2024 Courses and Events


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As of Sep 01, 2024
Course Date Time Title Tuition Type Topic Speaker
2110 11/30/2024 9:00am - 12:00pm Oral Care and Denture Considerations In The Elderly $305.00 Seminar Special Patient Care Joy Poskozim, D.D.S. , C.D.P.
3120 12/01/2024 9:00am - 12:00pm “Take It On The Run, Baby!” $65.00 Seminar Special Patient Care Thomas Viola, R.Ph., C.C.P., C.D.E., C.P.M.P.
5160 12/03/2024 9:45am - 12:45pm Dentistry For People With Disabilities: If Not You, Who? $100.00 Seminar Special Needs Allen Wong, D.D.S., Ed.D.
Barbie Vartanian, B.S.
Rita Marie Bilello, D.D.S.
Steven Perlman, D.D.S.