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2018 Scientific Posters
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Eastern International College
Dental Stem Cells, Baby and Wisdom Teeth May Save Your Life!
Fanshawe College
From the Mouths of Dental Hygiene Educators: A Narrative Inquiry of Clinical Instructor Experience Learning Across Dual Roles
Hostos Community College
Women's Oral Health
Howard University College of Dentistry
The Dental Hygienists’ Role in Dental Sleep Medicine (*DSM)
Private Practice
Orofacial Myology
Hygiene Students
Eugenio María de Hostos Community College
Interrelationship of Defective Dental Restorations and Periodontium
Host Modulation Therapies: Treatment Options for Periodontal Disease
Farmingdale State College
Is Periodontal Disease Contagious?
Cement-Associated Peri-Implantitis
Oil Pulling as an Oral Health Care Aid
The Relationship between Autoimmune Diseases and Mercury Restorations
Nutrition's Impact on Dental Caries and Oral Health
Smokeless Doesn't Equal Safe: The Oral Effects of Vaping
The Effects of Xylitol in Pediatric Dentistry
Howard Community College Dental Hygiene Program
New York City College of Technology
The Benefits of Cannabidiol in Dentistry and Dental Hygiene
The Cutting Edge: Novel Applications of Lasers in Preventive Dentistry.
Vitamin D and Early Childhood Caries
Obesity/BMI Association with Periodontal Disease
Hey you...Shut Your Mouth!
What You Need to Know About Herbal and Dietary Supplements
Plaza College
Silver Diamine Fluoride an Economical Alternative for Restorative Dentistry
Dental Technician Students
New York City College Of Technology, City University Of New York
Digital Engineering Of Bioadoptable Dental Implants, 2016-2019 Nsf Ate Dental/Business Team Project
Howard University College of Dentistry
A Pipeline for STEM Engagement of Underrepresented Minority (URM) Elementary, Middle and High School Students at Howard University College of Dentistry
New York University College of Dentistry
Fiberoptic Transiilumination an Aid in Diagnosing Interproximal Caries in Pediatric Patients
Smoking and Tobacco Use: A Global Health Crisis
Rutgers University
Association between Periodontitis and Heart Disease
Dental Students
Columbia University College of Dental Medicine
Global Proteomic Analysis of Extracellular Vesicles Isolates from Plasma of Head and Neck Cancer Patients
Estrogen Inhibits Degeneration of Mandibular Condylar Fibrocartilage via Estrogen Receptor Alpha in Mature Female Mice
The Association of Thyroid Disorders with Oral Lichen Planus
Bone-Like Scaffolds for Antibiotic Delivery to Reduce Peri-implantitis and Encourage Bone Regeneration
Side Effects of Oral Appliance Use in the Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Completeness of Electronic Patient Records in a Student Clinic
Identification of the Genetic Basis of Orofacial Clefting
Digestive Tract Microbiome, Oral Immune Activation, and Periodontitis in cART-Treated HIV-Infected Postmenopausal Women in New York: A Pilot Study
A Pilot Study Assessing and Comparing the Use of Virtual Reality and 3D Video Eyewear for Anxiety Management In Pediatric Dentistry
Transplacental Fusobacterium Nucleatum Infection Induces Behavioral Changes and Motor Abnormalities in the Offspring
Evaluating Use of Text Messages on Parental Current Behavior, Knowledge Of Early Childhood Caries, Perceived Barriers, Self-Efficacy, and Readiness to Change Post-MySmileBuddy Intervention and Assessing Their Attitudes Towards Receiving Oral Health Mess
A Content Analysis of YouTube Videos Related to Tooth Brushing
A Pilot Study Assessing the Use of Virtual Reality for Anxiety Management in Adult Dentistry
Community Based Dental Partnership Program: A Peer-Outreach Approach
The Status of Dental Shortage Areas in New York State
Adapting Oral Health Education Materials for Providers in Bwindi, Uganda
Hostos Community College
Why Do Hispanic And African American Populations Experience Greater Prevalence of Periodontal and Cardiovascular Disease?
Midwestern University College of Dental Medicine
Oral Cavity and The Body- Connected?
New York University College of Dentistry
Oral Surgery Considerations in patients with Autoimmune disorders
Socket Shield: A Controversy in Implant Dentistry
Rutgers School of Dental Medicine
Florid Cemento-Osseous Dysplasia with Associated Simple Bone Cyst- Case Report
Touro College of Dental Medicine
Dental Self-Treatment with Super Glue: A Case Report
Tufts University School of Dental Medicine
Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Coverage and Its Potential Impact on Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma in the U.S. Hispanic Population: A Systematic Literature Review
Oral Cancer Screening Usage in Undergraduate Clinics at Tufts Dental
UIC College of Dentistry
Oral Health Knowledge, Attitude and Practices in UN Listed Least Developed Countries
University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine
Avoidance of Anesthesia Needle Tip Barb Formation to Reduce Risk of Injury Following Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block Injection
CBCT Has Significant Value Addition for Preoperative Implant Treatment Planning
Comparing the Efficacy of Cadaveric and Virtual Instruction in the Understanding of Applied Orthognathic Surgery Anatomy
Characterization of CD169+ Macrophages within Bone Marrow
Prevalence of Incidental Findings in Orthodontic Patients: A Retrospective CBCT Analysis
Dimensions of the Sella Turcica Measured Using CBCT
Lateral Cephalometrics Have No Significant Value-Addition for Diagnosing Dental Malocclusion
Inadequate Ridge Height was Significant in Edentulous Maxillary Implant Sites
Clinical Outcomes of the Furlow Z-Plasty Following Primary Cleft Palate Repair
CBCT Guided Mini-Implant Placement with Radiographic Guide Yields Superior Results
University of New England
Evaluation of Epoxy Resin, Bioceramic, and S-PRG Prototype Sealers Using In Vitro Micro Computed Tomography
University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine
Retinal Pigment Fatty Acid Recycle as a Function of Daily Light Onset
Determining the Immunologic Profile of HSV-1 Infection in Humans
Binding Force Dynamics of Bacterial-Fungal Interactions in Oral Biofilms
Role of PERK in HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorders
Brookdale Hospital
Resection of a Mandibular Desmoplastic Fibroma, Procurement of Bone Marrow Aspirate From Anterior Iliac Crest, and Reconstruction With BMAC, BMP-2, and Corticocancellous Allograft
Columbia University
Spanish Speaking Older Adults: Language as a Barrier to Oral Health Care
Geisinger Medical Center
Hepatocellular Carcinoma Metastasis to the Oral Cavity Presenting as a Gingival Mass
Interfaith Medical Center
V2 Paresthesia Secondary to Sickle Cell Crisis
Immediate Implant Placement with Periimplant Pathology: A Case Report
Case Report: Compound Odontoma
Peripheral Ossifying Fibroma: A Case Report
Montefiore Medical Center
Protocol for Custom Temporomandibular Joint Prosthesis
New York Medical College
Treatment Modalities for Pediatric Sleep Apnea
Review of Chairside Technology Available for Early Detection of Oral Cancer
Use of Bulk Fill Composites/ longevity and Esthetics
Alleviating Barriers to Oral Healthcare Through Utilization of Mobile Dental Units
Effectiveness of Tobacco Cessation Programs in Oral Healthcare Setting
CBCT Technology: Effect on Clinical Endodontic Care
SDF Effectiveness in Caries Control as Used in Federally Qualified Health Care Setting
New York Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital
Inflammatory Papillary Hyperplasia of the Hard Palate in a Healthy Non-Denture Wearing Male
Complete Denture Fabrication: CAD/CAM Technology Compared with Traditional Techniques
Evaluation of Current Regenerative Endodontic Therapy Techniques
Dental Management of Patients Who Are HIV+
Dental Management of Patients with Systemic Sclerosis
Oral manifestations of the dental patient with human papillomavirus and their management
Clinical Indications for Lithium Disilicate vs. Zirconia Restorations
Plasma Cell Gingivitis: A Case Study
The Use of Temporary Anchorage Devices in Treatment of Anterior Open Bites
New York University
Treatment of Soft Tissue Depression with Xenograft Bone Substitute after Implant Placement
New Drill System to Avoid Implant Malposition
Comparison Between Screw-Retained Versus Cement-Retained Implant-Supported Prosthesis On Their Effects On Marginal Bone Loss: Systematic Review
A Technique to Achieve Prosthetically Oriented Implant Position
When and Why Place Implant into Maxillary Sinus without window?
Sequential Treatment of Esthetically Failed Implants Utilizing 3-D Printing Technology
Mini-Sinus Augmentation: Techniques and Indications
Decortication and Simultaneous Bone Harvesting During Ridge Augmentation Procedure
Compound Odontoma Associated with Impacted and Displaced Mandibular Canine- A Case Report with Review of Literature
Effect of Methacrylate Resin-Based Sealers on Vertical Root Fracture Resistance: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Implant Placement Following Surgical Removal of an Impacted Canine and Site Development
Systematic Clinical Assessment of Ailing and Failing Implants
Guided Tissue Regeneration In Treatment of Apicomarginal Defects: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Chronic Pain After Sinus Augmentation: Etiology, Prevention, and Treatment
Low Temperature Degradation Effects on Surface Treated Dental Zirconia
One Healing Abutment for Different Diameter Implants
3-D Printing Technology in Clinical Implant Dentistry
New York Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital
Oral Health Education for the Non-Dental Clinician
Evidence-Based Review of Appliances to Prevent Dental Trauma
Compressive Strength of CEREC Milled Endocrowns on Natural Teeth
Clinical Implications for the Immediate Placement and Immediate Loading of Implants
Effects of Simultaneous Palatal Expansion and Mandibular Advancement in a Child Suffering from OSA
Opioid Trends in Dentistry
Fixed Orthodontic Appliances versus Clear Aligners: Periodontal Health and Patient Satisfaction
Peri-Implantitis: Causes, Management and Treatment
Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell
Diagnosis And Management of Localized Aggressive Periodontitis of the Primary Dentition in a Child with Idiopathic Neutropenia
Rutgers School of Dental Medicine
Minor Oral Surgery for the General Dentist
St. Barnabas Hospital
Sugammadex versus Neostigmine and Glycopyrrolate on Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting
St.Lukes University Health Network
Clinical Evaluation of Dental Implant Placement Post Coil Embolization of the Inferior Alveolar Artery
The Brooklyn Hospital Center
Acute Osteomyelitis Due To Odontoma in Posterior Mandible
UConn School of Dental Medicine
Accuracy of Intraoral and Extraoral Bitewing Radiography in Reliably Detecting Interproximal Bone loss - A Comparative Ex-vivo Study
Collaborative Management of Complex Restorative Case
University of Connecticut Health Center
Evaluation of Multiple Radiopaque Markers to Aid Standardization in CBCT Based Ex-vivo Studies
University of Connecticut
Implementing Digital Workflow for Implant Planning and Restorations
Jamaica Hospital Medical Center Dept. of Dental Medicine
A Homeopathic Approach to Managing Caries and Biofilms
International Dentists, Residents, Postgraduates and Dental Students
Azeezia College of Dental Sciences and Research
Evaluation of Stylohyoid Complex Using CBCT: A Systematic Review
Carrera de Odontologia, Universidad San Gregorio de Portoviejo
Estilos de Vida y Salud Bucal en Nativos de la Etnia Kichwa
College of Dental Medicine, University of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE
The Effect of Chewing Ability and Number of Teeth on Cognitive Function of Elderly in UAE: A Pilot Study
College of Dentistry, Qassim University
Perception of Middle and High School Students about Oral Health and Preventive Dentistry
Dharmsinh Desai University
The Relationship between Parental Perceptions of Oral Health and Actual Oral Health Outcomes of Children Aged 1-18 years as Measured by DMFT index
Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Digital Analysis of Mixed Dentition: Perception Levels and Degrees of Accuracy.
Faculdade de Odontologia de Bauru, Universidade de São Paulo (USP)
Google Users Interest Assessment Regarding Dental Caries in 8 different Countries
Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo
Bone Regeneration in a Synthetic 3D Model
Faculty of Dentistry, Istanbul University
Surgery Duration in the Brain-, Dynamic- and Static-Guided Dental Implant Installation: Retrospective Comparison of 66 Cases
University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babes”, Timisoara, Romania
Marginal Fit Discrepancy Of All-Ceramic Crowns Made with Conventional Versus Digital Technologies
Efficacy Of Antibacterial Solutions On Infected Dentine
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Influence of Microstructure Parameters on Zirconia Translucency: A Literature Review
Evaluation of the Obtention of Anterior Teeth Models for Analysis In Finite Elements: Literature Review
Therapeutic use of Botulinum Toxin in oral rehabilitation
Applicability of Finite Element Method in Dentistry: Literature Review
GITAM Dental College and Hospital
Orthodontic Management of Multiple Congenitally Missing Teeth- Case Report
Government Dental College & Hospital Ahmedabad, India; Temple University School of Dentistry; University of Southern California school of Dentistry
Sticky bone and Concentrated Growth Factor (CGF) in Implant Surgery
Institute of Dental Studies and Technology
Cannabis: Oral Health Effects
K.V.G Dental College & Hospital
Contralateral Replantation of Avulsed Maxillary Central Incisors: A Clinical Case Report.
Kamineni Institute of Dental Sciences
Aggregatibacter Actinomycetemcomitans in Human Peiodontal Disease.
Karnavati School of Dentistry
"BARRIER" between Patient and a Dentist- LANGUAGE!!
Kuwait University
The Impact of ICDAS on Occlusal Caries Management Recommendations for High Caries Risk Patients
Impact of Removable Partial Dental Prostheses on Function and Oral Health-Related Quality of Life of Adults With Varied Distributions of Missing Posterior Teeth
Melaka Manipal Medical College(MMMC)
Comparative evaluation of Effectiveness of Baking Soda with Water and Baking Soda with Coconut Oil as a Bleaching Agent
MSA University - NRC Egypt
A 10-year Follow-up Study of Patient's Satisfaction with Three-Implant-Retained Mandibular Overdentures.
October 6th University
Postoperative Pain after Using Calcium Hydroxide and Ledermix Intercanal Medication with 5.25% Sodium Hypochlorite Irrigation: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Pharos University In Alexandria
Effect of Water Conditioning on Hardness and Dimensional Stability of Polyamide Denture Base Material
In Vivo Evaluation of Β‐CS/N‐HA with Different Physical Properties as a New Bone Graft Material
Private Practice
Guided Bone Regeneration - Resorbable Memberane
Stem Cell Potential in Cellular Therapeutics and Regeneration
School of Dentsitry Universidade Federal ed Juiz de Fora
Oral Indicators of Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum
School of Medicine, University of Bari
The Efficacy of Sea Salt Based Oral Rinse in Subjects with High Caries Susceptibility
Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry
Additive Manufacturing a Novel Abutment
A Dental Outreach Collaborative Project for At-risk Youth
A Novel Technique for theImpression, Model and Provisionalization of Pinlays
Seoul National University School of Dentistry
MTA Removal and Its Rationale
St. Joseph Dental College
Platelet-Rich Fibrin - A Natural Fibrin Matrix
Nuclear Scintigraphy In Dentistry
SUPREMA, Medical School
Understanding of Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices About Oral Care in Coronary Care Unit
Tanta University Faculty of Dentistry
Effect of Abutment Connection Type on Crestal Bone Resorption Around Implants
Effect Of Implant Abutment Connection and Types of Abutment On Screw Loosening After Cyclic Loading
Tbilisi State Medical University
Relationship Between Dental Diseases and Intestinal Dysbiosis in Children
Trabecular Metal Technology As A Dental Implant Material
Comparison of Tomographic Image Before and After Surgery Using Bone Graft and L-Prf Membrane
Hand-Wirst Radiograph As A Decision Of Orthodontic Treatment:Case Report
Universidad Autónoma De Coahuila Facultad De Odontología
Niveles De Proteína C Reactiva de Alta Sensibilidad Antes y Después del Tratamiento Periodontal
Torus Mandibular: Remoción Quirúrgica
Preservación Alveolar
Tratamiento de Recesiones Múltiples
Tratamiento de Gingivitis Descamativa
Manejo Periodontal Para Odontología Restauradora
Concentración de Leptina Sérica en Pacientes con Periodontitis y Pacientes Sanos
Tratamiento de Defectos Óseos Periodontales con Prp y Aloinjerto
Universidad de los Andes
Use of Alternative Tools to Obtain A Minimally Invasive Wear, Patient Acceptance and Excellent Aesthetic Results in Undergraduate Clinic: A Case Report
Universidad Evangelica de El Salvador
Estudio Epidemiologico de Caries Dental en Estudiantes De Educacion Basica del Municipio De Gualococti,Morazan
Estudio del Grado De Coincidencia Entre Edades Cronologica , Dental y Carpal en Niños de 8 a 12 Años
Universidad Iberoamericana
Evaluate the Effectiveness of Surgical Hand Wash With Antiseptic vs Normal Hand Soap Used in the Surgery Area of Unibe's Clinic
Dominican Dental Students' Knowledge of and Attitude Towards HIV Patients
The Electric and Liquid Permeability of the Nitrile Gloves Used in the Dental Clinic of the Universidad Iberoamericana in the Dominican Republic.
Descripción Del Uso De La Clorhexidina en la Prevención de la Osteítis Alveolar Después de la Extracción de Terceros Molares
Evaluation of Staphylococcus Aureus Treatment with 5% Iodine Povidone in the Nasal Decolonization in Students at the Universidad Iberoamericana Dental Clinic
Efecto de Periochipa de Liberacion Controlada en Parametros Clinicos y Microbiologicos en Pacientes Con Periodontitis Cronica
Relationship Between Orthognathic Surgery and Temporomandibular Disorders
Relationship between HPV and the Oropharyngeal Cancer
Perception of Acceptable Ranges of the Smiles From the Point of View of the Unibe Dental School Clinic Taking Into Consideration the Aesthetic Parameters of the Golden Ratio
Localization of the Mental Foramen in the Mandibular Body Through CONEBEAM
Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia
Demand of Dental Service in Peruvians with Physical Disability in 2016
Whitening Treatment at Home with Acetate Trays
Universidad San Gregorio de Portoviejo
Características Faciales De La Población Femenina Presentes En La Étnia Kitchwa De La Comunidad Sacha Wasi
University of Edinburgh
Esthetic Restorative Treatment Planning for Dental Professionals: A Review
University of Ibadan Dental School, Nigeria; West Chester University of Pensylvania
A Pilot Study for Assessment of Fluoride Concentrations in Drinking Water Sources Across Chester County Using Smart Phone Colorimetric Technology And Ion-Selective Electrode Method
Tufts University
Effect of Collagen Matrix Seal on Post-extraction Ridge Preservation Using Bone Allograft: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial and Radiographic Evaluation