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2019 Scientific Posters
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Farmingdale State College
Eco Dentistry: Protecting Patients and the Planet
Bread for the City
Emerging Workforce Models: Incorporating Teledentistry and the Midlevel Provider
Hygiene Students
Farmingdale State College
The Spice Making A Difference in Periodontitis
Cravings on Earth: Understanding Pica
The Relationship Between Gingival Crevicular Fluid and Periodontal Disease
Dental Hygiene in a Natural Light: The Holistic Approach to Oral Health Care
Every Tooth Has a Purpose
Triclosan: Are There More Risks Than Benefits?
Howard Community College
Dementia and Gum Disease: The Link to Alzheimer’s
Non-Nutritive Sucking
Myofunctional Therapy
Botulinum Toxin Injectables Used as TMD Treatment
The Effects of Sports on Periodontal Health
Electronic Cigarettes
New York City College of Technology
Is Your Sweet Vape Flavor Giving You Cavities
Green Tea and Its Effects on Oral Health
Oral Bacteria and Esophageal Cancer
Dental Technician
Misrata Central Clinic for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Evaluation Procedure of Infection Control in Misrata Central Clinic
Dental Students
Columbia University College of Dental Medicine
Patient-Provider Communication in an Academic Dental Clinic: A Social Work-Dental Interprofessional Study
Identifying Novel Candidate Genes in Esophageal Atresia/ Tracheoesophageal Fistulas From Whole Genome Sequencing
Protective Effects of Kartogenin and Il-1 Receptor Antagonist on Stem Cell Derived Cartilage
The Role of CTNND1 in Familial Non-Syndromic Cleft Lip and Palate
The Response of Dental Pulp-Derived Cells to Angiopoietin-Like 4 In Vitro
Motor Phenotypes in KIF1A Associated Neurological Disorder
Risk Based Prevention in Orthodontics
Development of Drug Delivery Technology for Stem Cell-Based TMJ Regeneration
Implementation of Caries Risk Assessment and Determinants of ECC Treatment by Pediatric Dentists
Oral Health Needs: Impact on the Effectiveness of Meals on Wheels
Gaming Eyewear and Nitrous Oxide for Behavior Management
Summer Health Professions Education Program: Impact of Dental Students’ Participation
The Dental Manifestations of Pediatric Neurogenetic Disorders
Describing Ophthalmic Manifestations of KIF1A Associated Neurological Disorder
Barriers in Oral Health in Older Population (BOHOP)
In Vivo Test of a Hydrogel Scaffold for Dental Pulp Regeneration
New York University College of Dentistry
Surgical Guides For Dental Implant Placements
Anchorage of Dental Implants in Impacted Teeth: A Viable Treatment Option
Rare, Severe and Unexpected Complications in Implant Related Procedures
Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome: Literature Review
40. Current Update on the Management of Inferior Alveolar Nerve Injury Associated with Dental Implant Placement
Touro College of Dental Medicine at New York Medical College
43. Transforming A Poor Prognosis Via Favorable Tissue Remodeling Therapy: A Case Report
Conservative Esthetic Rehabilitation in an Adolescent with A Congenital Growth Defect and Missing Teeth: A Case Report
Crestal Bone Loss Observed in Smooth vs Rough Surface Implant-Supported Overdentures: A Literature Review
Use of Lasers in Biopsy Collection
Provisional Fixed Partial Denture Restoration Following Dentoalveolar Trauma of Maxillary Anterior Teeth: A Case Report
3D Technology in the Dental School Setting Improves Precision, Accuracy and Speed in Esthetic Rehabilitation
University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine
Smart Phone’s Diagnostic Efficacy is Comparable to Standard Radiology Monitors
Evaluation of the Reliability of A New Low Dose CBCT Acquisition Protocol in Diagnosing Impacted Canines: An Ex-Vivo Imaging Study
Oral Hygiene Practices in South Asian Minority Populations
University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine
Mechanism of Sox2, in Esrp Knockout Mice, in Rescuing Cleft Lip Formation
Ursinus College
Patient Rejection and Abandonment in Dental Practices: A Moral Evaluation of Dental Business
Residents & Postgraduates
Brookdale Hospital
Removal of Dental Bur from Maxillary Sinus
Augmentation of the Post-Traumatic Anterior Maxilla with Ramus Grafts
Columbia University College of Dental Medicine
Periodontal Disease Prevalence in HIV Infected Women in New York City
Einstein Medical Center of Philadelphia
CBCT Evaluation of the Dentoalveolar Effects of Bone-Tissue Supported Rapid Palatal Expansion of the Transverse Dimension of the Maxilla
Geisinger Medical Center
Distraction Osteogenesis of the Pediatric Mandible
Harvard School of Dental Medicine
A Qualitative Approach to Assess the Oral and Mental Health Challenges for A Given Sample Of Refugees’ in Lowell, MA
Interfaith Medical Center
Considerations for Treatment Planning of Impacted Maxillary Canine
Where is The Molar? Rare Soft Tissue Odontoma: A Case Report
Multidisciplinary Management of Localized Aggressive Periodontitis in an Early Adolescent Patient: A Case Report
Management and Diagnosis of a Mixed Density Lesion in the Anterior Maxilla Causing Eruption Disturbances
Traumatic Bone Cyst
New York Medical College
CBD Oil and Oral Health
Availability of Online Dental Care Information in Different Languages
The Oral/Dental Effects of CBD
Success of Ceramic Implants
Dental Caries in Older Adults with Cognitive Impairment
New York University College of Dentistry
Titanium Intolerance: A Fact Not A Fiction
Perimalignancies Mimicking Peri-Implantitis: A Clinical Dilemma!
A Critical Review of Dental Implant Failure with Antiresorptive Therapy
Effect of A Visual Priming Technique on the Accuracy of Dental Shade Matching
Translucent Zirconia: Where are we Now?
New York University College of Dentistry, Ashman Department of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry
Discrepancy Between PA vs. CBCT in Measuring Remaining Crest Bone Height of Posterior Maxilla
Clinical Consideration for Patients with Cleft Lip and Palate. 4 Case Series
Comparison Between CBCT-Based 3D Printed Model and Patients in Dental Implant Education
Histological Findings of Customized Alveolar Ridge Splitting Technique in Fresh Extraction Site
Surgical and Restorative Considerations for Immediate Implant Placement and Immediate Provisionalization - Revisited
Histological Finding of an Implant Failure in a Previous Socket Preservation Site: A Case Report
Clinical Factors Influencing the Quality of Schneiderian Membrane
Customized Alveolar Ridge Splitting Technique for Posterior Maxilla
Predictable Esthetic Achievement in Full Arch Implant Restoration
Surgical and Restorative for Catastrophic Failed Cases
Clinical Applications of Customized Ridge Splitting Technique for Anterior Esthetic Implant
Clinical Techniques to Prevent Further Pneumatization After Sinus Augmentation
Esthetic Achievement of Implant Restoration with Predictable Soft Tissue Grafting
A New Implant Abutment Design for Orthodontic Movement
New York-Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital
Clinical Considerations for the Use of Hydraulic Calcium-Silicate Cements in Direct Pulp Capping
Assessing Esthetics of Profile Changes in Class II Retrognathic Cases
Case Presentation: A 4th Year Dental Student’s Perspective on a Mandibular Dental Implant Placement
92. Advantages and Disadvantages of Vital Pulp Therapy
Third Molar Extraction Considerations
A Review of MTA Root Canal Obturation
The Standard of Endodontics Care: CBCT
The Medical-Dental Divide: Intersecting the Parallel
Minimally Invasive Resin Infiltration of Arrested White-Spot Lesions
Aesthetic Crown Lengthening Treatment Considerations
Oral Cancer and Betelnut Chewing in the Mariana Islands
Digital Dentistry: The Future is Now
Treatment Considerations for a Gummy Smile
Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia & Dentistry
Intraoral Digital Impressions Versus Conventional Impressions in the Accuracy of Single Unit Fixed Prosthesis
NYU College of Dentistry, New York Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital
Fixed Prosthetic Management of an Anterior Maxillary Dental Anomaly
Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical, University of Washington School of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Review of the Literature Utilizing Hypochlorous Solution (HOCI) as a New Protocol for Periodontal Disease and New Research Proving Inactivation of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) 16
The Brooklyn Hospital Center
Utilization of PRF Generated Membranes to Help in Regeneration and Healing of Buccal Mucosa Donor Sites
UConn Health
Digital Restoration of Implants Chairside with CEREC
University of Connecticut
3D Printed Guide for Calcified Canals
Digital Planning for Overdentures: A Case Report
Westchester Medical Center
The Effectiveness of Pinhole Surgical Technique in Periodontal Care
Management of Dog Bites in the Maxillofacial Region: A Case Report
Academia Internacional De Odontología Integral (Aioi), ABI Odontología de Rosario
Result of the Use of Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) in Tissue Regeneration and Post-Implant Healing
Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria And University College Hospital (UCH) Ibadan
Assessment Pulpal Anesthesia for Root Canal Treatment: A Comparison of the Prick Test and the Cold Pulp Test as Objective Tests of Local Anesthesia
Autonomous University of Yucatan
Oral Health of Diabetic Patients in a Pemex Hospital
Ethnic-Related Morphological Variability in C-Shaped Mandibular Second Molars: Tomographic Study
Guided Endodontic Acces By Dynamic Navigation
Apical Plug in C-Shaped Upper Second Molar with Open Apex
Azeezia College of Dental Sciences and Research
Is Curcumin an Alternative to Chlorhexidine in Periodontal Therapy?
Bhojia Dental College & Hospital, Baddi, Himachal Pradesh, India
Evidence of Variable Bacterial Colonization on Colored Elastomeric Ligatures During Orthodontic Treatment: An Intermodular Comparative Study
Cardinal Herrera University
Altered Cast: Then and Now
De La Salle Bajio University Dental School
Interdisciplinary Management of Pre-Prosthetic Periodontal Surgery
Department of Conservative Dentistry, Seoul Saint Mary’s Dental Hospital, College of Medicine, the Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea
Comparison of Anti-Bacterial Efficacy Between Passive Ultrasonic Irrigation and 980Nm-Gaalas Laser Application in Two Root Types
Dharamsinh Desai University, Faculty of Dental Science, Nadiad, Gujarat Valsad, College of Dental Science and Research Center, Bopal, Ahmedabad, Guja
Forensic Odontology
Faculdade Brasileira – Multivix
Measurement of Bone Height of Mandibular Incisors and Canines in Computed Tomography - Limitations According Bone Thickness
Faculdade Brasileira de Ensino E Pesquisa
Comparative Evaluation of Conservative Treatment in Relation to Surgical Treatment for Patients with Moderate Obstructive Sleep Apneia Syndrome
Faculdade de Odontologia Da Associação Paulista de Cirurgiões
Jawline Filler: Redefining the Facial Contour
Faculdade Faipe
Flapless Immediate Zirconia Implant Surgery With Guided Bone Regeneration Associated With Enamel Matrix Derivative in Infected Site: A Case Report
Faculte D’ Odontologie, Universite D’ Etat, D’ Haiti
Cytokeratin 13, Cytokeratin 17, Immunohistochemistry in Epithelial Dysplasia and Squamous Cell Carcinoma from 30 Haitians Patients
Faculty of Dentistry, Al-Azhar Univeristy
Digital Spectrophotometer Evaluation of the Influence of Screw Color and Access Hole Fill on the Color of Screw-Retained Implant Crowns
Faculty of Dentistry, Victor Babes University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara
In Vitro Accuracy Assessment of Two Intraoral Scanners
In Vitro Comparative Study to Evaluate the Marginal Fit Discrepancy of Lithium Disilicate Crowns
Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, Delta University
Effect of Application of Growth Factors with Dental Implant for Enhancing Bone Formation and Osseo Integration
Federal University of Juiz de Fora
Delivering Resveratrol on the Buccal Mucosa Using Mucoadhesive Tablet: A Potential Treatment Strategy For Inflammatory Oral Lesions
Government Dental College and Hospital, Ahmedabad, India, Temple University
Root Membrane Technique: Implantology
Grigore T.Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy
Clinical Utility of CBCT in General Dental Practice
Grupo de Estudo E Ensino Em Harmonização Orofacial (GREEHOFF)
Hyaluronic Acid for Lip Seal
Botulinum Toxin in Lower Eyelid: Case Reports
Kuwait University
Knowledge, Attitude and Barriers to Fluoride Application Among Oral Health Care Providers
Outcomes with a Posterior Reduced Dental Arch: A Randomised Controlled Trial
Oral Cancer Screening Among Smokers and Non-Smokers
Exploration of Type 2 Diabetes Risk Among Health Sciences Center Students
Misrata University
Study to Avoid Dental Statistics Errors for the Development of Dental Research in Misrata City
Mohammed Bin Rashid University of Medicine and Health Sciences
Directed Differentiation of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells into Pulp Regenerative Progenitors
Qassim University
A Comparative Study of Practicing Cross-infection Control of Dental Prostheses and Implant Components Among Prosthodontists and Dental Technicians in Qassim Province KSA
Knowledge and Opinions of Faculty Members in Saudi Dental Colleges Toward Non -Surgical Facial Aesthetics. (Botox & Dermal Fillers)
Queen Mary University of London
Systematic Review: the Effects of Carbamide Peroxide on Dentine Sensitivity
School of Dentistry at the National University of San Marcos
Proposal of a Quantitative Model to Evaluate Bone Age in a Peruvian Sample: Pilot Study
Sibar Institute of Dental Science
Forensic Odontology
St. Joseph Dental College
Ozone in Dentistry
Oral Habits in Children
Oral Health Literacy Instruments in Latin America: Literature Review
Reabsorción Radicular en Incisivos Maxilares Asociada Al Tratamiento Ortodóntico Convencional, de Autoligado y Con Sistema de Alineadores. Revisión de Literatura.
UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista – Instituto de Ciência E Tecnologia de São José Dos Campos
Effect of the Load Application on Crowns of Different Materials Made on Short
Unitary Implants With Different Diameters in Bone Crest Deformations: In Vitro And In Silico Analysis
Uninga,Dentistry Post-Graduation Center, Orthodontic Course
Rapid Maxillary Expansion: Clínical Case Using Hyrax Fixed Expander
Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila
Osteomylitis: Case Report
Pre-Prosthetic Surgery Bone Osteoplasty: Case Report
Guided Bone Regeneration For Implant Placement
Stetic Gingival Contourning with Prostetic Purposes
Gingival Hyperplasiain a Teenager: Management Strategies
Periapical Granuloma Management: Case Report
Endodontics and Periodontal Post-Surgical Management of Cystic Lesions
Nivel de Factor de Necrosis Tumoral Alfa en Pacientes con Enfermedad Periodontal
Efectividad de Resinas infiltrativas Para Enmascarar Lesiones de Mancha Blanca en Paciente Pediatrico: Reporte de Un Caso
Eficacia en la Disminución de Streptococcus Mutans Por Parte Del Probiótico Streptococcus Salivarius en Niños
Manejo Odontológico de Paciente Infantil Positivo A Virus de inmunodeficiencia Humana: Reporte de Un Caso
Atención Odontológica en Paciente Pediátrico Con Hidrocefalia: Reporte de Un Caso
Evaluación Del Daño Citotóxico en Sujetos de la Clínica Odontología infantil Expuestos Ocupacionalmente A Formaldehído
Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit
Prevalencia y Severidad de Hipomineralización Molar incisiva en Niños de Edad Preescolar de Tepic, Nayarit, México
Universidad Central Del Este
Effects of Polishing Time in Color Stability of Provisional Dental Materials: In Vitro Study
Universidad de Monterrey
Oral Manifestations During Pregnancy: A Systematic Review
Rehabilitation With Aesthetic Crown Lengthening and Implant Rehabilitation in the Posterior Sector
Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador
Prevalencia de Periodontopatías en Clínicas Odontológicas de Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador 2017
Amoxicillin Effectiveness (500 Mg) in Connection to the Prevention of Post-Dental Extraction Infections
Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE)
Manejo Del Paciente Con Terapia Anticoagulante Oral ininterrumpida Durante Procedimientos de Cirugía Bucal. Revisión de la Literatura.
Morphological Evaluation of the Most Frequent Benign Pathologies that Affect the Jaws at the Dentomaxillofacial Imaginological Center During the Period From January 2017 to January 2018
Estimation of Dental Age Using the Schour and Massler Method in Pediatric Patients Attending the Odontology Clinic of the Universidad Iberoamericana
Association Between Breastfeeding and Malocclusion. Literary Review
Analysis of the Subgingival Microflora of Electronic Cigarette Smokers
Effect of Procedures for the Repolished in the Removal of Coffee and Wine Spots, in Composite Resins for the Previous Sector
Incidence of Distal Caries to the Second Molar Caused By a Malpositioned or Impacted Third Molar
Dental Trauma Knowledge in Permanent Dentition Among Last-Year Medical Students
Universidad Latinoamericana de Ciencia y Tecnología
Recubrimiento Radicular Con Membrana Allodermica, Pre Tratamiento de Ortodoncia
Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo
Reabsorción Radicular Externa en Ortodoncia Por Movimientos y Magnitud de Fuerzas
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Facultad de Odontología
Aesthetic Crown Lengthening with Complementary Diagnostic Instruments
Universidad San Gregorio de Portoviejo
Caso Clínico: Abordaje Quirúrgico de Mesiodens en Paciente de 8 Años
Practicas Sociales en la Terapia Bucal de Adolescentes en Una Zona Rural de la Provincia de Chimborazo
Universidade Ibirapuera
Effect of Gel Replacement on In-office Dental Bleaching Using Violet Led Light Activation
Impact of Previous Decalcification on the Decellularization of Dentin Extracellular Matrix
University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria
Prevalence and Severity of Tooth Wear Lesions in Patients Seen at a Government Dental Hospital in Ibadan ,Nigeria
Effect of Oral Health Education on Oral Health Knowledge of School-Age Children in Ibadan
University Hospital Bristol
Ludwig’s Angina Secondary to Medication Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw - A Case Report
University of Bari Aldo Moro
Advances in Oral Hygiene Care: Natural Dental Practices
University of Pisa
A New Zygomatic Minimally Invasive Technique With Piezoelectric Strumentation
University of São Paulo
CAD/CAM Cerec Technology to Treat Patients with Azlheimer Disease and Related Disorders: A Case Report
Orthodontic Treatment in Adults: Conventional Orthodontics X Oral Orthodontics
Lymphoepithelial Carcinoma of the Head and Neck: Report of Two Cases
The Accuracy of 3D Facial Scanning Using Three Different Methods