y cerámicas han revolucionado la odontología en los últimos 10 anos para una odontología restauradora que mantiene cada día mas su estabilidad, funcionalidad y excelente estética. Los tratamientos en resinas compuesta basados en la evidencia clínica y científica avala que una selección adecuada del material y protocolos correctos solemos ser mas conversadores.
La prótesis en pacientes edéntulos siempre ha sido un reto para los dentis- tas. Necesitamos conocer los protocolos que nos muestra la literatura para llevarlos a cabo y conseguir éxito en casos complejos, entendiendo que la finalidad de los implantes es la prótesis y los mismos deben ser colocados basados en la planificación protésica, esta planificación se llevará acabo antes de la colocación de los implantes, de manera que podamos obtener resultados predecibles.
Dar a conocer, cuan valiosa podría ser la labor de un odontólogo desde su consulta si en un momento determinado de sus pacientes podría ser reportado como desaparecido y este a su vez, aparecer en estado de descomposición, carbonizado, descuartizado o en reducción esquelética.
1:00pm - 5:00pm
Shils Entrepreneurial Fund - Great Oral Health Pitch
Room: 1E08 Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: Free Credits: None
Join the Shils Fund “Great Oral Health Pitch” at the Greater New York Dental Meeting on Sunday, November 26th, and pitch your innovative concept to a panel of experts in the oral health community who will provide professional feedback to help “perfect your pitch” and advance you to the next level to win $5,000.
What is the “Great Oral Health Pitch” Program?
Through a series of educational webinars and in-person “practice pitch” nationwide events, The Great Oral Health Pitch: Innovate, Elevate and Generate Your Idea to Advance Oral Health! provides an educational environment to help entrepreneurs develop and elevate their innovative ideas into a successful pitch, with the ultimate goal of winning $5,000, a custom sponsorship package and exclusive networking opportuntites!
with best practices learned from top leaders in the oral healthcare space. The webinars will cover current topics in oral health innovation/entrepreneurship and address the dynamic changing needs of the oral health industry. Webinars include a 15-minute Q&A for attendees to gain personalized feedback.
The in-person pitch events will take place at four major meetings beginning with the kick-off at The Greater New York Dental Meeting. At each live “practice pitch” event, a panel of industry experts in various fields will share knowledge and personalized feedback to each attendee.
Register NOW to attend our kick-off event at the Greater New York Dental Meeting. Questions? Contact Jamie Pirowskin, Executive Director at
Title: Innovations in Adhesives and Cements - Dr. Robert Marus
Dental adhesives and cements have evolved through many generations over the decades. Continued research and development has provided the profession with universal, self-adhesive, non-technique sensitive, durable as well as sensitivity-free options when placing direct and indirect restorations. This course will demonstrate how to take advantage of these new developments.
how to incorporate the latest universal adhesives and cements in their practices.
how to use high-bond strength self-adhesive resin cement in low-retention crown cementation scenarios.
a simplified method of cementing Zirconia crowns.
how to use today’s 8th generation universal adhesives to create “super dentin.”
Support for this program is provided by
Time Slot #6: 2:15 - 2:45
Title: Dental Group Purchasing Organizations Unveiled: Advantages, Opportunities and Risks - Dr. Lou Graham
Today’s dental practices are confronted with an increasing number of barriers to clinical and financial success. As an independent practitioner, you will face obstacles ranging from the increased prevalence of PPOs and their fee structures to the limited purchasing power compared to DSOs. This short presentation highlighted the current trends and shifts in the dental industry along with the latest options regarding GPOs and why they have been so successful in other industries.
Support for this program is provided by
Dental City &
Time Slot #7: 3:00 - 3:30
Raving Patients: Get Visible, Get Credible, Get More New Patients - Dr. Len Tau
In Raving Patients: Get Visible, Get Credible, Get More New Patients, Dr. Tau will share a simple plan to achieve both of these important results: earning a steady flow of online reviews and converting those reviews into a steady stream of new patients for your practice.
Understand Exactly How (and Why) to Take Control of Your Online Presence
Learn Simple Software Solutions that Make Managing Your Reputation Easy
Learn Why Your Practice Isn’t Ranking as High as it Could Be
Understand Ways in Which Patient Reviews Can Manifest Online
Develop Strategies to Earn a Steady Flow of Positive Patient Reviews
Review Team Training Tips for Collecting Positive Feedback from Patients
Support for this program is provided by
Time Slot #8:3:45 - 4:15
Title: Lab work in a digital age: How Dandy's lab uses technology to elevate quality and case communication - Mr. Kenn Butler
Is the quality of your lab work being compromised by old techniques? Step inside Dandy’s flagship lab to see how we are helping dentists get the most out of digital dentistry. This immersive session will detail how Dandy’s lab—the only 100% digital dental lab—uses the latest technology and data-driven methodologies to elevate quality, speed, and communication for dentists across the country.
Support for this program is provided by
1:45pm - 3:45pm
Post Extraction Implantology/Biomechanics in Implantology
Room: Special Events Hall Topic: Implant Dentistry Tuition: Free Credits: 2 Recommended For:
Dentists, Students
Knowing the physiology and behavior of bone regeneration, we can make better decisions about the best time to implant after an extraction.
Learn to:
compare formation and bone quality in post-extraction alveoli, with the use of bioactive glass vs. inorganic bovine bone matrix at 4 months of evolution
identify the possible histomorphological changes of the alveolus during bone repair at different stages
know the most predictable form to implant when we want to do it post-extraction
decide what is the best time to implant using a classification that simplifies the day-to-day implantology
Biomechanics in Implantology
Implant prosthesis have a variety of force vectors that directly affect the bone interface. Implants do not have the viscoelastic periodontal membrane with its host of protective properties. Excess stress can cause crestal bone loss and failure. This presentation outlines key features of prosthetic design to mitigate destructive forces.
Learn to:
understand key elements in designing implant prosthesis
recognize features that will create destructive force vectors
manage patient expectations
reduce dental implant failure
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Mastering Restorative for Children: A Hands-on Workshop
Pediatric Dentistry
Arnold Weiss, D.D.S
Course #: 3030 Date: 11/26/2023 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Arnold Weiss, D.D.S
The clinician demonstrates step-by-step clinical procedures from restorative to pulp therapy and stainless steel crowns. To have a successful practice, every dentist must know how to care for children effectively. This hands-on workshop uses typodonts to demonstrate clinical procedures from restorations to pulp therapy and stainless steel crowns. The Hall Crown, Silver Diamine Fluoride, and minimally invasive dentistry for children are discussed. Get pearls of diagnosis and techniques that you never learned in school.
how to effortlessly prepare primary teeth
how to assess and prepare a primary tooth for pulp therapy
to become more comfortable in caring for children
new techniques for control of dental caries in children
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Achieving Synergy in Surgery: One-Step Ridge Preservation, Onlay Grafting and Enhancing the Implant Site
Implant Dentistry
Robert Miller, D.D.S.
Robert Miller, D.D.S.
Course #: 3050 Date: 11/26/2023 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Robert Miller, D.D.S. Robert Miller, D.D.S.
This seminar discusses one-step ridge preservation, onlay grafting, and how to enhance the implant site by combining novel biomaterials with autologous growth factors. From simple and cost-effective socket grafting to more advanced clinical concepts in bone regeneration, this course covers a spectrum of pliable preformed shapes used in bone grafting procedures for implant placement. Surgical techniques and novel biomaterials are discussed using Synthetic Bioactive Resorbable Calcium Apatite crystals combined with bovine Achilles tendon collagen to form a composite material known as the OsteoGen® Bone Grafting Plugs, Strips, and Blocks.
Learn to:
understand the role of new hybrid composite graft
discuss the biologic and physiologic cellular response to dense bone-filling augmentation materials
demonstrate simple, predictable, and cost-effective socket grafting techniques without the use of a membrane using the OsteoGen® Bone Grafting Plugs, Strips, and Blocks
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Introduction to Dental Sleep Medicine: A Hands-on Workshop
Sleep Apnea
Joel Laudenbach, D.M.D.
Course #: 3070 Date: 11/26/2023 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Joel Laudenbach, D.M.D.
Relevant sleep disorders, systemic diseases, medical diagnostics, and oral appliance therapy (OAT) for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)/snoring are presented. Dental and sleep medicine guidelines, dental assessment, patient eligibility, protrusive bite registration, OAT options and selection, and common side effects are introduced in this workshop. Appliances are available to view and reinforce introductory dental sleep medicine and laboratory concepts.
to review sleep disorders, associated diseases, screening, diagnosis, and medical management
how oral appliance therapy (OAT) can manage obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and snoring, as well as its limitations
to understand dental and sleep medicine guidelines so attendees know when OAT is and is not indicated
to become familiar with mandibular advancement device options, patient selection/eligibility, protrusive bite registration, and commonly anticipated OAT side effects
2:00pm - 4:00pm
Heighten Your Passion For Dentistry & Your Practice Potential: How Becoming An Invisalign® Provider Changed The Face Of My Professional Life
Deciding to embark on a digital transformation is a crucial milestone for any general dentist practice. Embracing a digital platform unlocks a selection of powerful tools that not only empower patients to comprehend their oral health conditions better but also serve as a catalyst in boosting treatment acceptance rates through enhanced visual communication. Discover how implementing an optimized workflow can leverage these available digital tools and propel your practice toward unparalleled success.
Learning objectives
Discover how adding clear aligner therapy to your office will benefit you, your practice, and your patients.
Illustrate how implementing digital tools, including the Align Digital Platform™ is more than just about plastic.
Demonstrate the use of clear aligner therapy in conjunction with cosmetic, functional, and restorative dentistry.
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
End to End Digital Workflow – Bringing Same Day Dentistry to your Practice Gives your Patients More
Digital Dentistry
Steven Glassman, D.D.S.
Course #: 3260 Date: 11/26/2023 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Steven Glassman, D.D.S.
An actual end-to-end restorative workflow includes effective chairside education and predictable results. Digital scanning can help drive treatment acceptance and create unforgettable chairside moments. After acceptance, the seamless digital workflow must consist of simple smile designs that produce esthetic outcomes. Same-day dentistry provides a “wow” factor that delights patients. Featuring iTero Element scanners and exocad’s ChairsideCAD, this hands-on workshop showcases the workflow from patient scan to an ideal restoration.
Support for these programs are provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
What Else Can My Laser Do?
Laser Dentistry
Larry Lieberman, B.S., D.D.S.
Course #: 3300 Date: 11/26/2023 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Larry Lieberman, B.S., D.D.S.
Bet you didn’t know you can stop snoring with laser surgery. Did you know you can smooth wrinkles around the nose and mouth by using a laser inside the mouth or that you can use lasers to plump lips without injections? The clinician discusses how laser pain therapy can treat inflammation in this seminar. Attendees learn from discussions and clinical video presentations about advanced laser procedures to better their patients and increase their practice revenue.
Learn about:
laser snoring treatment
laser wrinkle smoothing to reverse the aging process
Dentists are experts in diagnosing and managing diseases of the teeth and periodontium; however, most are far less comfortable with “non-dental” oral diseases. Similarly, physicians receive little dental and oral medicine training and are likely to refer their patients with oral diseases to oral health care specialists. For these reasons, it is not uncommon for a patient with an oral medicine condition to visit multiple doctors before receiving a correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan. Dentists are responsible for providing comprehensive oral health care and must be familiar with the wide range of non-odontogenic conditions that can affect the oral cavity. This seminar provides a rational, concise, and comprehensive approach to patient evaluation and diagnosing and managing both standard and critical oral medicine conditions.
the anatomy of the oral cavity and how to conduct a thorough soft and hard tissue examination and appropriate work-up
the spectrum of diseases that can affect the oral cavity, and how to generate a rational differential diagnosis based on history and clinical features
to provide basic management of common oral medicine conditions and recognize indications for specialist referral
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Common Oral Lesions Approached by the Dental Team
Catherine Monchik, R.D.H., M.S.
Esther Tingue, R.D.H., B.S., M.A.
Gwen Cohen-Brown, D.D.S.
Course #: 3360 Date: 11/26/2023 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Catherine Monchik, R.D.H., M.S. Esther Tingue, R.D.H., B.S., M.A. Gwen Cohen-Brown, D.D.S.
Common oral lesions are mucosal conditions and systemic diseases affect- ing the oral mucosa and the peri-oral tissues. This seminar covers recurrent herpetic lesions, oral candidiasis, xerostomia, recurrent aphthous stomatitis, Sjögren’s syndrome, and oral squamous cell carcinoma. The diagnosis and treatment of these lesions should be a team approach. This lecture presents the medical etiology and treatment plan in the office and what the patient can do to continue treating themselves appropriately at home.
Learn to:
review the etiologies of the oral pathologic lesions from a medical perspective
review current diagnostic criteria for making the diagnosis
provide substantive care suggestions both OTC and by prescription
check when a patient needs to be referred to a specialist for a biopsy or definitive diagnostic test
These programs are being presented by the New York City Dental Hygienists Association, a component of the New York Dental Hygienists’ Association and the American Dental Hygienists’ Association.
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Scaling Your Practice for Success – Financing Multiple Dental Offices
Practice Management
Jarrett Mathews, B.S.
Jason McKenzie
Robert Malandruccolo, B.S.
Course #: 3370 Date: 11/26/2023 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Jarrett Mathews, B.S. Jason McKenzie Robert Malandruccolo, B.S.
Are you ready to expand your business beyond a single dental office? Have you determined the ideal business structure for your offices? Have you created a business plan that addresses the concerns of multiple practice ownership? Have you identified a team of experts to assist with your expansion? If you are asking yourself these questions, join us to review the various aspects of multiple practice ownership. This discussion offers invaluable insight and information to help you successfully leap from single to multiple practice ownership. You can get all your questions answered in one place. Don’t wait to reserve a space for this opportunity.
Learn to:
recognize the appropriate reasons for owning multiple offices
identify the right time to expand
discover what a lender looks for when qualifying the purchaser of multiple practices
to structure business entities
determine the best methods to manage and organize your business properly
Proper canal space cleaning and shaping are prerequisites for clinical success in endodontics. The main goal of this course is to take the attendee through all the aspects needed to take the practice to the next level by utilizing a simple and efficient endodontic technique. Furthermore, an easy-to-use and highly effective ultrasonic irrigation technique is discussed to achieve high cleanness and disinfection.
the golden rules for achieving the cleanest canal possible
the importance of file heat treatment and how this aspect can improve instrumentation results
to master an intuitive 2-files instrumentation technique taking advantage of the two different kinematics
to perform an outstanding cleaning using ultrasonics
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Women In Dentistry/Knowing Your Numbers
Current Dental Topics
Amie Rockow-Nelson, D.D.S.
Ben Lawlor, D.D.S.
Damaury Escotto, C.R.D.H., B.A.S.
Kristen Jordan, B.S.
Natalie Herndon, C.R.D.H.
Noemi Cruz, D.D.S.
WOMEN IN DENTISTRY Our panel of dentists discuss their experience along their dental journey being women in a field once dominated by men.
Panel 5
3:00 – 4:00
KNOWING YOUR NUMBERS Healthy cash flow is essential for any practice; learn about key performance indicators and the systems that drive them, making a direct impact on your bottom line.
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Unleashing the Future: Metahumans and AI in Digital Dentistry
Amey G. Patil, B.D.S., M.S.D.
Course #: 3420 Date: 11/26/2023 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Amey G. Patil, B.D.S., M.S.D.
This seminar lecture provides dental professionals with a concise exploration of Digital Smile Design, focusing on smile aesthetics. Key topics covered include minimally invasive techniques for dental laminates and veneers, contemporary treatment planning, and a comparative analysis of veneer options. Attendees will also gain insights into chair-side temporization, digital wax-up, material selection, and digital smile simulation. Additionally, interdisciplinary communication and integration of functional and aesthetic treatments will be discussed, offering a holistic approach to interdisciplinary aesthetic digital treatment planning.
a succinct understanding of Digital Dentistry and Digital Smile Design fundamentals, including the transition from traditional techniques.
to master chair-side temporization techniques using digital diagnostic wax-up for precise contemporary treatment planning, focusing on achieving optimal aesthetic results with minimally invasive dental laminates and veneers.
to develop proficiency in creating 2D/3D digital smile designs and implementing 4D digital workflows in clinical practice.
how to acquire practical skills in interdisciplinary aesthetic digital treatment planning, enabling the translation of digital concepts into clinical reality.
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Instrumentation Reloaded: Back to Basics Meets the Future
Joy Void-Holmes, D.H.Sc, R.D.H
Course #: 3430 Date: 11/26/2023 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Joy Void-Holmes, D.H.Sc, R.D.H
Do you find yourself forgetting basic dental hygiene instrumentation techniques or overwhelmed by new technology? This comprehensive course takes a deep dive into the fundamentals of periodontal care while exploring the impact of cutting-edge technology in the field. Strategies for optimizing treatment are discussed, with a focus on creating cost-effective setups that utilize fewer instruments. Upon completion of the course, attendees possess the skills and knowledge necessary for clinical excellence in periodontal instrumentation, elevating their practice and enhancing patient care.
basic and advanced periodontal instrumentation principles and techniques
to analyze the impact of technological advancements on treatment outcomes
innovative hand instrument and ultrasonic tip designs
cost-effective set-ups that optimize periodontal treatment approaches by utilizing fewer instruments
Advancements in technology have brought a wave of digital solutions from the laboratory to the clinic environment. With intraoral scanners and new milling capabilities, dentists have never had a more significant opportunity to control the restorative process while boosting productivity and maximizing patient comfort and convenience.
to understand the requirements and techniques for digitizing the clinical workflow
material choices based on their indications
how to produce quality restorations with chairside milling
how to digitally design a functional and esthetic restoration
This comprehensive training equips dental professionals with the knowledge and strategies needed to significantly increase case acceptance rates, resulting in substantial revenue growth for your practice. In today’s competitive dental industry, case acceptance plays a crucial role in the success of a dental practice. Many dental professionals face challenges when effectively communicating treatment plans and convincing patients to proceed with recommended procedures.
Learn to:
invest in procedures that produce high returns as a dentist and stay ahead of the curve
time your dental procedure for the most efficient appointment
make your team more productive by having an effective morning huddle
make your dental care as predictable as possible using the treatment plan protocol
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Adhesive Dentistry – Maximizing the Placement of Anterior Composites: A Hands-on Workshop
Esthetic Dentistry
Marc Geissberger, D.D.S., M.A., B.S., C.P.T.
Course #: 3540 Date: 11/26/2023 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Marc Geissberger, D.D.S., M.A., B.S., C.P.T.
The use of composite resin material as a direct restorative for anterior restorations has dramatically increased in the marketplace. Producing invisible restorations on anterior teeth can be a challenge. Properly blending composite resin to create natural results is explored and practiced. The restoration of diastemas, worn incisal edges, fractured teeth and cervical erosion, abstraction, and caries on anterior teeth are covered.
proper preparation protocols for all anterior composite restorations
to achieve the highest, predictable bond to anterior teeth
to reproduce natural tooth characteristics using composite resin
to create invisible restorations with composite resin
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Elevate Your Daily Dentistry: Esthetic and Efficient Posterior Composites: A Hands-on Workshop
Posterior quadrant dentistry using direct composites is one of the most common procedures in a general dentist practice. This hands-on workshop discusses managing standard class I and class II restorations to make daily dentistry enjoyable, predictable, and stress-free. Attendees learn practical tips on improving the outcome and longevity of your restorations, focusing on cavity preparation, adhesion, matrix selection, resin modeling, finishing, and polishing. The hands-on portion shows you a variety of techniques regarding efficiently restoring a class I and class II restoration.
Learn to:
outline the main principles of composite restorations
provide repeatable, predictable protocols, helping each clinician consistently achieve better outcomes
provide an overview of the latest instruments, materials, and techniques available when restoring posterior composites
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Predictable GBR for your Practice: A Hands-on Workshop Download Handout
Implant Dentistry
Robert Miller, D.M.D.
Course #: 3560 Date: 11/26/2023 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Robert Miller, D.M.D.
Guided Bone Regeneration has been part of our armamentarium for approximately thirty years. This hands-on workshop addresses the premise that successful implant dentistry requires the correction of ridge defects before or at the time of implant placement. The factors determining whether immediate placement or a two-stage delayed approach is indicated will be presented in a detailed decision tree. We will also review socket management, biomaterials, and suturing in a workshop environment with the ultimate goal of safe, predictable, guided bone regeneration in two-stage indications.
the importance of successful Guided Bone Regeneration in your practice
how to improve both the clinical and esthetic results of immediate implant placement
a simplified decision tree to aid in the evaluation of extraction sockets
a step-by-step surgical protocol reviewed and performed in a workshop environment
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Soft Tissue Grafting: A Hands-on Workshop
Avi Schetritt, D.M.D.
Course #: 3570 Date: 11/26/2023 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Avi Schetritt, D.M.D.
Adequate keratinized gingiva is essential for periodontal health. This hands-on (pig jaw) workshop reviews the diagnosis and etiology of gingival recession. Surgical techniques for free gingival grafting, connective tissue grafting, and dermis allografts are taught. Post-op care and pain management complete the program.
the etiology of gingival recession
free gingival grafting techniques
connective tissue grafting techniques
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Endodontic Versatility and Efficiency: A Hands-on Workshop
Allen Ali Nasseh, D.D.S.
Anne Koch, D.M.D.
Course #: 3580 Date: 11/26/2023 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Allen Ali Nasseh, D.D.S. Anne Koch, D.M.D.
In this highly clinical workshop, the clinician presents and shares a highly versatile and efficient rotary instrumentation system for intermediate and advanced endodontic clinicians tackling anterior, premolar and molar root canals regularly. Numerous tips and tricks for improving your efficiency and clinical outcomes in more advanced cases and basic retreatments are also discussed. A predictable and efficient obturation technique using calcium silicate cement to fill the instrumented canal will be presented along with a robust irrigation protocol.
an efficient and versatile rotary instrumentation protocol for tackling almost all clinical cases
a robust irrigation protocol for managing clinical cases
tips and tricks to improve clinical efficiency and tackle cases more successfully
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 3:00pm
The Application of the Dental Avatar
Isaac Tawil, D.D.S.
Course #: 3810 Date: 11/26/2023 Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Isaac Tawil, D.D.S.
New trends and techniques in the dental field are emerging at a rapid pace. Intra-oral, desktop and facial scanning along with 3D printing have made digital dentistry effective and efficient. Concepts such as recreating the patient digitally “the dental avatar” are being embraced to enhance the effectiveness of laboratory communication and dental treatment. This program discusses how to implement these technologies with seamless integration to aide in surgical planning and restorations for full arch dental Implantology.
Learning objectives:
discuss the need for digital applications
discover advancements and new tools utilizing CBCT (cone beam computer tomography)
explore the use of intra-oral, desktop and facial scanning
analyze the components and benefits of three-dimensional printed guidance for implant placement
understand the process of temporization and 2-3 visit finalization for full arch implant restorations
3:00pm - 5:00pm
DIVERSE DENTAL SOCIETY Town Hall: The Impact and Importance of Diversity in the Oral Health Care Professions
New trends and techniques in the dental field are emerging at a rapid pace. Intra-oral, desktop and facial scanning along with 3D printing have made digital dentistry effective and efficient. Concepts such as recreating the patient digitally “the dental avatar” are being embraced to enhance the effectiveness of laboratory communication and dental treatment. This program discusses how to implement these technologies with seamless integration to aide in surgical planning and restorations for full arch dental Implantology.
Learning objectives:
discuss the need for digital applications
discover advancements and new tools utilizing CBCT (cone beam computer tomography)
explore the use of intra-oral, desktop and facial scanning
analyze the components and benefits of three-dimensional printed guidance for implant placement
understand the process of temporization and 2-3 visit finalization for full arch implant restorations
8:30am - 10:30am
Winning With the team – Best Practices for Business Success
Practice Management
Michael Scialabba, D.D.S.
Course #: 4080 Date: 11/27/2023 Time: 8:30am - 10:30am Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Michael Scialabba, D.D.S.
Room: 1E19 Topic: Practice Management Tuition: $149.00 Credits: 2 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students
Dr. Michael Scialabba, CCO
Course description Building a practice doesn’t come with a snap of the fingers or waking up on the right side of the bed. To build your vision, you need to define your goals, set standards, and measure them. Growth comes from delegating duties and leveraging yourself and others to provide great care and comfort to your patients. Explore how to hold yourself and your team accountable to your practice and practice base. You can deliver the best possible care by utilizing technology and the people surrounding you.
Learning objectives
After completion of this course, participants will be able to:
Explain the importance of setting a vision, mission, and goals for personal and professional development.
Explain the relationship between clinical leadership, clinical standards, clinical expectations, and profitability.
Design a comprehensive plan for creating growth opportunities through delegation, processes, and meeting your standards.
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 10:30am
Advanced Training: Invisalign® Clear Aligner Therapy for Restorative Outcomes
Course description Aligning teeth prior to restoration sets the stage for successful dental treatment, improved oral health, and a better smile. While moving teeth may seem challenging at first, this course is designed to simplify the process and increase your confidence as you embark on this journey. With your newfound expertise, you'll be equipped to handle more complex cases and achieve optimal restorative results.
Course objectives
Discover the advantages of the Invisalign® clear aligner therapy as an integral component of comprehensive restorative practice.
Assess how the Align Digital Platform™ and iTero™ scanner technology assist clinicians in obtaining digital records, treatment planning, and treatment management.
Identify the step-by-step process of combining alignment and tooth restorations into a comprehensive treatment workflow.
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:30pm
El Presupuesto en la Armonización Orofacial/Reestructuración en Armonización Orofacial/La Importancia del Análisis Facial/Armonización Orofacial/Promo
Cursos de Español
Eduardo Picanco, M.sC
Leandro Rago de Souza, M.Sc., D.D.S.
Priscilla Pereira, D.D.S.
Roger Kirschner, M.S.
Vanda Domingos, D.D.S.
Course #: 4540 Date: 11/27/2023 Time: 9:00am - 12:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Eduardo Picanco, M.sC Leandro Rago de Souza, M.Sc., D.D.S. Priscilla Pereira, D.D.S. Roger Kirschner, M.S. Vanda Domingos, D.D.S.
Room: 1E07 Topic: Cursos de Español Tuition: $55.00 Credits: 4 Recommended For:
EDUARDO PICANCO, MS.C EL PRESUPUESTO EN LA ARMONIZACIÓN OROFACIAL El Presupuesto de los trámites en el área de la salud suele dejarse de lado en las graduaciones universitarias. Todo profesional que pretenda tener una oficina necesita necesariamente conocimientos sobre visión empresarial estratégica y gerencial. Dentro de este prisma, la cotización de los trámites debe verse dentro de la planificación financiera, que forma parte del plan de negocio, donde el profesional debe simular posibles modelos de negocio, con escenarios realistas de tasa de ocupación de su oficina y así, poder determinar la viabilidad (o no) de abrir tu oficina o clínica tan soñada. Dentro del modelo de tarifas inteligente, abordaremos los 7 centros de costo que hay que tener en cuenta a la hora de establecer cualquier precio.
ROGER KIRSCHNER, M.S. REESTRUCTURACIÓN EN ARMONIZACIÓN OROFACIAL Armonización facial utilizando los distintos materiales disponibles en el mercado. Reestructuración de rostros utilizando estándares y análisis de visagismo. Diferenciar los tipos de materiales indicados para cada región del rostro. Los materia- les tienen comportamientos diferentes, por lo que tenemos que tener las indicaciones correctas.
VANDA DOMINGOS, D.D.S. LA IMPORTANCIA DEL ANÁLISIS FACIAL Cuando evaluamos un rostro tanto en su vista frontal como de perfil, debemos reforzar nuestra visión para definir qué es realmente la “Belleza Facial”. Este enfoque debe desarrollar la capacidad de notar los detalles que son más eviden- tes, con un ojo entrenado para percibir cuán atractivo o no puede ser ese rostro. En odontología estética y ortodoncia, no basta con entender qué es lo que interfiere con la sonrisa, es necesario diagnosticar qué es lo que está fuera de lo común, para poder establecer un plan de tratamiento.
PRISCILLA PEREIRA, D.D.S. ARMONIZACIÓN OROFACIAL Una sonrisa bonita y saludable debe darse a partir del equilibro de los labios, músculos y la armonía facial del paciente. Existen tratamientos seguros y mínima- mente invasivos que busca el equilibrio de las expresiones faciales y de la anatomía del rostro. Ahora contamos también con una nueva herramienta que permite la neuromodulación de los músculos faciales, mediante el uso de la toxina botulínica y el relleno con ácido hialuronico que podemos ofrecer a nuestros pacientes.
RINOPLASTIA NO QUIRURGICA POR LEANDRO RAGO La rinomodelación con ácido hialurónico es un procedimiento rápido, con resultados comparables a la rinoplastia, pero no requiere descanso de las actividades durante la recuperación. Nuestra presentación abordará la Rinoplastia No Quirúrgica - Método Leandro Rago, la cual ha demostrado ser una técnica segura, predecible, con un alto índice de satisfacción y mejora de la autoestima, con resultados extraordinarios y al alcance de cualquier clínico dedicado a la área estética.
El apoyo para de estos programas es proporcionado por
9:45am - 5:00pm
Principles of Full Arch Implantology
Implant Dentistry
Aeklavya Panjali, D.D.S., M.S.
Course #: 4010 Date: 11/27/2023 Time: 9:45am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s): Aeklavya Panjali, D.D.S., M.S.
Understand the Principles of full arch reconstructions with immediate loading and the role of One Day Biotech implant design in the reconstruction process. Attendees learn the different parts of the One Day Biotech system and how to achieve optimal placement with and without guided surgery. This seminar allows participants to simulate clinical situations and attain a single insertion path without the surgical guide.
the surgical and prosthetic concepts of All on 4, 6 and 8
to choose and establish parallelism manually with multi-unit abutments
photogrammetry and digital workflow
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
New York and Federal DEA Continuing Education Training Program for Controlled & Illicit Substances Download Handout
Oral Medicine, Diagnosis, Pathology
Marc Gottlieb, D.D.S.
Course #: 4020 Date: 11/27/2023 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Marc Gottlieb, D.D.S.
On December 29, 2022, in addition to the Mandatory New York State 3-hour Opioid requirement, the Federal Government passed the Consolidation Appropriations Act of 2023. This act requires all providers with a DEA to obtain eight hours of continuing education. This 3-hour program reinforces your prior training and can be applied towards the NY State 3-hour mandated Pain Management, Palliative Care, and Addiction Education requirements; Now, with an emphasis on the new federal requirements, it can be applied towards the federal 8-hour requirement. It is designed for all prescribers of controlled substances. Through literature reviews, case studies, and professional experience, you will understand your role in combating the current opioid epidemic.
to understand the NY State and “MATE” Medication Access and Training Expansion Act
the safe pharmacological management of dental pain
to identify Opioid Use and other Drug Disorders
about exposure to possible interventions and referral resources
Sec. 1263 of the spending bill Congress passed in December 2022 requires controlled substance prescribers are to complete 8 hours of one-time training on safe, controlled substance prescribing as a condition of receiving or renewing a DEA registration. The statutory language was taken from a separate bill called the Medication Access and Training Expansion Act (or MATE Act).
Ben Miraglia, D.D.S.
Eli Grunstein, M.D.
Kelley Richardson, B.S.
Kevin Boyd, D.D.S., M.Sc.
Samantha Weaver, MS CCC-SLP
Susan Maples, D.D.S
Course #: 4030 Date: 11/27/2023 Time: 9:45am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s): Ben Miraglia, D.D.S. Eli Grunstein, M.D. Kelley Richardson, B.S. Kevin Boyd, D.D.S., M.Sc. Samantha Weaver, MS CCC-SLP Susan Maples, D.D.S
SUSAN MAPLES, D.D.S. ALL STUFFED UP AND NOWHERE TO BLOW Approximately 30-35% of children suffer from sleep-disordered breathing, mouth breathing, and flow limitations such as snoring, UARS, and OSA. Given what we know about mouth-breathing as a set-up for thwarted growth and development of the CranioFacial Respiratory Complex (CRFC), we must also explore common causes of mouth-breathing. The staggering rise in children’s allergies, asthma, and auto-immune deficiencies often leads to compensatory mouth breathing. In this seminar, we will look more carefully at the Atopic March, the root causes of allergies and chronic rhinitis, and discover what we can do about it from our place next to the dental chair.
what is the timeline of the Atopic March from eczema to food allergies, rhinitis, and asthma, and how best to prevent it
how best to treat the chronic stuffy nose
how to better involve children in their airway solutions
BARRY RAPHAEL, D.D.S. BEHAVIOR ANATOMY, FUNCTION, AND BEHAVIOR This program reviews concepts of dystrophy of the Craniofacial Respiratory Complex and Early Childhood Malocclusion. Attendees learn the treatment algorithm for treating infants to adults with obstructive sleep apnea. Learn:
the three domains of Craniofacial Respiratory Dystrophy
how to address these domains from infancy to adulthood
the holistic and allopathic needs of your patients
SAMANTHA WEAVER, D.D.S., CCC-SLP, AOMT-C MYOFUNCTIONAL THERAPY FOR PEDIATRIC AIRWAY The tongue is a dynamic respiratory organ. With sensory input, the tongue modulates behaviors affecting various functions, from chewing, swallowing, and maintaining head and neck posture. Learn how this organ is at the literal center of the body and why its influence on growth and stasis needs to be better understood.
Learn to:
identify the functions of the tongue and how these influence the occlusal relationship
understand how neuroplasticity affects dental stability
the value of myofunctional therapy in their practice
Panel Discussion
This seminar presents the phenotypes of pediatric sleep-disordered breathing. The clinician discusses the importance of habitual nasal breathing. An over- view of sleep stages and the importance of deep, restorative sleep is provided.
Learn to:
discuss the importance of nasal breathing in children
highlight the phenotypes of pediatric sleep-related breathing disorders
provide an overview of sleep stages and the importance of deep restorative sleep
A survey lecture on various diseases affecting the pediatric upper airway, including diagnosis, non-surgical, and surgical management, is discussed. Learn:
a variety of diseases affecting the pediatric upper airway
the medical management of these diseases
the surgical management of these diseases
KEVIN BOYD, D.D.S., M.SC. EARLY CHILDHOOD MALOCCLUSION AND NASORESPIRATORY DIFFICULTY Sub-optimal structural development of hard and soft tissues comprising the interconnected craniofacial and respiratory complexes (CFRC) can often preclude both optimal functions. Early Childhood Malocclusion (ECM-decidu- ous/early mixed-dentition dental/skeletal malocclusion phenotypes), such as transverse and sagittal hypoplasia, will seldom, if ever, self-correct and will also usually persist, worsen, and become associated with sleep and breathing co-morbidity behaviors. Case studies describing pre-Tx risk assessment, Dx, and Tx are presented.
how to implement validated pediatric SDB/OSA risk assessment screening
how to definitively diagnose maxillary skeletal transverse deficiency (MSTD) in the deciduous/early mixed dentition, with the presence, or absence of a posterior dental cross-bite
about published research describing pediatric MSTD as often being a contributor to lowered QOL
BEN MIRAGLIA, D.D.S. AIRWAY HEALTH FROM THE DENTAL CHAIR We recognize the high levels of malocclusion in children, but we often miss the connection to how unhealthy they may be due to a compromised airway. This course connects the dots from early malocclusion to the everyday struggle of symptoms for children and their parents. A collaborative approach from the dental chair to treating children as young as 3 years old can improve their overall health, growth, and development.
Learn to:
understand the effect that an underdeveloped maxilla and mandible have on a child’s airway
describe the relationship between Sleep Disordered Breathing and early childhood growth and development
recognize how early, collaborative intervention impacts the overall health and well-being of a child
This hands-on workshop reviews comprehensive skills and expertise in dental implantology. Participants practice cutting-edge technologies by utilizing advanced surgical techniques and understanding oral anatomy. This workshop provides optimal patient care skills and successful outcomes in implant placement, restoration, and functional rehabilitation for patients with missing partial or full edentulism.
the principles and benefits of computer-guided surgery in dental implantology
the technological advancements and tools used in computer-guided surgery for dental implants
to demonstrate the step-by-step process of utilizing computer-guided surgery for dental implant placement
to place implants in the model utilizing hand free vs. computer-guided surgery
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
Oral Cancer Screening: Lesion Recognition and Management
Oral Cancer
Joel Laudenbach, D.M.D.
Course #: 4070 Date: 11/27/2023 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Joel Laudenbach, D.M.D.
Oral cancer screening exam techniques and common oral lesions with helpful recognition/diagnostic strategies and updated oral cancer statistics, risk factors, and guidelines are reviewed in this program. Oral manifestations of systemic diseases, additional testing, and specialty referral indications are highlighted. Adjunctive and biopsy techniques are briefly reviewed, including tissue reflectance/fluorescence, cytology, and scalpel biopsy.
a detailed review of oral, head, and neck cancer screening, examination techniques, and protocol
to perform oral cancer screening and lesion assessment more confidently and effectively
to improve recognition of and exposure to oral lesions and manifestations of systemic diseases commonly encountered in clinical dental practice
to make better clinical/practice decisions regarding adjunctive, biopsy techniques, and specialty referrals
Have you ever felt as though your communication wasn’t effective? In this course, you will learn failsafe ways to communicate with patients, the office team, and each other. Learn what to say and the strategies that can result in case acceptance, timely payments, and effective scheduling.
to implement practical communication guidelines for scheduling and reducing open time
to discuss financial arrangements
to discuss treatment plans, diagnoses, and so much more
how to handle objections from patients
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
Integrating Oral Health Globally For Those With Special Needs To Promote and Improve Overall Health
Public Health
Debra Weisfuse
Jack Dillenberg, D.D.S., M.P.H.
Michael Le, B.A., J.D, M.B.A.
Steven Perlman
Course #: 4150 Date: 11/27/2023 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Debra Weisfuse Jack Dillenberg, D.D.S., M.P.H. Michael Le, B.A., J.D, M.B.A. Steven Perlman
Room: 1E09 Topic: Public Health Tuition: $105.00 Credits: 3
Join some of the best-known world leaders in learning how serious the issue of poor oral and overall health of those with disabilities is and how you can be part of the solution to improve their overall health. Whether you are a student, a clinician, a nurse or hygienist, an assistant, or an executive - you can play an essential role in your community or country to improve health and awareness.
the issues currently preventing people with disabilities from receiving good dental and medical care
how oral and medical professionals work together to improve the health of people with disabilities
about globally successful programs
9:45am - 12:45pm
Tumors are Things That Grow Bump in the Night
Oral Medicine, Diagnosis, Pathology
John Svirsky, D.D.S.
Course #: 4160 Date: 11/27/2023 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): John Svirsky, D.D.S.
This program covers oral bumps in their entire splendor, from pyogenic granulomas to soft tissue malignancies. Be prepared for a memorable oral pathology experience. The clinician covers the common and important benign and malignant soft tissue tumors in this course. Neurofibromatosis, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome, and Sturge Weber disease will make appearances. There will be lots of unusual diseases to which you will be re-introduced. Get ready to learn, laugh and make a difference in the life of your patients.
Learn to:
be able to recognize and describe the common oral soft tissue tumors
differentiate benign from malignant soft tissue lesions
9:45am - 12:45pm
First Tooth to the Golden Years: Optimizing Prevention
Dental hygiene is a lifelong journey, and oral health plays a pivotal role in ones overall well-being. Delving into the significance of optimizing dental hygiene appointments throughout a patient's lifespan, from the eruption of the first tooth to the golden years of life with solutions that benefit the patient and the provider’s well-being is paramount to enhance the patient experience. Throughout the journey, oral health may be compromised by systemic or developmental conditions and behaviors that pose unique challenges outside of standard preventative care protocols.
Learn to:
review the importance of early intervention, effective communication, and strategies to make dental appointments a positive experience for all
exploring preventive measures, periodontal maintenance, and personalized care plans tailored to the specific needs and lifestyle of adult patients
Addressing the unique challenges and opportunities in maintaining oral health during the transitional years, including orthodontic care, diet, risk prevention, and shaping lifelong habits
recognize the unique needs of aging populations and solutions to support overall health and quality of life in the golden years
Periodontics remains the cornerstone of good oral health. Given the choice, most people would much rather have their natural teeth than a prosthetic substitute. This course reviews practical Periodontics for the GP, starting with a few words about the scientific basis of inflammation and destruction of the attachment apparatus through exam and diagnosis, arriving at suggestions for effective treatment for most patients. While many avenues are available to treat periodontal disease, understanding and addressing the biological basis of health and disease will lead to success.
the role of local inflammation and systemic inflammation
to describe the components of a complete periodontal exam and diagnosis
appreciate the importance of mechanical therapy in the treatment of periodontits
It can be highly discouraging when patients continue to have cavities despite improvements in their oral health. This can disrupt their oral health philosophy and create the belief that “cavities are normal for me” or even “I just have soft teeth.” Dental Practitioners have the unique opportunity to identify each patient’s specific risks and provide treatment recommendations accordingly. The best way to do this is through salivary pH testing, specifically because the pH of our patient’s saliva plays a vital role in their oral cavity’s hard and soft tissue health status.
how the pH of the mouth influences soft and hard tissue oral diseases
to discover powerful communication skills to increase the patient’s ownership of their current oral health
to evaluate pH testing for your office and how to implement it into a patient’s preventive visits, and compare salivary tests to test periodontal pathogens
how the oral microbiome is trained for optimal health
9:45am - 12:45pm
Integrating Laser Treatment to All Areas of Dentistry
This seminar discusses using a laser in all aspects of dentistry. The clinician highlights the management of venous lakes and fibromas. Attendees learn how to take better impressions using laser retraction and how to use a laser to depigment gingival tissues and remove crowns and veneers without using a high-speed drill. Achieving the golden proportions and creating the smiles your patients need, deserve, and desire through gingivectomies and closed flap crown lengthening. Lastly, attendees learn how to integrate laser technology into a thriving practice.
to understand and manage soft tissue issues using a laser
to enhance cosmetic outcomes using both hard and soft tissue laser settings
the adoption of different lasers into your daily routine
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
CBCT in General Practice
Joseph DiDonato III, D.D.S., M.B.A.
Course #: 4220 Date: 11/27/2023 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Joseph DiDonato III, D.D.S., M.B.A.
This course covers the use of the Cone-Beam Computed Tomography systems (CBCT) in general practice by reviewing 20 cases, including missed diagnosis using 2-dimensional radiographs, maxillary sinusitis of odontogenic or (endodontic) origin (MSEO), Ludwig’s angina, missed MB2 canals, implant treatment planning, misdiagnosed large cell endarteritis, TMJ, myofascial pain and advanced comprehensive treatment planning. A review of the radiographic anatomy, pathognomonic signs of MSEO, missed opportunities to diagnose early Ludwig’s Angina, and comparisons of 2D and 3D capabilities. The CBCT is presented as a new standard of care for a radiographic survey and treatment planning for the general practice, including treatment planning for guided implant placement.
a greater appreciation for the value of the CBCT in general practice and the ability to recognize several essential and overlooked pathologies
Maxillary Sinusitis of Endodontic Origin (MSEO)
CBCT anatomy and technology of guided implant placement
Advancements in technology have brought a wave of digital solutions from the laboratory to the clinic environment. With intraoral scanners and new milling capabilities, there has never been a greater opportunity for dentists to control the restorative process while boosting productivity and maximizing patient comfort and convenience.
to understand the requirements and techniques for digitizing the clinical workflow
material choices based on their indications
how to produce quality restorations with chairside milling
how to digitally design a functional and esthetic restoration
This seminar starts with a systematic approach to accurately analyzing a patient’s dental condition, including occlusion and smile deficiencies, utiliz- ing photography and Kois diagnostic protocols. Proper occlusal diagnosis is predictive of treatment success. Treatment options are reviewed to achieve a successful result. Attendees learn a step-by-step approach to recreating a natural dentition and smile. Techniques to create an aesthetic preview before advanced treatments are reviewed.
to utilize a diagnostic protocol to determine a predictable scheme for a successful aesthetic outcome
to prevent failures by proper diagnosis of occlusal issues
techniques to preview treatment and ensure a beautiful smile
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
The Evolution of TMD from Myths To Modern Concepts/Help Your Patients Help Themselves: Self-Care for TMD/Sleep Bruxism: What we know, Where our Knowl
Orofacial Pain
Aimee Werfel, D.D.S.
John Dinan, D.M.D., M.S.
Steven Syrop, D.D.S.
Course #: 4260 Date: 11/27/2023 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Aimee Werfel, D.D.S. John Dinan, D.M.D., M.S. Steven Syrop, D.D.S.
The evolution of orofacial pain as a specialty was driven by the increasing body of scientific knowledge about pain in general, specifically that relating to the trigeminal nervous system. As pain is now known to be both a neurosensory and neuroimmune phenomenon, pain in the orofacial region may have its origins not only in somatic tissue but due to dysregulation within both the peripheral and central nervous system. This knowledge has not only pushed aside some of the myths about the origins of temporomandibular disorders, but has assisted in integrating novel therapies into the list of available treatments. This talk will set the stage for more in-depth discussions by the speakers.
how pain is understood within the scientific community
how common myths have been replaced by scientific knowledge
Patient education, reassurance, and self-care plan implementation are fundamental to managing temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) and other forms of orofacial pain. During this course, attendees learn how to confi- dently discuss TMD signs, symptoms, and etiology with patients; learn how language can bolster patient self-efficacy while reducing catastrophizing about pain. A wide array of self-care modalities are explored, emphasizing how these individual modalities can increase patient self-efficacy and miti- gate the various factors contributing to TMD signs and symptoms. Attention will be placed on habit reversal therapy to reduce awake oral parafunction and diaphragmatic breathing training to balance autonomic function.
the foundational knowledge of patient communication is necessary when treating TMDs
strategies of self-care needed to treat TMDs effectively
The mechanisms driving sleep bruxism remain unclear. Some researchers have classified sleep bruxism as normal behavior, while others suggest that sleep bruxism is a sleep-related movement disorder initiated by sleep fragmentation and microarousals in the brain. As a result of this knowledge deficit and the necessity to address the consequences of sleep bruxism, treatment selections may be driven not by evidence but by clinician experience. Oral appliances, medications, neuromodulators, and adjunctive therapies are discussed based on the best evidence that is currently available.
Learn to:
understand bruxism and its current definition
review current appliance designs
expand on alternate therapies beyond appliances
12:30-12:45 Questions and Answers
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9:45am - 12:45pm
Christensen Bottom Line 2023
Current Dental Topics
Gordon Christensen, D.D.S., M.S.D., Ph.D.
Course #: 4280 Date: 11/27/2023 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Gordon Christensen, D.D.S., M.S.D., Ph.D.
What’s new and good for 2023? This fast-paced course includes many concepts, materials, technologies, devices, and techniques in numerous areas of dentistry. The topics included in this program are endo, implant surgery, implant pros, a replacement for the current all-on-4, new restorative materials, new radiology sensors, preventive products, and cements. This course allows you to make research-supported decisions about the changes in dentistry and to serve your patients optimally!
Learn to:
identify what is new and good in dental products in many areas of dentistry
determine what relates to your practice
discuss with your team how to implement these changes
A Silent Epidemic of oral diseases is afflicting older adults in long-term care facilities, and frail elderly adults suffer in silence from poor and neglected oral care. This seminar discusses the oral health status of older people resid- ing in Long-Term Care Facilities (LTCF) and the relationship this has with oral and systemic health. Attendees learn how and why oral care is provided to residents on ventilators, feeding tubes, bedbound and comatose. A review of the relationship between the oral manifestations and oral complications of common systemic diseases, with a strong emphasis on pneumonia, is discussed.
Learn to:
discuss demographic trends in the US that will reflect an aging population
outline the relationship between oral health and the manifestation of
systemic diseases
describe the correlation between poor oral health and aspiration pneumonia of the elderly residing in Long-Term Care Facilities (LTCF)
define critical components of a research-based, comprehensive institutional oral care protocol and evidence for reducing pneumonia
Title: Transforming Dental Practice: From Emergencies to Equity - Dr. Sima Yakoby Epstein
This course is designed for dental professionals, orthodontists, and practice managers seeking to elevate their dental practice to new levels of success. Whether you're just starting or looking to revitalize an existing practice, this course will provide you with the tools and insights to achieve your goals. In today's rapidly evolving dental landscape, building a legacy practice that stands out requires a strategic approach. Dr. Sima Yakoby Epstein, a trailblazer in orthodontics and the innovator behind Tweakz, invites you to embark on a transformative journey toward achieving an enduring and highly successful dental office.
Decrease Emergencies: Learn how to enhance patient comfort and satisfaction while optimizing your practice's efficiency.
Brand for Success: Explore the critical role that creating a distinctive identity for your dental office plays to increase patient trust and loyalty.
Increase Efficiency, Reduce No-Shows: Streamline your office operations with a couple of Tweakz to ensure that every appointment is valuable and productive.
Build Equity: Learn how to leverage your expertise and unique offerings to create long-term value and financial stability with an elevated patient experience.
Leave a Legacy: Use your personal journey and dedication to patient well-being to make a meaningful impact in your own practice when it’s time to sell.
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Time Slot #2: 10:30 - 11:00
Title: Integrating AI as Your Next Top Employee - Dr. Branden Neish
Description: AI is much more than a means to deliver insights and predictions. Today, AI has the potential to become your full-time employee and an invaluable member of your team. Join us in learning more about how AI can streamline tedious tasks, unlock new opportunities, and revolutionize the way your office operates. By harnessing its full power, you can hit record ROIs, increase operating efficiencies, and find exponential growth.
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Time Slot #3: 11:15 - 11:45
Title: A.I.'s Impact on the Patient Experience- Ms. Hope Slowik
Dive into the future of dentistry at our session, where we unveil the groundbreaking fusion of the Dental Economy with cutting-edge AI. Discover how AI is revolutionizing diagnostics, treatment, and patient care, reshaping the dental landscape. Join us for a captivating glimpse into the future and a discussion on the evolving role of dental professionals in this AI-driven era.
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Time Slot #4: 12:00 - 12:30
Title: Direct Restoratives Reimagined! Simplifying Clinical Applications and Optimizing Patient Outcomes - Adrian Atyimas (SDI), Dr Susan McMahon and Dr Stephen Rosenberg
Science and technology have combined to create the latest innovation in direct restoratives. Adrian Atyimas (SDI), will explain an exciting new restorative product that will improve clinical success, streamline and standardise protocols, reduce costs and increase productivity. Dr Susan McMahon and Dr Stephen Rosenberg will explore and share a variety of clinical applications that will challenge your current thoughts on direct restoratives and help you re-imagine a new approach to your clinical dentistry.
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9:45am - 5:00pm
Illuminating Patient Care: Lasers Applications For The Dental Hygienist Download Handout
No doubt lasers are growing in dentistry at a rapid pace. The most utilized soft tissue procedures are completed in the hands of the dental hygienist. Benefits provided to the patient include bacterial reduction, promotion of wound healing, and more comfortable post-operative experiences for the patient.
clinical applications of laser therapy within the hygienists’ scope of practice
how to apply laser therapy clinically for a healthier patient and practice
how lasers promote wound healing
laser safety and laser regulations you need to know using Class IV dental lasers
how to utilize the laser through a hands-on session
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9:45am - 5:00pm
Botox and Facial Fillers: A Clinical Workshop and Demonstration
Botox and Dermal Fillers
Steven Clark, M.D., D.M.D.
Course #: 4450 Date: 11/27/2023 Time: 9:45am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s): Steven Clark, M.D., D.M.D.
This full-day demonstration on “live” patients and mannequins focuses on the art of aesthetic use of Botox and facial fillers. The morning didactic session introduces neuromodulators (Botox, disport, and Xeomin) and various facial fillers. The discussion includes facial aging, patient selection, safety, and efficacy of the latest products. “Live” demonstrations follow in the afternoon. The clinician (board-certified plastic surgeon whose practice focuses on aesthetic medicine and cosmetic Surgery) discusses “Clinical Pearls,” which he has developed over the last 20 years to ensure proper technique and safety to achieve excellent cosmetic results. Mannequins are available for participants to practice the hands-on portion of the program.
the history, science, and mechanism of action, proper dosing, and storage of Botox and facial fillers
facial aging, facial anatomy, patient selection and adequate technique: how to stay out of trouble
facial fillers – selection to improve facial aging and volume – what works
9:45am - 12:45pm
Simplified Sinus Graft: Lateral Approach using LAS Kit Hands-on Workshop
Pilseong Kim, D.D.S., M.S.
Course #: 4460 Date: 11/27/2023 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Pilseong Kim, D.D.S., M.S.
This hands-on workshop is an introduction to Sinus Grafting. The workshop provides the anatomy and functions of the sinus. Each participant will go through a step-by-step sinus graft using a lateral approach using innovative materials. The program provides significant information so the participants can choose the proper graft materials for the sinus graft procedures.
the anatomy and function of the sinus
the concept of lateral approach sinus graft
the materials for the sinus graft
simplified lateral sinus graft using innovative tools and materials
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
Mechanical Patency, Key for Success: Hands-on Workshop
Patency is one of the significant keys to endodontic success. For several reasons, it is a difficult step for many clinicians. Of course, root canal anatomy is a challenge but different from what most clinicians think. Close to 85% of the molars are not difficult to negotiate or reach the patency. In the same way that a good craftsman knows how to use the correct tools, we, as endodontists, need to understand better our tools and how to use them to reach better results. In this hands-on workshop, participants practice using rotary files, single shaping systems, and more.
about mechanical patency
how to use rotary files
the new generation of .01 taper glide path files
about 950 rpm, .03/.05 single shaping system
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9:45am - 12:45pm
Digitally Designed Anterior Composites Simplified: A Hands-on Workshop
Restorative Dentistry
Adam Hodges, D.M.D.
Course #: 4480 Date: 11/27/2023 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Adam Hodges, D.M.D.
Anterior composite treatments involving diastema closure and/or veneers are cases clinicians find difficult. The value of conservative treatment is obvious, but the skill set and time required often lead some to avoid this treatment option. The promise of digital technology is the simplification of workflow and predictability of outcomes. This workshop introduces participants to a new custom printed matrix which can be leveraged to make these cases more predictable with less chair time. In a hands-on experience, participants utilize this technology to experience a new way of providing anterior composite treatment on multiple teeth.
the benefits of conservative anterior composite restorative options
a new technology that leverages lab-produced digital design and 3D printing
what types of cases are best accomplished using this matrix
to experience the matrix on a model in a hands-on fashion
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9:45am - 12:45pm
The New World of Journalism – From Podcasting & Videocasting to Art and Cartoons
Current Dental Topics
Chance Bodni, D.D.S.
David McCarty, M.D.
Kathryn Humphries, M.A.
Stuart Segelnick, D.D.S., M.S.
Course #: 4570 Date: 11/27/2023 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Chance Bodni, D.D.S. David McCarty, M.D. Kathryn Humphries, M.A. Stuart Segelnick, D.D.S., M.S.
This program is designed to expand interactive communication, going beyond the written word and including oral, video, and visual media. This improves learning by employing a diverse approach to engage a more multi-generational audience. Further recommendations for improving communication, conversation, collaboration, and content are reviewed.
to harness the power of translation through management science, educational styles, instructive vs. collaborative types of communication, and lessons from experience
to enter into video podcasting — strategies and use in communications
non-verbal communication through graphics, the function of art in journalism, and how colors communicate
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10:00am - 3:00pm
Developing Sustainable and Global Cyber Communities in Healthcare/The Future of Cybersecurity in Healthcare: Emerging Technologies and Solutions
The second edition of the Health Cyber Security Summit will be held under the theme “Globalized Cyber Security for Safer Communities” and aims to address the pressing requirement to align cyber security systems and policies with patient safety programs to ensure high-quality care while mitigating challenges that can affect clinical outcomes, healthcare organizations, healthcare cyber security providers and protecting patient data. This event will educate not only the public but also regulators, operators, providers, insurers, academia, influencers, investors, and stakeholders on how to analyze, plan, collaborate, and put into action a sustainable healthcare cyber security system for safer communities.
Developing Sustainable & Global Cyber Communities in Healthcare
The Future of Cyber Security in Healthcare: Emerging Technologies and Solutions
Course description Welcome to ClinCheck® Pro software with 3D controls. This course will provide a product tour and share dynamic tooltips for the ClinCheck Pro 6.0 treatment software platform. Treatment planning efficiency tips including how to edit tooth position, modify arch shape, manage spacing and interproximal reduction, and handle attachments and features are discussed. This course builds clinical confidence to refine treatment plans using live updates and 3D controls to reduce the need to communicate written comments to the CAD designers.
Course objectives
Explain the purpose, benefits, and utilization of 3D controls for ClinCheck treatment plans.
Apply the appropriate 3D controls to program desired tooth movements.
Evaluate the quality of the final treatment plan by implementing a clinical checklist.
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11:00am - 12:00pm
The Application of the Dental Avatar
Isaac Tawil, D.D.S.
Course #: 4700 Date: 11/27/2023 Time: 11:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Isaac Tawil, D.D.S.
New trends and techniques in the dental field are emerging at a rapid pace. Intra-oral, desktop and facial scanning along with 3D printing have made digital dentistry effective and efficient. Concepts such as recreating the patient digitally “the dental avatar” are being embraced to enhance the effectiveness of laboratory communication and dental treatment. This program discusses how to implement these technologies with seamless integration to aide in surgical planning and restorations for full arch dental Implantology.
Learning objectives:
discuss the need for digital applications
discover advancements and new tools utilizing CBCT (cone beam computer tomography)
explore the use of intra-oral, desktop and facial scanning
analyze the components and benefits of three-dimensional printed guidance for implant placement
understand the process of temporization and 2-3 visit finalization for full arch implant restorations
Room: 1E11 Topic: Cursos de Español Tuition: $55.00 Credits: 2 Recommended For:
Dentists, Assistants, Students, Administrative Staff, Educator
Manejo de una complicación en Endodoncia: Accidente por hipoclorito de Sodio.
Aprenderás que es un accidente por hipoclorito de sodio, el concepto de accidente y emergencia, los factores causales y los que nos ayudan a evitar los accidentes por hipoclorito. Aprenderás cual es la presentación clínica de un accidente por hipoclorito de sodio así podrás identificarlo. Aprenderás los protocolos de manejo de accidentes por hipoclorito, las secuelas que conlleva un accidente por hipoclorito, y el protocolo de manejo elaborado por la Dra Lucia Arguello y otras autores. Terminaremos analiza.
Room: Special Events Hall Topic: Special Event Tuition: $75.00 Credits: X
Mike Birbiglia is a comedian, director, actor, and author. He has written and performed a series of award-winning solo plays, including Sleepwalk with Me, My Girl- friend’s Boyfriend, and Thank God For Jokes. His first Broadway show, The New One, ran for 99 performances in 2019, receiving Drama Desk and Outer Critics Circle awards. Mike’s follow-up show, The Old Man & The Pool, ran for 85 performances at Lincoln Center in 2022. As an actor, he has appeared in Trainwreck, The Fault in Our Stars, Orange is the New Black, Billions, Inside Amy Schumer, Taylor Swift’s Anti-Hero, A Man Called Otto. He is also the writer, director, and star of the films Sleepwalk With Me and Don’t Think Twice. His podcast, “Mike Birbiglia’s Working It Out,” recently aired its 100th episode, and he has 5 comedy specials available on Netflix, including both of his Broadway shows.
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1:00pm - 4:30pm
Don't Miss the Connection: Digital Scanning for Improved Engagement and Trust & Breakout
Kelly Tanner, Ph.D., R.D.H.
Course #: 4120 Date: 11/27/2023 Time: 1:00pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Kelly Tanner, Ph.D., R.D.H.
Course description As a dental hygienist, you have the unique opportunity to enhance patient connections and clinical care by leveraging technology. Not only can this lead to professional growth and increased practice production, but this helps positively impact the lives of those you serve. Dr. Kelly Tanner will discuss how you can approach educating patients differently with the iTero Element™ scanners, revolutionizing your current process to aid in the creation of beautiful, healthy smiles.
Course objectives
Gain insights and best practices for “everyday patient scanning” to help drive treatment acceptance.
Identify the key steps to integrating digital scanning into a customizable hygiene workflow.
Explore the use of iTero™ scanner applications, including Near-Infrared Imaging (NIRI), to provide impactful chairside educational experiences.
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1:30pm - 4:30pm
Product Solution Center
Current Dental Topics
Aadil Zaman
Course #: 4330 Date: 11/27/2023 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Aadil Zaman
Room: Exhibit Floor - Booth #2414/2522 Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: Free Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Spouse, Doctor
Time Slot #5: 1:30 - 2:00
Title: "PDT's Passion for Innovation: Revolutionizing the Dental Industry" – Ms. Emily Boge
Section 1: PDT's History and Evolution Section 2: The Culture of Innovation at PDT Section 3: Collaborative Partnerships Section 4: Impact on the Dental Industry
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Time Slot #6: 2:15 - 2:45
Title: Tax & Investment Planning for Dentists – Mr. Aadil Zaman
The scarcest commodity for dentists is time, the lack of which often leads them to neglecting important areas of financial planning. At Wall Street Alliance Group, we have the solution. We have brought together a team of experts under one umbrella: attorneys, CPAs, actuaries, CFAs, and CFPs. As a team, we specialize in many aspects of financial planning specifically for dentists.
Important tax saving strategies and year-end tips
Optimal business structure for a dental practice
How to select the best retirement plan for you, i.e., Cash Balance, 401k, etc.
Most advantageous way to set up a will and trust for tax-efficient and asset-protected wealth transfer
Asset protection strategies that are simple to implement Estate tax solutions to offset 2026 law changes
Strategies to navigate stock market volatility and grow your wealth
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Time Slot #7: 3:00 - 3:30
Title: Digitally Transforming the Patient Experience for Case Acceptance - Shannon Carroll, RDH
Visualizations are a key component of the patient experience and help drive engaging consultations and treatment acceptance. Digital dental technologies are opening new ways to educate and motivate patients, ultimately leading to a better understanding of their oral health and the risks of inaction. The new Align Oral Health Suite, available on the iTero Element Plus Series, empowers doctors and their clinic staff to conduct comprehensive oral health assessments with a single scan using patient-friendly terminology and providing a highly engaging patient-centric experience.
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Time Slot #8: 3:45 - 4:15
Title: Smarter Dentistry Begins With Smarter Technology - Dr. Bhumika Patel
The technology available in the dental industry today can be fascinating, but often bypassed due to cost, lack of time, and fear of introducing change to the staff. Dr. Patel will break down 3 key technologies that are SIMPLE to implement, that your team will love, and that all practices must incorporate in order to stay competitive in an ever-changing landscape. Attendees will learn the why, the how, and even get a sneak peek into the newest tech products that are soon to hit the market.
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
New York and Federal DEA Continuing Education Training Program for Controlled & Illicit Substances Download Handout
Oral Medicine, Diagnosis, Pathology
Marc Gottlieb, D.D.S.
Course #: 4025 Date: 11/27/2023 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Marc Gottlieb, D.D.S.
On December 29, 2022, in addition to the Mandatory New York State 3-hour Opioid requirement, the Federal Government passed the Consolidation Appropriations Act of 2023. This act requires all providers with a DEA to obtain eight hours of continuing education. This 3-hour program reinforces your prior training and can be applied towards the NY State 3-hour mandated Pain Management, Palliative Care, and Addiction Education requirements; Now, with an emphasis on the new federal requirements, it can be applied towards the federal 8-hour requirement. It is designed for all prescribers of controlled substances. Through literature reviews, case studies, and professional experience, you will understand your role in combating the current opioid epidemic.
to understand the NY State and “MATE” Medication Access and Training Expansion Act
the safe pharmacological management of dental pain
to identify Opioid Use and other Drug Disorders
about exposure to possible interventions and referral resources
Sec. 1263 of the spending bill Congress passed in December 2022 requires controlled substance prescribers are to complete 8 hours of one-time training on safe, controlled substance prescribing as a condition of receiving or renewing a DEA registration. The statutory language was taken from a separate bill called the Medication Access and Training Expansion Act (or MATE Act).
This hands-on workshop reviews comprehensive skills and expertise in dental implantology. Participants practice cutting-edge technologies by utilizing advanced surgical techniques and understanding oral anatomy. This workshop provides optimal patient care skills and successful outcomes in implant placement, restoration, and functional rehabilitation for patients with missing partial or full edentulism.
the principles and benefits of computer-guided surgery in dental implantology
the technological advancements and tools used in computer-guided surgery for dental implants
to demonstrate the step-by-step process of utilizing computer-guided surgery for dental implant placement
to place implants in the model utilizing hand free vs. computer-guided surgery
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2:00pm - 4:00pm
New Software Introduction: Invisalign Smile Architect™
Course description Invisalign Smile Architect™ is a first-of-its-kind software that allows for ortho-restorative treatment planning in a single platform when treating patients with Invisalign®️ clear aligners. Through this workflow enhancement to the Align Digital Platform™️, you will be able to visualize anticipated restorative outcomes for patients who require restorative treatment after orthodontic treatment, both making complex treatment plans easy for patients to visualize and inspiring treatment acceptance. This course will share the benefits of using Invisalign Smile Architect™ and showcase a variety of ortho-restorative treatment plans developed by a key expert.
Learning objectives
Distinguish how digital pre-restorative alignment setups may allow for more minimally invasive restorations.
Illustrate the importance of facially driven treatment planning for ortho-restorative setups and its impact on treatment outcomes.
Evaluate how this tool may enable you to simplify your approach to patient communications and create opportunities to improve case acceptance.
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
Toothaches of Non-Dental Origin/Diagnostic and Therapeutic Injections to Address TMJ Problems, Orofacial Pain and Headache Download Handout
Orofacial Pain
Donald Tanenbaum, D.D.S.
Mina Faiek, D.M.D.
Course #: 4270 Date: 11/27/2023 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Donald Tanenbaum, D.D.S. Mina Faiek, D.M.D.
Non-odontogenic tooth pain refers to dental pain that originates from sources other than teeth, without having any clinically identifiable pulpal or periodontal pathology. Accurate diagnosis is essential to identify underlying causes and facilitate appropriate treatment. Early recognition and appropriate management can help improve patient outcomes, reduce unnecessary dental interventions, and prevent chronic pain conditions. This seminar provides a concise overview of the causes, diagnostic considerations, and treatment approaches for non-odontogenic tooth pain.
how different conditions could present as toothache
how to differentiate between different kinds of pain
different treatment modalities
Beyond the diagnostic dilemmas we face when introduced to a patient with persistent orofacial/TMJ pain, we have the difficult task of choosing therapeutic care directions, most likely to ease suffering and promote tissue healing. From this perspective, injections are among the tools that have proven beneficial in assisting diagnosis and addressing tissue injury/sensitization in somatic and neural structures. This seminar discusses and demonstrates diagnostic and therapeutic injections, including the indications that prompt these injections, specific injection technique protocol, and complementary supportive care.
the mechanisms driving the broad canvas of common orofacial and temporomandibular pain disorders
the standard injection therapies available to address temporomandibular and orofacial pain problems
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Restorations: Faster, Easier, Better, and Less Expensive
Current Dental Topics
Gordon Christensen, D.D.S., M.S.D., Ph.D.
Course #: 4290 Date: 11/27/2023 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Gordon Christensen, D.D.S., M.S.D., Ph.D.
This presentation includes materials, procedures, technologies, and concepts for a more efficient practice. Included topics are: reducing practice costs significantly; identifying research-supported quality products at less cost; increasing expanded staff functions; making fixed prosthodontics, operative and pediatric dentistry, and preventive dentistry faster, easier, better, and less expensive; and identifying the best products and techniques in each area.
Learn to:
identify materials, devices, and technologies that are faster, easier, better, and less expensive
determine which concepts relate to your practice
discuss with your team how to implement these changes
Designing systems and protocols for a good production and collection foundation can be challenging. This seminar is designed to identify strategies and systems to keep your finger on the pulse of the practice and address day-to-day concerns before they become significant issues. This seminar identifies the top 10 must-have systems that must be in place to achieve optimal results.
to identify critical systems for a successful practice
how to choreograph scheduling and collections for ultimate success
key strategies to grow your practice
beyond the practice skills and to maintain leadership and continuing education
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
The Clinician's Journey: Leveraging Aligner Therapy to Access New Avenues of Prosperity
Cory Costanzo, D.D.S., M.S.D.
Sara Mahmood, D.D.S., M.S.
Course #: 4350 Date: 11/27/2023 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Cory Costanzo, D.D.S., M.S.D. Sara Mahmood, D.D.S., M.S.
In this seminar, the clinicians highlight how providing aligner therapy is rewarding for patients and dental professionals while acknowledging uncer- tainties. This seminar guides all practitioners, from those just beginning their aligner journey to seasoned orthodontic specialists who have been walking the aligner pathway for years. This dynamic duo will share the best practice solutions from the lens of both the Dentist and the Orthodontist, maximizing technology for greater efficiency and predictable results when providing aligner therapy.
Learn to:
use intraoral scans to simply and swiftly co-diagnose occlusal disease at the time of scan
transform routine exams into clear aligner starts
strategically assess and apply a step-by-step treatment approach in aligner cases ranging from simple to complex, all while maximizing predictable results, time, and profit
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
Oral Cancer 2023: Lumps, Bumps, and Lesions for All Seasons
Oral Cancer
John Svirsky, D.D.S.
Course #: 4360 Date: 11/27/2023 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): John Svirsky, D.D.S.
Room: 1E18 Topic: Oral Cancer Tuition: $265.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Lab Technicians, Educator, Doctor
This seminar discusses unusual cases, diagnostic challenges, the oral health effects of tobacco products and alcohol, premalignant and malignant lesions, presenting an oral cancer diagnosis to a patient, and new diagnostic techniques. Tobacco advertising is exposed, and the link between human papillomavirus and cancer is reviewed. Treatment of oral cancer and oropharyngeal cancer are presented.
to develop a logical approach to the recognition and diagnosis of premalignant and malignant lesions
to understand the risk factors associated with the development of oral cancer
the current treatment of oral cancer and oropharyngeal cancer
the current prognosis of oral and oropharyngeal cancer
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Preparing for Practice Ownership
Practice Management
Maritza Duran
Nick Yanakas
Patrick McGahren, B.A.
Course #: 4370 Date: 11/27/2023 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Maritza Duran Nick Yanakas Patrick McGahren, B.A.
Room: 1E11 Topic: Practice Management Tuition: $100.00 Credits: 3
Practice ownership is more than an office, equipment, and patients to treat. Your new business needs your leadership to navigate through change and into the future. Develop your success plan and prepare for your leadership role as you learn about the key components of practice ownership, including advisory team, demographics, financing, and operational strategies.
startup vs. acquisitions
finance options
about site selection and negotiating with a landlord
Proper canal space cleaning and shaping are prerequisites for achieving clinical success in endodontics. The main goal of this course is to take the dental practice to the next level by utilizing a simple and efficient endodontic technique. Furthermore, an easy-to-use and highly effective ultrasonic irrigation technique is discussed to achieve high level of cleanness and disinfection.
the golden rules for achieving the cleanest canal possible
the importance of file heat treatment and how this aspect can improve instrumentation results
to master an intuitive 2-files instrumentation technique taking advantage of the two different kinematics
to perform an outstanding cleaning using ultrasonics
The clinician has been plying the periodontal pocket for almost 40 years. This presentation covers several periodontal topics of interest including “semi- surgical” treatment, the use of systemic and local antibiotics, approaches to splinting, implant restoration occlusion, and approaches to challenges in the aesthetic zone.
to identify solutions to soft tissue aesthetic challenges
the why and how of periodontal splinting
a low-tech approach to spot-on implant occlusion
2:00pm - 5:00pm
What Lies Beneath Treating Periodontal Disease Systemically
Over the last ten years, an increased focus has been on oral and systemic health links. This course is designed to equip dental practitioners with the skills to implement a comprehensive approach to treating our patients while they are chairside. This course reviews risk assessments and clinical cases to provide a practical approach to implementing science-based literature that is both effective and feasible for the current practice demands.
Learn to:
review Oral Pathologies that show evidence of systemic health issues
identify when to refer the patient out for blood work
discover proper risk assessments for enhanced preventive oral health
2:00pm - 5:00pm
3D Facial Scanning Changing Lives
Dean Vafiadis, D.D.S.
Course #: 4410 Date: 11/27/2023 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Dean Vafiadis, D.D.S.
3D facial Scanning enhances the advancement of technology in dentistry. The influence of data on this sector has now allowed us to bring the “virtual patient” into the laboratory, creating a “Dental Avatar.” Smile designs, dentures, Provisionals, and ALL on X have excellent accuracy. This technology will surely change lives and the dental profession.
3D Facial Scanning and its application
how to use 3D facial scanning in your office
to enhance dental treatments with 3D Facial Scanning
how to facilitate 3D Facial Scanning with your staff
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
How To Increase Practice Profits, Even In Uncertain Financial Times
Practice Management
Eric Block, D.M.D.
Kenn Butler
Leonard Tau, D.M.D.
Course #: 4420 Date: 11/27/2023 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Eric Block, D.M.D. Kenn Butler Leonard Tau, D.M.D.
Whether you are looking to boost revenue or reduce costs in suitable environments when the economic tides are unstable or even amid a downturn, this session gives dental practice owners a playbook for profitability while providing needed care to their patients. Discover how approaches in digital dentistry, high-growth business strategies, and patient experience can ensure your practice thrives in 2024.
to increase practice efficiency, maximizing chair time
about new offerings to add to the dental practice
to attract and retain patients in the modern era
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Crestal Approach Sinus Grafts using CAS-KIT: A Hands-on Workshop
Pilseong Kim, D.D.S., M.S.
Course #: 4490 Date: 11/27/2023 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Pilseong Kim, D.D.S., M.S.
This hands-on workshop is an introduction to the fundamentals of sinus grafting. This program provides a comprehensive understanding of sinus anatomy and function. Participants engage in a step-by-step approach to Crestal Sinus Graft using the innovative Crestal Approach Sinus (CAS) Kit by Hiossen. Gain valuable knowledge on selecting appropriate sinus graft materials and mastering the utilization of the CAS kit for efficient sinus graft procedures.
the anatomy of the sinus
the crestal approach sinus graft
how to choose the proper sinus graft materials
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
Anatomical Canal Preparation, Disinfection and Obturation
Bekir Karabucak, D.M.D., M.S.
Frank Setzer, D.M.D., Ph.D., M.S.
Course #: 4500 Date: 11/27/2023 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Bekir Karabucak, D.M.D., M.S. Frank Setzer, D.M.D., Ph.D., M.S.
Three-dimensional instrumentation, disinfection, and canal system obturation are essential for the success of root canal treatment. XP Shaper and Finisher file systems and tricalcium silicate-based bioceramic sealer allow files to expand and adapt and bioceramic sealer to fill the root canal’s three-dimensional structure. These techniques preserve dentin tooth structure, and canal surfaces can be treated anatomically more efficiently, conserving more tooth structure.
the physical properties and biological objectives of XP file systems
the physical and biological properties of bioceramic root filling materials
the clinical application of XP file systems and bioceramic obturation technique
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
Attaining Ideal Workflows in the Periodontal Operatory: A Hands-On Workshop
Periodontics and Laser
Samuel Low, D.D.S., M.S., M.Ed.
Course #: 4510 Date: 11/27/2023 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Samuel Low, D.D.S., M.S., M.Ed.
Ready for a total periodontics solution that increases positive patient outcomes, increases return on investment revenue, and decreases clini- cian stress? Strive for a more utopian workplace where automation is key to performance. Attendees experience new technologies in this workshop, from virtual data collection to micro-thin ultrasonics, lasers, local anesthesia delivery, and air medicament delivery. Hands-on participation allows dentists and hygienists to provide all services, including non-surgical periodontics, in a manner with minutes to spare.
Learn to:
empower the dental hygienist with expanded work descriptions beyond the “prophy” to increase productivity and decrease mental stress
decrease reliance on manual instrumentation to improve ergonomics
provide patients with techno devices for biofilm control that they will use and support nutraceuticals as antioxidants and probiotics
provide local anesthesia without mandibular blocks and painful palatal injections
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Digitally Designed Anterior Composites Simplified: A Hands-on Workshop
Restorative Dentistry
Adam Hodges, D.M.D.
Course #: 4520 Date: 11/27/2023 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Adam Hodges, D.M.D.
Anterior composite treatments involving diastema closure and/or veneers are cases clinicians find difficult. The value of conservative treatment is obvious, but the skill set and time required often lead some to avoid this treatment option. The promise of digital technology is the simplification of workflow and predictability of outcomes. This workshop introduces participants to a new custom printed matrix which can be leveraged to make these cases more predictable with less chair time. In a hands-on experience, participants utilize this technology to experience a new way of providing anterior composite treatment on multiple teeth.
the benefits of conservative anterior composite restorative options
a new technology that leverages lab-produced digital design and 3D printing
what types of cases are best accomplished using this matrix
to experience the matrix on a model in a hands-on fashion
This hands-on workshop teaches the participant a predictable method for restoring a Class IV incisal fracture or adding length to an anterior tooth, utilizing composite bonding techniques. The procedure to be completed utilizes the latest in composite resins of different translucencies. The use of a putty matrix as an invaluable tool is reviewed. Proper color mapping, shade selections integrated into the restoration, and proper finishing and polishing techniques are discussed.
to correctly color map to blend the correct composite materials to achieve an invisible restoration
to build composite coloration into the restoration utilizing different composite shades and opacities to achieve the natural-looking results the patient expects
to properly finish and polish your restoration for proper function and optimal esthetics
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
Surgery First Ortodoncia & Cirugía Ortognática/Ortodoncia Quirúrgica y Estabilidad Articular
Cursos de Español
Andrea Dibene Nava, D.D.S., M.S.
Manuel Vazquez Uribe, D.D.S., D.M.D.
Course #: 4550 Date: 11/27/2023 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Andrea Dibene Nava, D.D.S., M.S. Manuel Vazquez Uribe, D.D.S., D.M.D.
Room: 1E07 Topic: Cursos de Español Tuition: $55.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Students, Educator
Manuel Vázquez Uribe, D.D.S., D.M.D.
Surgery First Ortodoncia & Cirugía Ortognática Diagnosticar y tratar un paciente con discrepancias esqueléticas a través de estabilidad articular, cirugía ortognática "Surgery First" y terminar con ortodoncia invisible (alineadores). Diagnosticar pacientes de ortodoncia o cirugía ortognática. Estabilidad articular a través de Splint prequirúrgico. Determinar si la cirugía es mono maxilar, bimaxilar o triple. Lograr oclusión funcional a través de ortodoncia con alineadores.
Andrea Dibene Nava, D.D.S., M.S.
Ortodoncia Quirúrgica y Estabilidad Articular En esta segunda parte, analizaremos cómo es posible lograr una estabilidad articular en pacientes quirúrgicos de gran avance maxilomandibular con trastornos temporomandibulares, basado en evidencia. Conocer Causas de Reabsorción Condilar y Recidiva Postquirúrgica. Analizar Protocolo Prequirúrgico para Pacientes con Trastornos Temporomandibulares. Lograr Resultados de Excelencia en Pacientes Comprometidos Articularmente.
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Oral Appliances for Snoring/Sleep Apnea
Sleep Apnea
Luis Aneyba, D.D.S.
Course #: 4580 Date: 11/27/2023 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Luis Aneyba, D.D.S.
In the sleep medicine ecosystem, the dentist has a fundamental role. The placement of oral appliances in patients with Snoring, Upper Airway Respiratory Syndrome and Obstructive Sleep Apnea is where dentists generally have a word. This course takes us on a journey from the classification of sleep disorders, sleep Studies, sleep consultation, Various OSA Prediction Tests and finally the types of oral appliances that currently exist and their therapeutic indications.
classification of Sleep Disorders
sleep studies
sleep examination
types of oral appliances for snoring and obstructive sleep apnea
2:00pm - 3:00pm
The Application of the Dental Avatar
Isaac Tawil, D.D.S.
Course #: 4710 Date: 11/27/2023 Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Isaac Tawil, D.D.S.
New trends and techniques in the dental field are emerging at a rapid pace. Intra-oral, desktop and facial scanning along with 3D printing have made digital dentistry effective and efficient. Concepts such as recreating the patient digitally “the dental avatar” are being embraced to enhance the effectiveness of laboratory communication and dental treatment. This program discusses how to implement these technologies with seamless integration to aide in surgical planning and restorations for full arch dental Implantology.
Learning objectives:
discuss the need for digital applications
discover advancements and new tools utilizing CBCT (cone beam computer tomography)
explore the use of intra-oral, desktop and facial scanning
analyze the components and benefits of three-dimensional printed guidance for implant placement
understand the process of temporization and 2-3 visit finalization for full arch implant restorations
2:30pm - 6:00pm
Room: 1D05/06 Topic: Cursos de Portuguese Tuition: $55.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Students, Educator, Nurse, Doctor
LIDIA VIEIRA DANTAS, B.S. BIOESTIMULADORES DE COLÁGENO NO FULLFACE Com o processo natural de envelhecimento a perda de colágeno e outras estru- turas de sustentação da tecidual impactam de forma significativa na qualidade da pele. Os bioestimuladores de colágeno têm se tornado uma potente ferramenta no gerenciamento do processo de envelhecimento auxiliando na arquitetura tecidual. Quando bem empregados os bioestimuladores atuam tanto na melhora da resistência mecânica da pele, quanto na fixação de tecidos profundos. Atual- mente os bioestimuladores são utilizados para foundation e associados com os preenchedores faciai promovem resultados naturais e douradouros.
JULIANA DE LUCENA RAMPANI, D.D.S. ULTRASSOM MICROFOCADO E LASER LAVIEEN: REVITALIZAÇÃO FACIAL AVANÇADA Ultrassom microfocado e Laser Lavieen, são utilizados na estética facial para melhorar a aparência da pele e tratar diversas condições teciduais. Esses recursos tecnológicos são não invasivos e podem proporcionar resultados significativos sem cirurgia ou tempo de recuperação prolongado. Nesta palestra serão discu- tidos os fundamentos, aplicações e benefícios dessas tecnologias inovadoras na estética facial, com ênfase nas melhorias de resultado. Através de uma análise detalhada, será apresentado como os protocolos podem ser empregados de forma efetiva na prática clínica, além das informações relevantes para aprimorar seus tratamentos e alcançar melhores resultados para seus pacientes.
JULIANA RAMALHO, D.D.S., M.SC. MESA REDONDA: TECNOLOGIA E INJETÁVEIS EM SINERGIA Baseada nos tópicos das duas palestras anteriores, nossa mesa redonda trará discussões enriquecedoras sobre a associação da tecnologia com o uso de inje- táveis na harmonização facial, proporcionando aos participantes uma visão apro- fundada das novidades e tendências na odontologia estética. Teremos a partici- pação de renomados especialistas que irão explorar e discutir os benefícios de tecnologias de ponta, tais como ultrassom microfocado, laseres de alta e baixa potência, radiofrequência e a associação destas e outras tecnologias com o uso de injetáveis na harmonização facial e seu impacto no aprimoramento da odonto- logia convencional. Contamos com a sua participação em um ambiente de colabo- ração e aprendizado mútuo, com o objetivo de proporcionar aos nossos pacientes os melhores resultados e satisfação em seus tratamentos.
O suporte para este programa é fornecido pelo GREEHOF - GRUPO DE ESTUDO E ENSINO EM HARMONIZAÇÃO OROFACIAL
4:00pm - 5:00pm
The Application of the Dental Avatar
Isaac Tawil, D.D.S.
Course #: 4720 Date: 11/27/2023 Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Isaac Tawil, D.D.S.
New trends and techniques in the dental field are emerging at a rapid pace. Intra-oral, desktop and facial scanning along with 3D printing have made digital dentistry effective and efficient. Concepts such as recreating the patient digitally “the dental avatar” are being embraced to enhance the effectiveness of laboratory communication and dental treatment. This program discusses how to implement these technologies with seamless integration to aide in surgical planning and restorations for full arch dental Implantology.
Learning objectives:
discuss the need for digital applications
discover advancements and new tools utilizing CBCT (cone beam computer tomography)
explore the use of intra-oral, desktop and facial scanning
analyze the components and benefits of three-dimensional printed guidance for implant placement
understand the process of temporization and 2-3 visit finalization for full arch implant restorations
9:45pm - 12:45pm
Practice Start Up vs. Practice Acquisition/Confidently Prepare for Practice Ownership/Dental Practice Acquisition or Start Up
Practice Management
Sean Simensky, Esq.
Course #: 4610 Date: 11/27/2023 Time: 9:45pm - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Sean Simensky, Esq.
Room: 1E01/02 Topic: Practice Management Tuition: $100.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Students, Spouse, Educator, Doctor
Eric Ploumis, D.M.D., J.D.
Practice Start Up vs. Practice Acquisition This seminar will explore the options new dentists have when considering how to start their career. Is it better to do a start-up practice or acquire an existing one?
understanding what is involved in a start-up practice
understanding what is involved in a practice acquisition
deciding which pathway is better for you.
exploring the financing options associated with either option.
Sean N. Simensky
Confidently Prepare for Practice Ownership Whether you're thinking of purchasing an existing practice or starting one from scratch, the thought of owning your own practice can be exciting and scary all at the same time. How do you know if you're choosing the right practice? Who do you turn to? Who can you trust? Are you ready to take on practice ownership? What's holding you back? These are all questions that need to be considered.
the top five fears you must overcome
about the options that are available to you
important steps to take
Sean P. Breheny, C.P.A., M.B.A. Heidi P. Whelan-Zorse
Dental Practice Acquisition or Start Up Insights into the keys to successful practice ownership, as well as a comparison of the pros and cons of buying a practice vs starting from scratch.
to inform doctors on the different aspects of practice ownership
the need for a solid business plan
the pros and cons of acquisition vs starting from scratch
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 11:00am
Dissolving Teeth Whitening Strips
Esthetic Dentistry
Ian Stevens, M.A.
Mark Livingstone, B.Sc., M.B.A.
Course #: 5180 Date: 11/28/2023 Time: 9:00am - 11:00am Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Ian Stevens, M.A. Mark Livingstone, B.Sc., M.B.A.
This program aims to introduce Bsolve’s dissolving teeth whitening strip and our [P]3 technology and demonstrate how it can be helpful in a dental prac- tice’s whitening offering. The presentation highlights the critical advantages of the technology, including its whitening efficacy and reduced levels of tooth sensitivity compared to other whitening strip technologies. Addition- ally, the convenience of the dissolving strip technology leading to greater patient compliance is highlighted, and the significant benefit of reducing waste is discussed.
an introduction of Bsolve’s dissolving whitening strip and [P]3 technology
to provide an overview of the data that demonstrates the effectiveness of the dissolving strip at whitening teeth with reduced levels of sensitivity
the key benefits of the dissolving strip of convenience, patient compliance, and waste reduction
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Carillas de Porcelana e Integración en DDS/Atención Estomatológica a Personas con Discapacidad/Ozono Médico en odontología
Room: 1E07 Topic: Cursos de Español Tuition: $55.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Administrative Staff, Lab Technicians, Spouse, Educator, Nurse, Doctor
JUAN ENRIQUE BAZÁN, D.D.S. CARILLAS DE PORCELANA E INTEGRACIÓN EN DDS Durante muchos años el diseño digital de la sonrisa se ha entendido como el planteamiento de diferentes alternativas de tratamiento. Pero en la actu- alidad en el mundo, hay una gran confusión porque muchos piensan que el diseño de sonrisa es un tratamiento y lo compara con las carillas. Eso no es así las redes sociales informan erróneamente que es lo mismo, llevando a una gran confusión a pacientes y a jóvenes odontólogos que sin experien- cia reafirman esta falacia. El diseño de sonrisa es sólo una herramienta de pronóstico no es un tratamiento.
CLAUDIA ELVIRA ECHEVARRÍA PONCE, D.D.S. ATENCIÓN ESTOMATOLÓGICA A PERSONAS CON DISCAPACIDAD Las personas con discapacidad deben ser atendidas en el área Estomatológica a través de técnicas y estrategias que hagan que ellos pueden acceder a una buena calidad de vida. Es bien sabido que la deficiencia auditiva e intelectual crea en el paciente una marcada interrupción en su capacidad para comu- nicarse de manera efectiva, que repercute significativamente en la calidad global de su vida. Esto es atribuido a la reducción de la interacción social, el aislamiento, el sentimiento de exclusión, la depresión, la baja autoestima.
AURELIO MEDINA GONZALES, D.D.S. OZONO MÉDICO EN ODONTOLOGÍA Exponer el uso actual del ozono médico aplicado en odontología. Conocer la bioquímica del ozono médico y mecanismo de acción. Conocer el uso actual del ozono medico en terapias odontológicas. Presentar su uso basado en investigación y evidencia científica. Considerar su uso complementario en Odontología en General.
El apoyo para de estos programas es proporcionado por
9:45am - 12:45pm
Evolution of Hydraulic Sinus Condensing (HSC)
Implant Dentistry
Leon Chen, D.M.D., M.S., D.B.A.
Course #: 5030 Date: 11/28/2023 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Leon Chen, D.M.D., M.S., D.B.A.
The real one-drill implant system is a game changer in the field of dental implants. This system has various advantages, such as reduced surgical time, less intra-and postoperative problems, and optimal primary stability for immediate implant procedures. This system’s core feature is step-locking, which offers exceptional primary stability. We simplify the procedure and decrease complexity by employing a single drill rather than many drills. We have effective systems in place to resolve any problems that may occur in circumstances when redirection or repositioning is required. Furthermore, we may execute five treatments in one with this technology, including extraction, bone grafting, sinus lift, implant implantation, and provisional restoration. The sinus membrane lift is done concurrently with the evidence-based implant, where autogenous bone graft material is delivered to the apical region of the implant. Overall, this ground-breaking implant system offers a tremendous improvement in implant dentistry, providing better efficiency, stability, and outstanding patient results.
Learn to:
the fundamentals of the one-drill implant system
the foundations of immediate implant, guided bone regeneration, and sinus lift surgery all in one setting
in comparison to traditional window treatments, alternative osteotome technique, less invasive HSC approaches and modern methods for sinus augmentation
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
Medical Management of Dental Caries/Why Adequate Light Curing Is Important
Pediatric Dentistry
Joel Berg, D.D.S., M.S.
Richard Price, D.D.S., M.S., Ph.D.
Course #: 5050 Date: 11/28/2023 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Joel Berg, D.D.S., M.S. Richard Price, D.D.S., M.S., Ph.D.
MEDICAL MANAGEMENT OF DENTAL CARIES This seminar provides the attendee with the most up-to-date information regarding emerging technologies in medical management of oral disease. Recently, new ways of assessing and dealing with dental caries as an infectious disease have been proposed, and new products have been introduced. This course reviews the science behind these developments and will introduce clinically relevant information to practitioners to prepare them to understand related new information as it is introduced to the professionals and consumers. A “continuum” of caries management from medicinal approaches through restorative approaches are presented. Integration of the dental care team with the medical care team, most importantly including effective communication with the patients we care for, will be at the forefront of these inexorable changes, and will lead the way to successful disease management outcomes.
methods for caries risk assessment
how in incorporate medical management thinking into disease management
three methods to monitor dental caries as a disease
WHY ADEQUATE LIGHT CURING IS IMPORTANT This presentation will cover the basics of safe resin polymerization. Attendees will see how easy it is to compromise the bond strengths and the success of restorations. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own curing light to the course, where they will be shown how to test the light and what to look for when buying a new one.
the correct terms you should use to describe the light output from a curing light
how to avoid costly mistakes when light curing resins
how to check if the curing light is appropriate for your practice needs
how to safely optimize the amount of light delivered from the curing light
9:45am - 5:00pm
Remedies for Clinical Controversies
Sercan Akyalcin, D.D.S., M.S., Ph.D.
Course #: 5070 Date: 11/28/2023 Time: 9:45am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s): Sercan Akyalcin, D.D.S., M.S., Ph.D.
There are several controversial topics in orthodontics, which make clinicians face a broad range of options and vastly different opinions. Clinical decisions for early intervention, expansion, bicuspid extractions, distalization, and airway management have been some of the most debated avenues in this regard. This presentation presents the latest evidence on these controversial topics and demonstrates case examples to aid the clinicians’ decision-making process.
the clinical controversies in the orthodontic decision-making process
about challenging case examples and explain the principles of successful case management
to analyze the clinical outcomes from the perspective of long-term stability
Myofunctional therapy is an exercise technique used to correct the function of the tongue and orofacial muscles for proper resting posture, speech, and swallowing. When an individual presents with an orofacial myofunctional disorder, often they present with an open mouth posture, a low and forward tongue resting posture, malocclusion, limited dietary repertoire, and other structural deficits. The function and use of the tongue influence an individual’s structure. A collaborative approach to long-term success is vital!
what myofunctional therapy is and its importance in supporting oral function
the benefits of myofunctional therapy for individuals with malocclusions, tethered oral tissues, speech deficits, noxious oral habits, improper oral function, and chewing/swallowing deficits
to gain insight into the topic of myofunctional therapy and how it relates
to the dental professional
to recognize how myofunctional therapy can support the long-term dental success of patients
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 5:00pm
Invisalign Smile Architect™ - Visualizing ortho-Restorative Outcomes within ClinCheck Software
Course #: 5110 Date: 11/28/2023 Time: 9:45am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Take your ClinCheck®️ treatment planning to the next level! Invisalign Smile Architect is a new workflow enhancement to Align’s proprietary ClinCheck 3D orthodontic treatment planning software platform. It allows the dentist to digitally plan orthodontic tooth positioning in concert with the patient’s aesthetic smile design goal when there are plans for restorative treatment after orthodontia, all in one digital platform. This will enable the dentist to create an orthodontic restorative treatment plan supported by a facially driven esthetic orthodontic setup, resulting in higher overall treatment predictability and optimal clinical outcomes. Attendees can participate in hands-on training with Invisalign Smile Architect treatment planning software.
to use Invisalign Smile Architect for treatment planning and case presentation
how to plan and treat comprehensive cases effectively digitally
how to educate patients on the importance of orthodontics in comprehensive care
to utilize the Align Digital Platform™️ to submit case records for treatments using the Invisalign Smile Architect workflow
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 5:00pm
Team Day: Optimize Practice Performance
Practice Management
Audra Haynes, R.D.H., M.P.H.
Kevin Henry, M.A.
Thema Hepburn, D.D.S., R.D.H.
Tija Hunter, C.D.A.
Tricia Quartey, D.M.D.
The Team Day Progam will consist of assembled speakers in the fourdisciplines of the dental office team.
Regaining practice continuity post pandemic depends on the coordinated effort of the core team of Dentist, Hygienist, Assistant and Manager (DHAM Team). For a practice to thrive it’s vital to reinvigorate the Team and achieve greater cohesion by highlighting each member’s value in terms of optimal operation of the practice.
Learn the essentials for success in each team role from the panel of experts. See how specific aspects of team integration lead to increases in patient retention, production and case acceptance. Make your team greater than the sum of its parts and see how your practice grows.
set attainable goals
benefit from team assessment tools
delineate job, vs team, responsibilities
communicate appropriately with part-time vs full-time staff
This seminar discusses the basic concepts of aesthetics and the use of illusions. A technique for creating invisible class III and IV restorations is covered. In the aesthetic zone, we are sometimes challenged because of spacing issues or patient desires. There may be too much or too little space to achieve a desirable result, or the patient’s expectations may be unrealistic. Cases illustrating techniques you can use in your practice daily are presented. Learn how to help your patient achieve more national results.
techniques for invisible class III and IV restorations
This presentation describes attracting and retaining the best team in a drama-free culture. The plan to achieve practice success and growth should include empowering the team and implementing systems that build patient confidence. The doctor must clarify expectations so the team can function independently and take non-clinical responsibilities off the doctor’s shoulders. Improved methods and better leadership create a more robust culture that increases patient interest in more comprehensive care. It eliminates team turnover and makes working in practice more enjoyable and fulfilling for the doctor and the team.
to differentiate your practice from others in your area
to create a positive culture and a more motivated team
to establish clear expectations to create an empowered team
how improved systems create consistency, lower stress, and increase patient satisfaction
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
Endodontic Diagnosis and Anatomical Root Canal Instrumentation
Bekir Karabucak, D.M.D., M.S.
Frank Setzer, D.M.D., Ph.D., M.S.
Course #: 5170 Date: 11/28/2023 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Bekir Karabucak, D.M.D., M.S. Frank Setzer, D.M.D., Ph.D., M.S.
Endodontic treatment requires a correct diagnosis and treatment plan. This session provides an overview of endodontic diagnosis and accurate deci- sion-making for root canal treatment of vital versus necrotic teeth. Access and modern instrumentation with expandable instruments providing biolog- ically adequate anatomical instrumentation are discussed.
Learn to:
review endodontic diagnosis
choose appropriate treatment strategies depending on pulpal and periapical disease.
understand the complexity of root canal system anatomy and infection
Fixed and removable prosthodontic materials have changed rapidly! Are these extremely hard and wear-resistant materials and new techniques better? Improper occlusion is one of the main reasons for implant failure, TMD problems, esthetic dissatisfaction, and short longevity of restorations. Some topics included in the seminar are ideal occlusion; implant failure and occlusion; wear of natural teeth and current materials; grinding bruxers; clenching bruxers; occlusal equilibration; and occlusal splints.
Learn to:
identify what occlusal concepts and procedures can make successful
determine which concepts relate to your practice
discuss with your team how to implement these changes
integrate the desired concepts into your practice
9:45am - 12:45pm
Temporomandibular-Joint Structural and Functional Changes/Risk Factors for Periodontitis in Children with Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1 (DM1)/Full-Mouth r
TEMPOROMANDIBULAR-JOINT STRUCTURAL AND FUNCTIONAL CHANGES This seminar discusses the development of TMD during orthodontic treatment. The results of clinical and radiological changes of the TMJ under the influence of changed pathological external and internal forces acting on the joint are presented. Pain accompanying TMD can be a sign of compensatory processes and structural restructuring of the joint surfaces following the changed functional load on the joint. Ways to prevent the development of pathological changes and TMD during orthodontic treatment are reviewed.
TMD (temporomandibular disorder) in patients undergoing orthodontic
clinical and radiological adaptive and compensatory changes of the TMJ (temporomandibular joint
to prevent pathological changes and development of TMD (temporomandibular disorder) in patients
RISK FACTORS FOR PERIODONTITIS IN CHILDREN WITH MYOTONIC DYSTROPHY TYPE 1 (DM1) This seminar discusses the main systemic and local risk factors in the initiation and progression of periodontitis in children with DM1. During the mixed dentition period in children, the formation of periodontal tissues, alveolar process, and mineralization of alveolar bone tissue. The results showed a violation of the systemic bone metabolism of the skeleton, which is an adverse prognostic factor for the formation of the alveolar process as a component of periodontal tissues.
Learn: the systemic and local risk factors for periodontal disease in children with Type 1 Diabetes experimental research on the influence of metabolic disorders of bone tissue by periodontal tissue to prevent periodontal disease in children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
FULL-MOUTH REHABILITATION OF PATIENTS USING DENTAL IMPLANTS, INCLUDING ALL - ON - 4/6 PROSTHETICS, IN DIFFICULT CLINICAL CASES Complete loss of teeth due to various problems of the dentoalveolar system leads to profound suffering for patients. The restoration of a person’s func- tional and physiological abilities and psychological status largely depends on the quality and success of the work of a dentist. Within the framework of this lecture, we will analyze a clear protocol for working with difficult patients, which will not allow us to make any prosthetic or technical errors.
diagnostics and planning in full mouth restoration on implants and according to the All-on-4/6 method – aesthetics and function
prototyping as the key to the implementation of a successful plan - control and testing at different stages of prosthetics on implants
technical implementation of the prosthetics plan using All-on-4/6 techniques and classical prosthetics on implants
Zev Kaufman, D.D.S.
Critical Thinking in Multi-Disciplinary Treatment Planning
Complex multi-disciplinary planning and proper case presentation is critical to any high-end dental practice. The presentation will discuss proper records, sequencing of treatment, and proper case presentation to the patient, along with proper financial arrangements.
Co-ordination of complex treatment plans
When to refer to another specialist
Proper diagnosis of a complex case
Presenting the complex treatment to the patient
9:45am - 12:45pm
Innovative Approaches to Treating Early Aggressive Periodontitis (EAgP) in Vulnerable Populations
Periodontitis is a global health problem that can cause tooth loss and increased risk for cardiovascular disease, hypertension, cancer, low-birth-weight infants, and other serious systemic diseases. Early Aggressive Periodontitis is associated with significant and rapid progression of bone loss and has been linked to genetic background and risk factors. This interactive session outlines the implications and the use of innovative Early Aggressive Periodontitis treatment modalities in vulnerable populations.
about vulnerable populations
to identify and understand Early Aggressive Periodontitis
how mobile and teledentistry can be utilized in the provision of care
the role of school-based programs in oral care delivery
about Medicaid expansion and coverage and its impact on EAP treatment
This radiology program presents a number of common cases in addition to some interesting unusual cases keeping you on your toes. The emphasis is on common radiolucent and radiopaque lesions. Get ready to learn, laugh and make a difference in the diagnosis and treatment of oral diseases.
a logical approach to the diagnosis and treatment of common radiolucent lesions found on radiographs
to make a difference in the diagnosis and treatment of oral diseases
to recognize the common radiographic lesions found in dental practices
9:45am - 12:45pm
Oral Health Disparities in Disadvantaged Communities
Oral Health
Gail Cherry-Peppers, D.D.S., M.S.
Gillian Robinson-Warner, D.D.S
Jezelle Sonnier, D.D.S.
Lisa Slade, D.D.S.
Course #: 5230 Date: 11/28/2023 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Gail Cherry-Peppers, D.D.S., M.S. Gillian Robinson-Warner, D.D.S Jezelle Sonnier, D.D.S. Lisa Slade, D.D.S.
Room: 1E06 Topic: Oral Health Tuition: $265.00 Credits: 3
The relationship between systemic health and oral health impacts dental treatment outcomes. Poor oral health and or poor systemic health can prevent quick and successful healing and can cause dental treatment complications. This session will provide an overview of dental treatment and management of underserved patients with multiple chronic conditions. There are numerous oral health disparities in this aging population which will be addressed.
Learn to:
better understand indicators of dental diseases and their associations to systemic conditions
better assess the bidirectional relationship of chronic and dental diseases, and how to minimize and avoid dental complications
recognize common risk factors that will impact treatment outcomes (aging, smoking, poor diet, co-morbidities), and how to promote behavior changes in poor communities
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
Eye Spy with My Little Eye: The Eye-Mouth Connection Download Handout
Several connections have been discovered between the eye and the oral cavity. This seminar discusses oral pathogens, chronic inflammation, and mouth and eye diseases. Discover how the oral cavity and the eyes may hold clues to overall health and wellness.
Learn to:
examine the link between oral pathogens and eye diseases
identify risk factors for poor eye and mouth health
develop a greater level of understanding of medical-dental collaboration
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
3D Facial Scanning - Changing Lives
Dean Vafiadis, D.D.S.
Course #: 5260 Date: 11/28/2023 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Dean Vafiadis, D.D.S.
3D facial Scanning enhances the advancement of technology in dentistry. The influence of data on this sector has now allowed us to bring the “virtual patient” into the laboratory, creating a “Dental Avatar.” Smile designs, dentures, Provisionals, and ALL on X have excellent accuracy. This technology will surely change lives and the dental profession.
3D Facial Scanning and its application
how to use 3D facial scanning in your office
to enhance dental treatments with 3D Facial Scanning
how to facilitate 3D Facial Scanning with your staff
Title: Solutions for Productivity & Profit - Mr. Mike Gainsburg
Shofu has been known for its high-quality products for more than 100 years. The clinician explains how you can increase productivity and profit using Shofu’s products, specifically the EyeSpecial and EyeCam cameras, DentaLaze soft-tissue diode laser, and Beautifil II Gingiva restorative, which features bioactive Giomer Technology, offering therapeutic properties, which may improve tissue response and periodontal health. By utilization of these Shofu products, case acceptance and clinical productivity will soar.
Support for this program is provided by
Time Slot #2 and #3: 10:30 - 11:45
Title: Proper Use of Legal Entities
for Lawsuit Protection and Tax Reduction. - Mr. Dan McNeff
Legally Mine will show you how to stop the threat of
lawsuits before they ever get started by protecting your assets in time-tested
and proven legal structures. These same structures allow us to help our
tax attorneys save what you would normally pay in income taxes. These are
little-known tax helps that have significant case history and have stood the
test of time.
Support for this program is provided by
Time Slot #4: 12:00 - 12:30
Title : Applications for Single-Shade Composite Resins – Dr. Robert Rosenfeld
Understanding the unique characteristics of single shade resins
Simplifying the restorative process & armamentarium
Sharing clinical cases using OMNICHROMA universal, flowable & bulk fill material
Whitening post resin restorations
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 5:00pm
Botox and Facial Fillers: A Clinical Workshop and Demonstration
Botox and Dermal Fillers
Steven Clark, M.D., D.M.D.
Course #: 5390 Date: 11/28/2023 Time: 9:45am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s): Steven Clark, M.D., D.M.D.
This full-day demonstration on “live” patients and mannequins focuses on the art of aesthetic use of Botox and Facial Fillers. The morning didactic session introduces neuromodulators (Botox, disport, and Xeomin) and various facial fillers. The discussion includes facial aging, patient selection, safety, and efficacy of the latest products. “Live” demonstrations follow in the afternoon. The clinician (board-certified plastic surgeon whose practice focuses on aesthetic medicine and cosmetic Surgery) discusses “Clinical Pearls,” which he has developed over the last 20 years to ensure proper technique and safety to achieve excellent cosmetic results. Mannequins are available for participants to practice the hands-on portion of the program.
the history, science, and mechanism of action, proper dosing, and storage of Botox and facial fillers
facial aging, facial anatomy, patient selection and adequate technique: how to stay out of trouble
facial fillers – selection to improve facial aging and volume – what works
9:45am - 5:00pm
Diode Laser Hands-on Training Workshop (Certification Eligible)
Laser Dentistry
John Graeber, D.M.D.
Course #: 5400 Date: 11/28/2023 Time: 9:45am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s): John Graeber, D.M.D.
This hands-on workshop is designed to train new or anticipated users of diode dental lasers. It is the 2nd of 3 modules required for certification in a standard course for the Academy of Laser Dentistry. A review of laser science and safety will accompany micro-videos of actual standard procedures used in everyday practice. Hands-on sessions will allow participants expert supervised and extensive laser techniques on animal models.
the essentials of diode laser science
to operate diode lasers in a safe environment
from an experienced expert in this field
to perform the most common laser procedures on the following practice day
3-PART CERTIFICATION PROCESS: Part 1 - Foundations in Laser Dentistry - Self-paced Online Digital Learning Program (6 CEUs). Part 2 - Hands-on Clinical Simulation & Training (in person) - Provided by an approved ALD Trainer (Dr. John Graeber at the Greater NY Dental Meeting 2023). Part 3 - ALD Dental Laser Standard Level Online Exam.
SUCCESSFUL STANDARD LEVEL COURSE COMPLETION In order to successfully complete the ALD Dental Laser Standard Level Course in its entirety, you must successfully complete all 3 Parts (as described above) within 90 days of your Part 2 Hands-on course date. After the 90 days have passed, the course will be closed, and anyone who has successfully complet- ed the course will receive their continuing education record of completion and Standard Level Course certificate within 6-8 weeks from that close date.
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 5:00pm
Diode Laser Hands-on Training Workshop (Not Certification Eligible)
Laser Dentistry
John Graeber, D.M.D.
Course #: 5405 Date: 11/28/2023 Time: 9:45am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s): John Graeber, D.M.D.
This hands-on workshop is designed to train new or anticipated users of diode dental lasers. It is the 2nd of 3 modules required for certification in a standard course for the Academy of Laser Dentistry. A review of laser science and safety will accompany micro-videos of actual standard procedures used in everyday practice. Hands-on sessions will allow participants expert supervised and extensive laser techniques on animal models.
the essentials of diode laser science
to operate diode lasers in a safe environment
from an experienced expert in this field
to perform the most common laser procedures on the following practice day
3-PART CERTIFICATION PROCESS: Part 1 - Foundations in Laser Dentistry - Self-paced Online Digital Learning Program (6 CEUs). Part 2 - Hands-on Clinical Simulation & Training (in person) - Provided by an approved ALD Trainer (Dr. John Graeber at the Greater NY Dental Meeting 2023). Part 3 - ALD Dental Laser Standard Level Online Exam.
SUCCESSFUL STANDARD LEVEL COURSE COMPLETION In order to successfully complete the ALD Dental Laser Standard Level Course in its entirety, you must successfully complete all 3 Parts (as described above) within 90 days of your Part 2 Hands-on course date. After the 90 days have passed, the course will be closed, and anyone who has successfully complet- ed the course will receive their continuing education record of completion and Standard Level Course certificate within 6-8 weeks from that close date.
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 5:00pm
12-Hour New York State Anesthesia Sedation Requirement Program Download Handout
Anesthesia and Sedation
Marc Gottlieb, D.D.S.
Course #: 5410 Date: 11/28/2023 Time: 9:45am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s): Marc Gottlieb, D.D.S.
This 12-Hour continuing education program is designed to satisfy the New York State Anesthesia / Sedation requirement. This is a 2-day, 12-hour course. To receive certification, you must attend both Tuesday and Wednesday programs.
This program is designed for the general practitioner as well as all specialists. Everyone from the first-year dental student and your receptionist to the veteran about to retire will benefit from this course. Today many of our patients treat their anxiety by self-medicating or expecting us to offer them a magic pill. There is no simple solution, but the clinician shows you how to be proactive and avoid serious complications. This program demonstrates, through case studies, how utilizing TLC, Nitrous Oxide, Alcohol, Anxiolysis, and Oral and I.V. Sedation, can help manage the apprehensive patient. We will also role-play and simulate dental office emergencies. A significant amount of time focuses on airway management by the solo operator or as a team member working with an anesthesiologist. Everyone participates in hands-on workshops with various airway adjuncts to treat airway emergencies. Treating the apprehensive man, woman, or child can be very rewarding. When appropriately managed, they remain loyal for life and often refer to their friends and family. Everything from tender loving care to general anesthesia are covered. Other courses teach you how to medicate, communicate and delegate. This course pulls it together and satisfies the NYS-mandated 12-hour C.E. requirement in enteral, parenteral, and I.V. sedation.
to understand how to manage apprehensive children and adults effectively
to recognize the difference between Anxiolysis, Minimal - Moderate Sedation, Deep Sedation, and General Anesthesia
a review of medications commonly used in dentistry*
early recognition of airway problems and corrective techniques
how to perform dentistry on a sedated patient with an open or compromised airway*
the management of anesthesia complications and related emergencies for adults and children*
to determine which additional training is suitable for your practice
*Topics include but are not limited to satisfying the NYS 12-hour C.E. requirement.
9:45am - 12:45pm
Laser Fundamentals: Lighting up your Hygiene Protocols Download Handout
This hands-on workshop offers a new level of comfort when implementing a laser into your daily hygiene schedule. Whether you are a novice laser user or need a refresher course, we will explore light therapy’s benefits and healing properties in our hygiene operatory. The discussion includes procedures such as laser bacterial reduction, laser-assisted periodontal therapy, treatment of oral lesions, and other techniques that enhance clinical care. A hands-on component is included in this workshop.
to explain fundamental physics, proper safety, and clinical parameters
comprehension of laser usage and tissue interactions
to understand laser settings and procedures best suited for daily practice
to apply hands-on techniques on simulated tissue
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
Excellent and Efficient Endodontics Hands-on Workshop
John Olmsted, D.D.S., M.S.
Course #: 5430 Date: 11/28/2023 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): John Olmsted, D.D.S., M.S.
Do you wonder which Endo instrument is the safest and most efficient? Do you have challenges with irrigation solutions? Are you tired of lateral condensing of accessory points? This half-day evidence-based hands-on workshop provides cutting-edge rotary/reciprocation instrumentation with new flexible and safe files; location of calcified canals and MB2; and obturation of the root canal system, utilizing a four-canal 3D maxillary first molar.
to demonstrate the location of canals with special burs
to utilize rotary and reciprocation instrumentation
to exhibit different techniques of obturation
9:45am - 12:45pm
Oral Surgery Workshop for the General Practitioner
The clinician discusses the pearls and pitfalls of different surgical techniques. This hands-on workshop reviews the indications and options for evaluating and performing biopsies in the dental office. Additionally, review the role the dentist plays in managing dental infections.
proper patient screening and selection
to demonstrate the use of different instruments and techniques for extractions
to practice performing biopsies
to become more comfortable performing minor oral surgical procedures in the office
12:30pm - 2:00pm
Ingeniería Financiera en la Industria Dental
Cursos de Español
Jorge Corro, CFA
Course #: 5490 Date: 11/28/2023 Time: 12:30pm - 2:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Jorge Corro, CFA
Room: 1E07 Topic: Cursos de Español Tuition: $55.00 Credits: 2 Recommended For:
Dentists, Assistants, Students, Administrative Staff, Spouse, Educator, Doctor
La conferencia busca compartir las bases administrativas y financieras apli- cables a cualquier giro comercial, posteriormente, aterrizarlo a la industria dental e identificar las fuentes de financiamiento, la figura de emprendimiento en los consultorios, realizar la división de costos fijos y variables, el tratamiento de las utilidades, las estrategias publicitarias, implementar un control de almacenes, e identificar las estrategias de establecimiento de precios.
“Can I be a 1099 hygienist?” “What do I lose if I’m not classified as a W-2 worker?” “I accidentally misclassified an employee. How do I fix this?” Crystal Spring, Executive Director of Smiles Across Montana and Relationship Development Manager for onDiem, answers all these questions and more. Learn why dental hygienists and assistants must be classified as W-2 employees, how misclassification hurts both the professional and the practice, and what you can do to stay protected and compliant.
LunaLite is an automated laser-guided dental x-ray positioner that's changing the game. It's a disruptive innovation, replacing the old, uncomfortable methods of intraoral X-rays. With its laser precision, LunaLite ensures perfect positioning in seconds, leading to faster workflows and happier dental offices. Embracing LunaLite isn't just about embracing innovation – it's about saving time, and money, and making dental experiences brighter for everyone.
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Evolution of Hydraulic Sinus Condensing (HSC)
Implant Dentistry
Leon Chen, D.M.D., M.S., D.B.A.
Course #: 5040 Date: 11/28/2023 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Leon Chen, D.M.D., M.S., D.B.A.
The real one-drill implant system is a game changer in the field of dental implants. This system has various advantages, such as reduced surgical time, less intra-and postoperative problems, and optimal primary stability for immediate implant procedures. This system’s core feature is step-locking, which offers exceptional primary stability. We simplify the procedure and decrease complexity by employing a single drill rather than many drills. We have effective systems in place to resolve any problems that may occur in circumstances when redirection or repositioning is required. Furthermore, we may execute five treatments in one with this technology, including extraction, bone grafting, sinus lift, implant implantation, and provisional restoration. The sinus membrane lift is done concurrently with the evidence-based implant, where autogenous bone graft material is delivered to the apical region of the implant. Overall, this ground-breaking implant system offers a tremendous improvement in implant dentistry, providing better efficiency, stability, and outstanding patient results.
Learn to:
the fundamentals of the one-drill implant system
the foundations of immediate implant, guided bone regeneration, and sinus lift surgery all in one setting
in comparison to traditional window treatments, alternative osteotome technique, less invasive HSC approaches and modern methods for sinus augmentation
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Restorative Alternatives in Pediatric Dentistry/Update To Direct Restorations Download Handout
Pediatric Dentistry
Nathaniel Lawson, D.M.D., Ph.D.
Jed Best, D.D.S., M.S.
RESTORATIVE ALTERNATIVES IN PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY There are alternatives to the use of resin in Pediatric Dentistry. Modified Glass Ionomers and conventional Glass Ionomers are such alternatives. This talk will discuss these two classes of materials and others in restoring pediatric dentition, their unique role in preventive dentistry, and an alternative way of setting the material.
what materials are appropriate if isolation is not ideal
to highlight issues with using resin to restore and how to correct it
why RMGI/GIC is less likely to fail from secondary caries
why to consider RMGI/GIC
UPDATE TO DIRECT RESTORATIONS Posterior composite restorations remain the bread-and-butter procedure of many restorative dentists. Although this procedure may seem trivial, many clinical factors lead to a long-lasting restoration, including diagnosis, isolation, caries removal, cavity preparation, use of liner, matrix and wedge placement, bonding technique, composite placement, and finishing and polishing. This program aims to review the techniques for each step based on current evidence.
Learn to:
discuss treatment guidelines for interproximal caries and caries removal
discover materials and techniques to promote a long-lasting adhesive bond and create a well-adapted restoration
analyze matrix utilization and contouring instruments to achieve a tight and well-contoured contact
This seminar provides an update and review of local anesthesia pharmacology and administration essentials. Strategies for selecting an anesthetic agent will be developed, including a detailed discussion regarding the more recently introduced local anesthetics, delivery systems, and reversal agents. This program discusses some local anesthetic adjuncts, including buffering. This course concludes with a discussion of some of the untoward reactions that can result from the administration of local anesthesia.
to make an optimal local anesthetic agent selection based on the patient
and the treatment
the essentials of local anesthesia pharmacology
to understand some of the newer concepts regarding local anesthesia administration that can help facilitate the patient outcome
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Tongue-Tie Releases: Simplified and Streamlined Download Handout
Melissa Mugno, O.M.T.
Sarah Hornsby, R.D.H.
Course #: 5100 Date: 11/28/2023 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Melissa Mugno, O.M.T. Sarah Hornsby, R.D.H.
As a doctor performing frenectomies, how do you know when patients are functionally ready for their tongue-tie release? This lecture aims to give you a clear, simple, and decisive set of pre-operative goals to help you efficiently and effectively perform frenectomies and achieve the best results possible.
In many clinical situations, full-coverage crowns are no longer the best choice for treating posterior teeth. With the advancements in CAD/CAM technology, high-quality bonded indirect restorations can be fabricated in-office in one patient visit. This evidence-based program presents a protocol for conservative posterior tooth preparations that lead to better clinical outcomes for CAD/CAM restorations, are more fun, and, most importantly, prevent enamel cruelty!
how conservative tooth preparations can lead to better restorations and long-term tooth health
to synthesize a tooth preparation process to yield the most conservative restoration for a given tooth condition
how a CAD/CAM design system can be used as a quality check for conservative tooth preparations
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Help Patients Say YES! and Meaningful Mini Makeovers
How do your patients decide to accept your treatment recommendations? What makes them say “yes,” or perhaps they say, “I have to discuss it with my spouse,” or very often, “What will my insurance cover?” Neuroscientists have tried to discover what makes people buy a service or product. This seminar reviews concepts and techniques to help your case acceptance rate. In addition, some patients are unhappy with their aesthetics and can’t afford a full makeover. Cases and techniques are presented where treating less than your ideal number of teeth can change a person’s smile and enhance their life.
Learn to:
discuss reasons people buy services or products
offer a dialogue that can increase case acceptance
find ways to improve smiles on a patient’s limited budget
2:00pm - 5:00pm
How the Doctors and the Team Work Together to Increase Treatment Acceptance Download Handout
Practice Management
Kelly Fox-Galvagni, RDA
Steven Katz, D.M.D.
Course #: 5320 Date: 11/28/2023 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Kelly Fox-Galvagni, RDA Steven Katz, D.M.D.
Room: 1E11 Topic: Practice Management Tuition: $265.00 Credits: 3
Patients who are told they need treatment can become resentful. When we connect with our patients emotionally, we can discuss the benefits of care, making them want it much more. Everything that we do should be focused on creating a higher perceived value. We will introduce an improved total patient experience beginning with a more welcoming initial phone call and a more impressive initial exam. Appropriate periodontal care is essential to creating the foundation of improved care. Invoking discussion of the oral-systemic connection also raises the perceived value of dental care. When patients ask questions about proposed treatment, the entire team must be on the same page with verbal skills to help the patients overcome their objections and say “Yes” to treatment. When this occurs, patients eagerly accept more of the care they need and refer others to the dental practice.
to understand the team dynamic to increase treatment acceptance
to emphasize the benefits of treatment so patients want it
the oral-systemic connection to increase the value of dental care
the verbal skills to overcome patient objections to treatment
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
3D Canal Disinfection and Obturation
Bekir Karabucak, D.M.D., M.S.
Frank Setzer, D.M.D., Ph.D., M.S.
Course #: 5330 Date: 11/28/2023 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Bekir Karabucak, D.M.D., M.S. Frank Setzer, D.M.D., Ph.D., M.S.
Advancements in Endodontic instruments, solutions, and materials have evolved tremendously, changing root canal treatment modalities. This seminar explores the clinical applications, outcomes, and biological responses of new irrigation protocols, bioceramic sealer, and root repair materials in endodontic practice.
Learn to:
understand the methods of root canal disinfection
understand the physical properties of bioceramic root-filling materials
identify the studies evaluating the biological responses of bioceramic materials
This all-clinical presentation reviews the latest periodontal procedures, such as gingival grafting, pocket reduction, crown lengthening, socket preserva- tion, dental implants, treatment options, and osteotome sinus lifts. If you extract teeth, you must bone graft the sockets in the anterior region before a dental implant is planned. The “how to” of bone grafting sockets and a review of all treatment options for the patient are discussed.
the latest periodontal procedures being performed
how to bone graft extraction sockets for socket preservation
treatment planning options for patient treatment decisions
to communicate better with your favorite dental specialists
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Managing Jaw Relationships in OSA Patients/Extra-Oral injections for Orofacial Pain/AI in Dentistry Current Trends
Room: Exhibit Floor - Booth #2024 Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: $265.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Educator, Doctor
NOSHIR MEHTA, D.M.D., M.S. MANAGING JAW RELATIONSHIPS IN OSA PATIENTS Dental appliances have effectively managed mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea but too often result in unforeseen dental and TMD side effects. While long-term wear affects dental tooth movement and muscular and joint issues in some patients, a three-dimensional jaw relationship can effectively reduce the short and long-term results.
Learn: common anatomical risk indicators for TMD and OSA how to use a three-dimensional Maxillomandibular model to assess risks how to utilize intraoral appliances predictably using the three- dimensional concept
BRIJESH CHANDWANI, D.M.D., B.D.S. EXTRA-ORAL INJECTIONS FOR OROFACIAL PAIN This seminar gives an overview of extra-oral injections using local anesthetics, corticosteroids, and Botulinum toxin for Orofacial pain, along with extra-oral injections for acute and chronic pain.
about injection techniques
pharmacology of injectables
GUZIN UZEL, D.M.D., D.M.SC. SHIBANI SAHNI, B.S.D. AI IN DENTISTRY CURRENT TRENDS Discover how AI is transforming dental care already and what’s coming in the near future. Explore the various AI technology applications, current trends, and innovative solutions as we discuss their impact on patient education, case acceptance, practice efficiency, and insurance reimbursement. Learn how AI is used in diagnostic and monitoring settings in general dentistry, specialty dentistry, and health care to augment clinical decision-making and improve patient care. It’s the next step in digital dentistry and is poised to become the industry standard.
AI basics: interactions, essential terms, and training
current trends and future directions
technological tools and strategies in the healthcare industry
how AI is applied to dental practices to help with diagnosis, time management, and case acceptance
Learn how to protect your identity, practice, and technology from Cyber Criminals! It’s easier than you think to safeguard our “connected” worlds. This program provides valuable information covering security measures and best practices to help avoid threats that can critically impact your business and personal life. Thought by a seasoned IT Professional with over 40 years of experience managing and maintaining small to large businesses, including medical practices.
to understand where your weak areas are in your computer and business systems
how to strengthen those areas without spending lots of dollars
to understand and learn what to look for to identify cyber criminal’s attempts to attack you
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Screening for Cancer of the Oral Mucosa/Epidemiology and Early Detection of Oral Cancer U.S.
Room: 1E18 Topic: Oral Cancer Tuition: $265.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Students, Nurse, Doctor
VIKTORIIA KHOPERIIA, M.D., Ph.D. SCREENING FOR CANCER OF THE ORAL MUCOSA Adaptive and compensatory structural and functional changes of the temporomandibular joint; risk factors for periodontitis in children with Type 1 Diabetes; an interdisciplinary approach in diagnosing, treating, and preventing oral diseases; oral mucosa cancer, including problems of early diagnosis in Ukraine are all discussed.
the organization of oral cancer screening in Ukraine
to increase the efficiency of diagnosing diseases of the oral mucosa
EPIDEMIOLOGY AND EARLY DETECTION OF ORAL CANCER This seminar reviews current epidemiology and emerging methodology trends in diagnosing oral cancer in the united states. Risk factors focusing on HPV, the clinical appearance of atypical lesions, leukoplakia and erythroplakia, and the microscopic appearance of these lesions are discussed in this seminar.
the epidemiology of oral cancers
the clinical presentation of oral cancers
the changing demographics of patients with oral cancer
This workshop reviews the yoga and mindfulness techniques developed by a Dentist-Yoga Teacher for dental professionals to help prevent or reduce dentistry and work-related health issues of stress. The program focuses on fatigue, burn-out, ergonomics, and muscular-skeletal problems of the neck, shoulder, upper-lower back, carpal tunnel, and joints. Help enhance strength, flexibility, energy, resilience, focus, concentration, and productivity. Explore and practice sitting, standing and on yoga mat (provided), simple breathing exercises, stretches, movements, postural alignments, and mind- fulness-based stress-reduction and relaxation techniques to practice for 2 minutes or more in an office or at home.
Do you wonder which Endo instrument is the safest and most efficient? Do you have challenges with irrigation solutions? Are you tired of lateral condensing of accessory points? This half-day evidence-based hands-on workshop provides cutting-edge rotary/reciprocation instrumentation with new flexible and safe files; location of calcified canals and MB2; and obturation of the root canal system, utilizing a four-canal 3D maxillary first molar.
to demonstrate the location of canals with special burs
to utilize rotary and reciprocation instrumentation
to exhibit different techniques of obturation
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Oral Surgery Workshop for the General Practitioner
The clinician discusses the pearls and pitfalls of different surgical techniques. This hands-on workshop reviews the indications and options for evaluating and performing biopsies in the dental office. Additionally, review the role the dentist plays in managing dental infections.
proper patient screening and selection
to demonstrate the use of different instruments and techniques for extractions
to practice performing biopsies
to become more comfortable performing minor oral surgical procedures in the office
2:30pm - 5:30pm
Implantes Dentals Con Vision Estetica Previsible/Fotografía Odontología, La Mejor Herramienta de Comunicación
Cursos de Español
Carlos Orihuela, D.D.S.
Luis Lopez, D.D.S., D.M.D.
Course #: 5500 Date: 11/28/2023 Time: 2:30pm - 5:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Carlos Orihuela, D.D.S. Luis Lopez, D.D.S., D.M.D.
Room: 1E07 Topic: Cursos de Español Tuition: $55.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Lab Technicians, Educator
Durante la colocación de los implantes dentales se cometen muchos errores por un incorrecto diagnóstico, planeamiento estético y previsibilidad en el proceso de cicatrización de los tejidos blandos, que con llevan al éxito o fracaso en la parte estética, lo que normalmente se conoce como estética rosada. Estos detalles se van a ver reflejados, debido a que no se trabajó en un planeamiento reverso, que implica tomar detalles que pasan desde la adaptación de la prótesis en el sector anterior, observar los aspectos clínicos y de laboratorio, hasta la confección de las prótesis definitivas.
La fotografía ondontocia es la herramienta más efectiva de comunicación, no solo con nuestros pacientes sino también con nuestro equipo de trabajo como lo son colegas de las distintas especialidades, laboratorio y asistentas dentales. En esta oportunidad vamos a dar todas las recomendaciones para realizan unas buenas fotos que nos sirvan como evidencia de nuestro trabajo de día a día.
El apoyo para de estos programas es proporcionado por
6:00pm - 8:30pm
Mastering Airway-Facial Aesthetics/Mastering Composite Veneers in the Aesthetic Area
Esthetic Dentistry
Marta Cortés, DDS
Sigal Jacobson, D.M.D.
Course #: 5510 Date: 11/28/2023 Time: 6:00pm - 8:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Marta Cortés, DDS Sigal Jacobson, D.M.D.
Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), a form of Sleep Related Breathing Disorders (SRBD), is recognized by the medical community as an important chronic medical condition that can have serious health consequences, impair quality of life, and reduce lifespans. Dentists and their team members who screen and refer patients suspected of breathing difficulties during sleep, share a unique role with in the collaborative evaluation and treatment of patients with (OSA).
the important role Dentists hold in recognizing & managing patients with OSA
basic Patholophysiology, symptoms, and associated risk factors of SRBDs.
effective screening techniques through questionnaires and clinical examination
a working understanding of Dental Sleep Medicine: implementation into practice and the building blocks to increase referrals from Physicians and other health care providers
9:00am - 12:00pm
Armonización Orofacial y Estética/Ortodoncia y Armonización Orofacial
Cursos de Español
Augusto César Rodrigues de Souza, D.D.S.
Silvia Amélia Campanari Lorenzetti Stoppa , D.D.S.
Course #: 6460 Date: 11/29/2023 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Augusto César Rodrigues de Souza, D.D.S. Silvia Amélia Campanari Lorenzetti Stoppa , D.D.S.
Room: 1E07 Topic: Cursos de Español Tuition: $55.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Lab Technicians, Educator, Nurse, Doctor
La Armonizacion orofacial inicio una nueva era en la odontologia mundial, el analisis facial integra la parte dental con todo el rostro. Los planeamien- tos esteticos con nuevos tecnologias son muy frecuentes en odontologia, gnerando resultados stasifactorios y predecibles. En esta presentacion se presentaran technicas avanzada de relleno facil, armonizacion quirurgica, aplicaciones de toxina boutlincia, alineadas con dsd y tecnicas restauradoras.
Se está utilizando la armonización orofacial como tratamiento complemen- tario después de de tratamientos de ortodoncia correctiva compensatória com afectaciones esqueléticas leves y también después de cirurgias gnáticas para afinar el perfil y el contorno facial.
El apoyo para estos programas es proporcionado por
9:45am - 12:45pm
Behavior Guidance and Special Populations/Medical Management of Caries
ELISE SARVAS, D.D.S., M.S.D., M.P.H. BEHAVIOR GUIDANCE AND SPECIAL POPULATIONS Caring for the oral health of children and adolescents requires several unique considerations. This care may be modified further when these patients have a particular healthcare need or social situation. This seminar explores behavior guidance for these individuals with social determinants of health lenses and discusses contemporary basic and advanced behavior guidance techniques.
Learn to:
describe emerging information on the oral health care of children with
special health care needs
review factors about providing oral health care for families with unique qualities
identify unique social determinants of health and how they impact oral and overall health
discuss contemporary trends in advanced behavior guidance techniques
JAROD JOHNSON, D.D.S. MEDICAL MANAGEMENT OF CARIES Dental caries is one of the most common conditions dentists encounter. Untreated cavities can cause pain and eventual tooth loss. New effective medical management strategies such as silver diamine fluoride and motiva- tional interviewing can enable patients to make dietary changes and improve oral hygiene. With this model, dentists can effectively manage patients. This seminar discusses how dentists can use these various medical management methods to combat caries in their patients.
Learn to:
describe the mechanism of action of silver diamine fluoride
understand the role of diet in the development of caries in children
utilize motivational interviewing to improve patient compliance
9:45am - 12:45pm
Mini Implants Assisted Rapid Palatal Expansion (MARPE): The Treatment of Class III Adults
A new way to treat your orthodontic patients through the design, application, and indication of the MARPE. This improves the resulting outcome of your cases by implementing TADs (miniscrews). This seminar includes clinical cases with videos demonstrating the technique and a biomechanical explanation of the treatment.
MSE (Maxillary Skeletal Expander) for the treatment of Classe III adult without surgery
the advantages and disadvantages of the techniques
Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), a form of Sleep Related Breathing Disorders (SRBD), is recognized by the medical community as an important chronic medical condition that can have serious health consequences, impair quality of life, and reduce lifespans. Dentists and their team members who screen and refer patients suspected of breathing difficulties during sleep, share a unique role with in the collaborative evaluation and treatment of patients with (OSA).
the important role Dentists hold in recognizing & managing patients with OSA
basic Patholophysiology, symptoms, and associated risk factors of SRBDs.
effective screening techniques through questionnaires and clinical examination
a working understanding of Dental Sleep Medicine: implementation into practice and the building blocks to increase referrals from Physicians and other health care providers
9:45am - 4:30pm
Human Rights, Human Trafficking, Sexual Assault, Child Abuse and Neglect, Missing Persons, POW/MIA, Homicide
Forensic Dentistry
Eric Stover, B.A.
Ira Titunik, D.D.S.
Lowell Levine, D.D.S.
Michael Baden, M.D.
Michael O'Connell, B.A.
Tom Holland, J.D., Ph.D., D.A.B.F.A.
Course #: 6090 Date: 11/29/2023 Time: 9:45am - 4:30pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s): Eric Stover, B.A. Ira Titunik, D.D.S. Lowell Levine, D.D.S. Michael Baden, M.D. Michael O'Connell, B.A. Tom Holland, J.D., Ph.D., D.A.B.F.A.
The Dental Profession is crucial to Human Rights, Mass disasters, Child Abuse and Neglect, Missing Persons, Human Trafficking, POW/MIA, Homicide, and Sexual Assault Investigations. The Dental Health Team has a vital role in the success of many types of Forensic Investigations in the United States and foreign locations. We bring closure to families of victims. We can save the lives of living victims of abuse, neglect, and trafficking and try to make those victims whole again. An overview of the types of cases where the dental professional is of great value and the kinds of issues, we will confront is discussed by individuals who have experienced such situations. In the future, you may be called upon to participate in an investigation, and your expertise will be of great value. Examples of these situations and events will be shown and discussed. One example is the Investigation into the disappearance of the Argentine Dirty War. Dentistry played a pivotal role in that Investigation.
how dentists are Mandated Reporters of suspected child abuse or neglect and how those reports result in investigations of the alleged abuse/neglect by law enforcement authorities
how the dental profession evaluates and reports on facial/dental trauma on deceased and living victims of human rights violations
to Identify how this is of great value in MIA, Human Rights, and Missing Persons by comparing dental records
9:45am - 4:30pm
Advanced Endodontic Irrigation/Root Resorption
Frederic Barnett, D.M.D.
Course #: 6100 Date: 11/29/2023 Time: 9:45am - 4:30pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s): Frederic Barnett, D.M.D.
The clinical use of advanced irrigation in Endodontics using erbium lasers and multi-fluidics (Gentle Wave) devices are presented in this seminar. The etiology, pathogenesis, and management of root resorption are discussed. Attendees learn about the clinical protocols used with advanced irrigation devices.
the value of advanced irrigation in endodontics
the clinical protocols used with advanced irrigation devices
to properly diagnose the different types of root resorption
understand how to manage to various types of root resorption lesions
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
The DSO Decision
Practice Management
Benjamin Bush
Brian Houlahan
Casey Gocel, Esq
Justin Schafer
Course #: 6110 Date: 11/29/2023 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Benjamin Bush Brian Houlahan Casey Gocel, Esq Justin Schafer
Today, DSOs are one of the fastest-growing segments of dentistry, and their impact on the profession is significant. Whether you are considering selling to a DSO, partnering with a DSO, starting your own DSO, wanting to preserve private practice dentistry, or successfully competing against DSOs, this program gives you the clarity, knowledge, and vision you will need to succeed. This seminar takes an unbiased look from the doctor’s perspective and the private equity firms to determine a suitable path for you.
the basics of DSOs: models, history, and how they make money
the pros and cons of selling to or partnering with a DSO
DSO transactions - preparing your dental office for various transaction structures and life after the deal
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
Navigating the Mystery of EOBs (Explanation of Benefits)
Explanation of Benefits are confusing and difficult to understand. Team members are often unaware of how to interpret the explanation. Adjustments done incorrectly often lead to lost revenue. Let’s take the mystery out of EOBs for both you and your patients.
the correct terminology
coordination of benefits, regular and non-duplication plans, and understanding the difference
about denials and the ways to avoid them and fight for your patients
If you are not diagnosing periodontal disease and performing Periodontal Scaling and Root planning (SRP) in your practice daily, you are missing out on a complete treatment for your patients. This program covers periodontal diagnosis, the “how to” of SRP and discusses local chemotherapeutic treatment.
how to assess and diagnose periodontal disease
how to explain periodontal disease
the need for SRPs for your patient
9:45am - 12:45pm
Proper Use of Legal Entities for Lawsuit Protection and Tax Reduction
Room: 1E09 Topic: Practice Management Tuition: $265.00 Credits: 3
This seminar shows you how to stop the threat of lawsuits before they ever get started by protecting your assets in time-tested and proven legal struc- tures. These same structures allow us to help our tax attorneys save what you usually pay in income taxes. These little-known tax helps have significant case history and have stood the test of time.
asset protection
estate planning
tax Strategies
lawsuit prevention
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) Classification Simplified/Antimicrobial Peptides: Opportunities in the Management of Dental Caries /The Futur Download Handout
Lorilei D. Kirby, R.D.H.
Olga Gnatovych, R.D.H.
Raj Sheth, R.D.H., M.S.
Victoria Benvenuto, R.D.H., Ed.M.
Course #: 6160 Date: 11/29/2023 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Lorilei D. Kirby, R.D.H. Olga Gnatovych, R.D.H. Raj Sheth, R.D.H., M.S. Victoria Benvenuto, R.D.H., Ed.M.
VICTORIA M. BENVENUTO, R.D.H., Ed.M AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PERIODONTOLOGY (AAP) CLASSIFICATION SIMPLIFIED How well do you know the current periodontal classification system? Does it seem confusing? This course aims to provide an easy and quick guide to assist clinicians and educators in understanding and utilizing the (2018) clas- sification system of periodontal and peri-implant diseases and conditions in a clinical setting. Explore the components when classifying a periodontally involved patient and the criteria for staging and grading in this program. Case studies discuss real-life situations to help participants learn how to form a complete picture of a patient’s periodontal condition, which will ulti- mately result in improved diagnosis and management.
OLGA GNATOVYCH, R.D.H., M.Ed. ANTIMICROBIAL PEPTIDES: OPPORTUNITIES IN THE MANAGEMENT OF DENTAL CARIES Dental caries or tooth decay continues to be one of the most prevalent infectious diseases and global public health issues today. There is ongoing research in the dental field in hopes of finding new treatments. One of the recent approaches investigated by healthcare professionals to enhance the treatment and prevention of dental caries is the application of synthetic antimicrobial peptides (AMPs). This program discusses the role of microbial pathogens in the caries process, defines antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) and types of AMPs and their mechanism of action, and their opportunities in managing dental caries.
RAJ SHETH R.D.H., M.S. THE FUTURE OF DENTISTRY: SILVER DIAMINE FLUORIDE AS A KEY COMPONENT OF MINIMALLY INVASIVE DENTISTRY Dentistry is constantly evolving and seeking new ways to provide minimally invasive treatments to patients. Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) is a promising tool for achieving this goal. SDF is a clear, odorless liquid used in Japan for decades to treat dental caries. The application of SDF is quick and painless, making it an excellent option for patients who may be fearful of traditional dental treatments. Additionally, SDF can potentially arrest caries progres- sion without drilling and filling, making it a valuable tool for minimally inva- sive dentistry. In the future, SDF will likely become an increasingly popular option for dental professionals as they seek to provide the best possible care to their patients while minimizing discomfort and invasiveness. This presentation is going to help dental professionals understand the role of SDF in the field of dentistry.
LORILEI D. KIRBY, B.S.D.H.E., R.D.H. INCREASING CLINICAL AND PATIENT ACCEPTANCE OF SILVER DIAMINE FLUORIDE APPLICATION THROUGH POST TREATMENT ESTHETIC PROCEDURES SDF is a cost-effective, non-invasive topical medicament that can arrest the caries process when applied to carious lesions. Although SDF exhibits excel- lent clinical efficacy in caries arrest, its potential to stain carious tooth struc- ture due to the formation of silver compounds on the tooth surface pres- ents an esthetic problem that limits its clinical use. This presentation will discuss the use of potassium iodide (KI), glass ionomer, and ultraviolet light to minimize tooth staining and enhance clinical and patient acceptance.
Learn how to protect your identity, practice, and technology from Cyber Criminals! It’s easier than you think to safeguard our “connected” worlds. This program provides valuable information covering security measures and best practices to help avoid threats that can critically impact your business and personal life. Thought by a seasoned IT Professional with over 40 years of experience managing and maintaining small to large businesses, including medical practices.
to understand where your weak areas are in your computer and business
how to strengthen those areas without spending lots of dollars
to understand and learn what to look for to identify cyber criminal’s attempts to attack you
9:45am - 12:45pm
Creating a Financially Successful Dental Practice Download Handout
Practice Management
John Vento, C.P.A., M.B.A., C.F.P.®
Course #: 6180 Date: 11/29/2023 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): John Vento, C.P.A., M.B.A., C.F.P.®
Room: Exhibit Floor - Booth #2024 Topic: Practice Management Tuition: $265.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Students, Spouse, Doctor
Establishing and maintaining a successful dental practice can lead you to financial independence. Obtain expert advice on how to set up your practice to maximize your financial success. Topics covered include entity choice, tax-smart strategies, choosing the right retirement plan, advanced tax planning strategies, and how to keep more of what you make. Create a financial action plan for the success of your dental practice.
Learn to:
establish and maintain a financially successful dental practice
implement tax-smart strategies so you can keep more of what you make
ensure that you will have a financially worry-free retirement
implement a dental practice financial action plan for your practice and personal success
9:45am - 12:45pm
Become Digitally Indispensable: CAD/CAM for Dental Assistants Download Handout
Steven Gold, D.D.S.
Course #: 6210 Date: 11/29/2023 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Steven Gold, D.D.S.
CAD/CAM technology continues to revolutionize the art of restorative dentistry. In a single visit, fabricating high-quality indirect restorations in-office greatly appeals to patients and the dental team. CAD/CAM dentistry allows dental assistants to help deliver final restorations directly and in ways never before possible. This program provides an evidence-based overview of the current state of CAD/CAM dentistry and specific clinical skills the dental assistant can contribute to the process. Becoming “digitally indispensable” can be an enriching addition to any dental assistant’s career!
Learn the:
current state of CAD/CAM dental technology as supported by scientific evidence
steps in fabricating a single-tooth CAD/CAM restoration from start to finish
basic skills required to obtain the digital scans and design a CAD/CAM restoration
steps in preparing a milled CAD/CAM restoration for cementation
This lecture discusses the newest and latest internal and external marketing techniques developed to respond to the ever-changing digital marketing strategies your practice needs to perfect. The program shows attendees how to incorporate new tools into their practice to help make 2024 more efficient and profitable. Combining these fresh new marketing techniques and reinforcing the marketing procedures that have worked well in the past will grow your revenue and your patient base in 2024 and beyond!
new digital marketing plans to make the dental office more efficient and increase practice revenue
to implement Search Engine Marketing tools - Google Ads, website
re-targeting, e-mail capture, Meta retargeting techniques to bring new patients into the office
to compare internal marketing tools and strategies to determine which will work in your dental practice
to develop internal and external marketing strategies to boost office income
Title: TMD Demystified: Urbanek Device & Protocol - Dr. Anthony P. Urbanek
This program will address research that identified the common denominator directly responsible for all symptoms associated with TMJ/TMD. It will cover how each symptom is related to one common factor once eliminated relieves all the symptoms. The discussion will include TMD falsehoods generated by dental educators who were not familiar with what orthopedic surgeons have known about the joints of the body for over 60 years.
Support for this program is provided by
Time Slot #2: 10:30 - 11:00
The Power of Intelligence: How technology and AI are increasing case acceptance and practice revenue growth while providing precision care opportunities for better outcomes for patients. - Dr. Amreesh Khanna
The advancement of technology, innovation, and AI is moving at a rapid pace inside Dentistry and in our everyday world with advents like Chat GPT! How do we understand how to use and incorporate these new technologies effectively into our day-to-day clinical workflows allowing Dental teams to drive precision care in ways never possible before! AI in clinical support is more than just x-ray solutions, we will review existing and new technologies out there and present a new solution that enables a total health approach to new patient and recall examinations, leveraging the power of technology, automation and AI to drive precision care real-time with you patients! Learn how to empower dental teams to deliver an elevated patient experience through communicating a wellness profile and full transparency with patients. Drive relationship building with your patient, increase lifetime value to your practice and accelerated case acceptance with a technology that ensures all opportunities of care are uncovered on patients everyday!
Support for this program is provided by
Time Slot #3: 11:15 - 11:45
Title: Continual Saliva Monitoring (CSM): Dental’s Promise for Precision Healthcare- Daniel Weinstein
Lura Health has developed the first wearable sensor for salivary diagnostics for patients with chronic disease to non-invasively monitor their health using saliva as opposed to blood.Dental devices are truly ubiquitous. Hundreds of millions of devices are worn every day for everything from restoring, straightening, retaining, protecting, replacing teeth. These devices are in constant contact with saliva, which is increasingly recognized as a new frontier for health monitoring and diagnostics. Salivary testing gained prominence through genetic and viral testing, and new expansions include monitoring diabetes, kidney disease, hormones, and more. There is a broad overlap between blood and saliva, leading many in the medical community to proclaim that “saliva is the new blood of health diagnostics”. Imagine if there was a switch that could “turn on” all of these dental devices, allowing them to monitor the patient’s health, transforming them into medical-grade monitors. Lura Health is developing a tiny biosensor that plugs into dental appliances, monitors key health and disease markers in saliva, shares data directly to the patient’s phone, and syncs to the clinician’s PMS or EHR system. This technology brings medical/dental integration closer than ever before, positions the dentist at the center of patient care, and enables personalized, precision healthcare.
Support for this program is provided by
Time Slot #4: 12:00 - 12:30
Title: Digital Transformation with TrueDent - Robert Kreyer, CDT
This presentation will discuss how TrueDent eliminates prosthetic variables while providing successful clinical outcomes and solutions. The TrueDent solution is a monolithic multi-color denture printed with Stratasys polyjet technology. TrueDent is transforming digital prosthetics by improving clinical predictability, technical consistency, and patient satisfaction.
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 5:00pm
12-Hour New York State Anesthesia Sedation Requirement Program Download Handout
Anesthesia and Sedation
Marc Gottlieb, D.D.S.
Course #: 6360 Date: 11/29/2023 Time: 9:45am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s): Marc Gottlieb, D.D.S.
This is a 12-Hour continuing education program designed to satisfy the New York State Anesthesia / Sedation requirement. This is a 2-day, 12- hour course. To receive certification, you must attend both Tuesday and Wednesday programs.
This program is designed for the general practitioner as well as all specialists. Everyone from the first-year dental student and your receptionist to the veteran about to retire will benefit from this course. Today many of our patients treat their anxiety by self-medicating or expecting us to offer them a magic pill. There is no simple solution, but the clinician shows you how to be proactive and avoid serious complications. This program demonstrates, through case studies, how utilizing TLC, Nitrous Oxide, Alcohol, Anxiolysis, Oral and I.V. Sedation can help and manage the apprehensive patient. We will also role-play and simulate dental office emergencies. A significant amount of time focuses on airway management by the solo operator or as a team member working with an anesthesiologist. Everyone participates in hands-on workshops with various airway adjuncts to treat airway emergencies. Treating the apprehensive man, woman, or child can be very rewarding. When appropriately managed, they remain loyal for life and often refer to their friends and family. Everything from tender loving care to general anesthesia will be covered. Other courses teach you how to medicate, communicate and delegate. This course pulls it together and satisfies the NYS-mandated 12-hour C.E. requirement in enteral, parenteral, and I.V. sedation.
to understand how to manage apprehensive children and adults effectively
to recognize the difference between Anxiolysis, Minimal - Moderate Sedation, Deep Sedation, and General Anesthesia
a review of medications commonly used in dentistry*
early recognition of airway problems and corrective techniques
how to perform dentistry on a sedated patient with an open or compromised airway*
the management of anesthesia complications and related emergencies for adults and children*
to determine which additional training is suitable for your practice
*Topics include but are not limited to satisfying the NYS 12-hour C.E. requirement.
9:45am - 12:45pm
Frenectomies: From Infancy to Adolescence with an All-Tissue Laser
Laser Dentistry
Ben Curtis, D.D.S.
Course #: 6370 Date: 11/29/2023 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Ben Curtis, D.D.S.
Frenectomies are a hot topic right now in pediatric oral care. A lip tie and/ or tongue tie can cause issues from birth through adolescence and adult- hood. This workshop discusses age-appropriate indications for frenectomies throughout a child’s growth and development. We will also look at step-by-step techniques for Lip and Tongue Tie releases with an All-Tissue Laser.
Learn to:
the indications for infant frenectomy treatment of Lip and Tongue Ties
a step-by-step technique for infant frenectomies with All-Tissue Lasers
the indications for child and adolescent frenectomy treatment of Lip and Tongue Ties
a step-by-step technique for child and adolescent frenectomies with All-Tissue Lasers
Support for this program is offered by
9:45am - 12:45pm
Eliminating All the Insecurities of Rotary Endodontics: A Hands-on Workshop
Barry Musikant, D.M.D.
Course #: 6380 Date: 11/29/2023 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Barry Musikant, D.M.D.
This hands-on endodontic workshop introduces dentists to safer, more effective means of instrumenting and obturating the canals. Most specifically, techniques the dentist learns in this hands-on course virtually eliminate instrument separation, debrides the canals in three dimensions and mini- mize the potential for canal distortion. This is accomplished by being engine-driven, with practically no hand fatigue while reducing the procedural time requirements. The techniques learned in this hands-on workshop provide multiple usage of the instruments yielding a major reduction in cost.
how to shorten your endo procedure while obtaining excellent results
the concerns that dentists have regarding rotary systems are all eliminated significantly (no comma) reducing procedural stress
understanding instrument properties
9:45am - 12:45pm
Oral Surgery 2023: A Hands-On Workshop
Oral Surgery
Edward Miller, Jr., D.M.D.
Course #: 6390 Date: 11/29/2023 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Edward Miller, Jr., D.M.D.
This course lets the participant become comfortable planning and performing dentoalveolar and soft tissue procedures. A thorough review of current oral surgery options is reviewed. The attendees will have ample time to have all their questions addressed. The pig mandibles are used for surgical procedures.
about materials and procedures for use in performing extractions
the current trends in site preservation
suturing techniques and biopsy planning and procedures
This workshop reviews the yoga and mindfulness techniques developed by a Dentist-Yoga Teacher for dental professionals to help prevent or reduce dentistry and work-related health issues of stress. The program focuses on fatigue, burn-out, ergonomics, and muscular-skeletal problems of the neck, shoulder, upper-lower back, carpal tunnel, and joints. Help enhance strength, flexibility, energy, resilience, focus, concentration, and productivity. Explore and practice sitting, standing and on yoga mat (provided), simple breathing exercises, stretches, movements, postural alignments, and mind- fulness-based stress-reduction and relaxation techniques to practice for 2 minutes or more in an office or at home.
gentle yoga-mindful movements, stretches, posture, and poses
mindful-meditation practices for navigating stress and anxiety to increase focus, concentration, and resiliency
to create short 1-3 minutes breaks anytime and anyplace in a busy schedule
12:30pm - 2:00pm
Ingeniería Financiera en la Industria Dental
Cursos de Español
Jorge Corro, CFA
Course #: 6470 Date: 11/29/2023 Time: 12:30pm - 2:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Jorge Corro, CFA
Room: 1E07 Topic: Cursos de Español Tuition: $55.00 Credits: 2 Recommended For:
Dentists, Assistants, Students, Administrative Staff, Spouse, Educator, Doctor
La conferencia busca compartir las bases administrativas y financieras aplicables a cualquier giro comercial, posteriormente, aterrizarlo a la industria dental e identificar las fuentes de financiamiento, la figura de emprendimiento en los consultorios, realizar la división de costos fijos y variables, el tratamiento de las utilidades, las estrategias publicitarias, implementar un control de almacenes, e identificar las estrategias de establecimiento de precios.
El apoyo para este programa es proporcionado por
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Managing Deep Caries in Immature Permanent Teeth/Molar Incisor Hypomineralization: Diagnosis and Treatment
Pediatric Dentistry
David Avenetti, D.D.S.
Eve Kratunova, D.M.D.
Course #: 6040 Date: 11/29/2023 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): David Avenetti, D.D.S. Eve Kratunova, D.M.D.
DAVID AVENETTI, D.D.S., M.S.D., M.Ph. MANAGING DEEP CARIES IN IMMATURE PERMANENT TEETH Management of deep carious lesions in immature permanent teeth has evolved significantly. This session reviews the diagnosis, clinical manage- ment, treatment techniques and challenges, and novel materials available to promote clinical success.
the histopathology of dental caries and the defense response mechanisms of the pulp to the carious process and pulpal response to bioactive materials
the current challenges in the decision-making process for the management of deep caries in permanent teeth
the rationale and techniques of minimally invasive dentistry approaches, including selective caries removal
an overview of indirect, direct, and pulpotomy procedures in young permanent teeth
EVE KRATUNOVA, D.M.D. MOLAR INCISOR HYPOMINERALIZATION: DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT This seminar provides a comprehensive understanding of molar-incisor hypomineralization (MIH), covering its Definition, prevalence, etiology, diag- nosis, and histopathology. Dental management strategies for teeth affected by MIH, particularly addressing the challenges related to local anesthesia and exploring treatment options for both molars and incisors, are discussed. By the end of the presentation, attendees gain valuable insights into MIH and its effective management in clinical practice.
the dental management for the dentition affected by MIH
local anesthesia challenges for teeth affected by MIH
treatment options for molars and incisors affected by MIH
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Maxillary Skeletal Expanders and Obstructive Sleep Apnea
This seminar covers clinical cases showing how the MSE (Maxillary Skeletal Expander) can nonsurgically expand the palate including complications and failures. The MSE has revolutionized the way we treat patients. The clinician teaches you how to correct VDO, bruxism, and how to treat non-condyle destruction-related TMJ problems.
a new way to treat adult/hands-on different MSEs
to correct Class III with MSE piezectomy or preforation
clinical cases/video recorded patients
hands-on model to insert 3 types of MSE and TADs
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Digital Dentistry with Pac-Dent
Joshua Grenier, D.M.D., M.S.
Course #: 6240 Date: 11/29/2023 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Joshua Grenier, D.M.D., M.S.
Explore various workflows, including smile design, surgical planning, dentures, and fixed hybrids. This seminar discusses step-by-step explanations of data collection, design, and fabrication. Emphasis is placed on ease, profitability, and quality.
Learn to: explain the principles of Digital Dentistry describe day-to-day workflows become a fully digital dental office
Discover the Value of Adding AI to Your Practice – Mr. Adam McDaniel
AI detection assistance gives practices a way to improve clinical performance without requiring more team members or tools. Dive into the transformative power of AI, easing clinicians' workflow and enhancing patient care. Learn how you can elevate your practice with cutting-edge technology and provide superior dental care effortlessly!
Support for this program is provided by
Time Slot #6: 2:15 - 2:45
Title: How Utilizing a Dental Analytics Platform WILL optimize your Practice’s Performance - Kaci Stein
In this session, we will showcase Jarvis Analytics and how over 3,000 practices utilize the business intelligence platform to improve results. You will learn about critical KPI’s that are measured and delivered in real-time. With the help Jarvis Analytics, you will see how practices like yours automate workflows, reporting, and create opportunities to grow production and collections.
Support for this program is provided by
Time Slot #7: 3:00 - 3:30
Title: Surgical Prosthodontics Utilizing the Moleculok Connection - Dr. Edward Goldin
This course showcases the Ditron implant and its moleculock connection for implant restorations ranging from the single tooth restoration to the full mouth reconstruction. Cases are presented by a surgical Prosthodontist and will include all aspects of treatment planning, implant surgical planning, surgical procedures, temporization and final restoration. An emphasis on digital restorative planning techniques and guided surgery will be provided.
In our digital age, the clinical team is often responsible for entering the dental work completed in the operatories. Many assistants and hygienists are not given updated training in this area. This course prepares your administrative team along with your clinical team to properly code the work they have done. Don’t let fraud happen to you.
where to find the correct code for the work you have done
about under utilized codes and nuances to the codes
the periodontal codes and rules that need to be followed
about the documentation needed to get claims paid the first time
1:30pm - 4:30pm
OMG! I Got A Bad Review
Current Dental Topics
Leonard Tau, D.M.D.
Course #: 6340 Date: 11/29/2023 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Leonard Tau, D.M.D.
It doesn’t matter how hard you work or how well you treat patients; it’s only a matter of time before someone leaves you a negative review. It happens to everyone. Unfortunately, many practice owners make one of several big mistakes when this happens, which can cause even more reputation harm or legal trouble. The truth is, the perfect practice is not the one with perfect reviews; it’s the one that deals with reviews perfectly. So what’s the perfect response?
why your online reputation is essential (and how it impacts profits)
to handle negative reviews
why it’s better to embrace negative reviews
how to create systems in your office to get patients to write positive reviews
This workshop reviews the yoga and mindfulness techniques developed by a Dentist-Yoga Teacher for dental professionals to help prevent or reduce dentistry and work-related health issues of stress. The program focuses on fatigue, burn-out, ergonomics, and muscular-skeletal problems of the neck, shoulder, upper-lower back, carpal tunnel, and joints. Help enhance strength, flexibility, energy, resilience, focus, concentration, and productivity. Explore and practice sitting, standing and on yoga mat (provided), simple breathing exercises, stretches, movements, postural alignments, and mind- fulness-based stress-reduction and relaxation techniques to practice for 2 minutes or more in an office or at home.
This hands-on endodontic workshop introduces dentists to safer, more effective means of instrumenting and obturating the canals. Most specifically, techniques the dentist learns in this hands-on course virtually eliminate instrument separation, debrides the canals in three dimensions and mini- mize the potential for canal distortion. This is accomplished by being engine-driven, with practically no hand fatigue while reducing the procedural time requirements. The techniques learned in this hands-on workshop provide multiple usage of the instruments yielding a major reduction in cost.
how to shorten your endo procedure while obtaining excellent results
the concerns that dentists have regarding rotary systems are all eliminated significantly (no comma) reducing procedural stress
understanding instrument properties
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Oral Surgery 2023: A Hands-On Workshop
Oral Surgery
Edward Miller, Jr., D.M.D.
Course #: 6440 Date: 11/29/2023 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Edward Miller, Jr., D.M.D.
This course lets the participant become comfortable planning and performing dentoalveolar and soft tissue procedures. A thorough review of current oral surgery options is reviewed. The attendees will have ample time to have all their questions addressed. The pig mandibles are used for surgical procedures.
about materials and procedures for use in performing extractions
the current trends in site preservation
suturing techniques and biopsy planning and procedures
2:00pm - 5:00pm
10 Characteristics of Multi-Millionaire Dentists Download Handout
Practice Management
John Vento, C.P.A., M.B.A., C.F.P.®
Course #: 6300 Date: 11/29/2023 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): John Vento, C.P.A., M.B.A., C.F.P.®
Learn critical but easy-to-understand business and financial concepts essential to leading you and your dental practice to multi-million-dollar status. Discover how to use tax-smart strategies to increase your cash flow and accelerate your path to financial independence. This engaging, interactive presentation gives you a blueprint for achieving your personal and practicing financial freedom.
Learn to:
create a financial plan to take you into the multi-million-dollar dental club
uncover tax-smart investment strategies you can immediately put to work
discover the secrets to accumulating wealth
2:30pm - 5:30pm
Blanqueamiento Dental con Evidencia Científica/Estetica con Planificacion
Room: 1E07 Topic: Cursos de Español Tuition: $55.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Students
YILENG TAY CHU JON, Ph. D., M.Sc. D.D.S. BLANQUEAMIENTO DENTAL CON EVIDENCIA CIENTÍFICA Blanqueamiento dental, mecanismos de acción, técnicas para dientes vitales: blanqueamiento en consultorio, blanqueamiento ambulatorio, blanquea- miento mixto, manejo de la sensibilidad, productos de libre venta para blan- queamiento dental, evidencia científica.
La planificacion en Odontologia restauradora y Estetica puede desarrollarse de un modo analogico, donde podemos expresarla por medio de plantillas o tabletas predesarrolladas, tambien de una forma Digital, donde se puede expresar con Power point o Key Note, o Photoshop, o una manera facial dental, por medio de digitalizacion. En este curso podremos desarrollar trat- aminetos con cada una de estas planificaciones. El apoyo para estos programas es proporcionado por
El apoyo para estos programas es proporcionado por
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