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2016 Scientific Posters
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The City University of New York
Eugenio María de Hostos Community College
Eugenio María de Hostos Community College
Management of Pain in the Dental Hygiene Curriculum
Infection Control in Digital Intraoral Radiography
Dental Technician Student
New York City College of Technology
Precision Engineered Dental Appliances
Hygiene Students
Briarcliffe College
3D Bioprinting: The Future of Dentistry
Farmingdale State College
Activated Charcoal as a Tooth Whitener
Potential Adverse Health Effects of Bacteria Living in Your Toothbrush: Proper Toothbrush Care
Glycine: An Alternative Method of Subgingival Biofilm Removal
The Link Between Alzheimer’s Diease and Periodontal Disease
The Relationship Between Smoking and Periodontal Disease
New York City College of Technology
Powerful Antifungal Effect of Tea Tree Oil
Screening for Temporaomandibualr Joint Disorder
Signs & Symptoms of Drug Abusers Using Opioids
Help I'm in Pain, Exercise needs of Dental Hygienists
The City University of New York Eugenio María de Hostos Community College
Saliva : Defender Of the Mouth & Mirror to the Body
Humanpapilloma Virus in the Oropharyngeal Región
Dental Hygienest Role in Type 2 Diabetic Patients
New York University College of Dentistry
Past and Present of Nitrous Oxide Analgesia in Dentistry
The Effect of Implant Collar Design on Peri-Implant Soft Tissue. A Systematic Review
Private Practice
1. The Importance of Professional Oral Hygiene Recommendations: A Practice Based Evaluation of the Ionic ProClean Toothbrush
An Application Program for Individualized Selection Of Preformed Orthodontic Archwires
Tufts University School of Dental Medicine
A Novel Technique in Augmenting Gingival Profile around Implant Fixtures- Modified Rolled Technique
Virginia Commonwealth University
Immediate Implant Placement and Restoration
Dental Students
Columbia University College of Dental Medicine
TMJ Disc Regeneration by Protein-Releasing 3D-Printed Scaffolds
Exome Sequencing in Congenital Heart Disease
Embryologic Genetic Anomalies Associated with Cleft Palates
A NYC Dominican Population: Drinking Water Habits, Fluoridated Water Availability
Etiological Study of Noncarious Cervical Lesions: Effects of Stress and Biocorrosion
Follow up dental care for patients with multiple complex medical problems
Buffering Local Anesthesia: Taking the Pain Away?
Use of Video Eyewear In Pediatric Dental Anxiety Management
1. Funding Adequacy and Comprehensiveness of Care in a Targeted HIV/AIDS Program
BMP2-releasing 3D-Printed Scaffold for Alveolar Bone Tissue Engineering
Comparison of Color Stability After Treatment with Four Calcium Silicate-Based Cements
Estrogen Receptor Beta Mediates Loading-Induced Remodeling of the TMJ
Enhancing proliferation and matrix formation of progenitor cells using biogenic microenvironment tem
Midwestern University - College of Dental Medicine-Illinois
Radiographical Analysis of Teeth Adjacent to Posterior Bounded Edentulous Spaces in Caries-active Adults
Teflon Tape Utilization in Implant-supported Restorative Dentistry: A Case Report
New York University College of Dentistry
Protection from Carcinogen DNA damage and toxicity to cultured oral cells by Black Raspberry Extract
Nacre Protein n16.3: A pH and Ion Responsive Hydrogel
Residents & Postgraduates
Interfaith Medical Center
Adaptability of Dry Shield in the OR: To use or not to use?
New York Methodist Hospital
Effects of Smoking on Implants
Designing a Kennedy Class III Maxillary Removable Partial Denture: A Case Report
Zirconia VS. PFM Crowns: What will be the future?
Retrofitted Survey Crowns as Abutments to Existing Removable Partial Denture
Considerations for Fixed Anterior Restorations
Digital Radiopacity of Endodontic Sealers and Root Treatment Materials
Fracture Resistance of Immature Teeth
Esthetic removable partial denture design using round-rest and distal clasp on maxillary anterior abutments
Case Report: Dysphagia and Swelling Associated with Failed Odontoid Screw
Weighing the Risks: Treating Patients on Anticoagulants
Case Study: Management of Periapical Lesions
Anterior Aesthetic Smile Makeover
Oral Sedation: Technique and Safety
To evaluate how the implementation of the ADA caries risk assessment form, to establish individualized caries risk, effects prevention and management of pediatric patients in a hospital based dental clinic
Radiotherapy Causes Trauma to the Dentin Enamel Junction (DEJ)
Case Presentation: Retrofitting a CAD CAM Crown as an Abutment Under Existing RPD
Stability of Narrow Diameter Implants Placed with Different Angulations In-vitro
New York University College of Dentistry
Effect of bone graft type (cortical/cancellous) and particle size (small/large) on histomorphometric variables
The influence of cortical bone perforation on guided bone regeneration in humans
Advanced Hard and soft Tissue Augmentation in the Aesthetic Zone: The Age Protocol
Novel approach for Soft Tissue Closure of Grafted Extraction Sockets in the Anterior Maxilla
Restorative Challenges of Post-Orthodontic Patient.
New York Medical College
The Use of Silver Diamine Fluoride as A Public Health Measure to Arrest Dental Decay
Digital Impression Systems in Dentistry
Plasma Cell Gingivitis
The Effect of Pulp Capping on Dentin Apposition and Arrest of Caries Progression
E-Cigarettes: Effects on the Oral Cavity
University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) School of Dentistry
Palatally-Worn Fatigued Veneered Incisors : A Comparative Evaluation of Fracture Resistance
International Dentists, Residents, Postgraduates, & Dental Students
Autonomous University of Coahuila
Desplazado Semilunar Para Incrementar Encía Queratinizada
Guided Bone Regeneration Post Explantation
Gtr Con Hueso Liofilizado En Defecto Intra Ósea
Tratamiento De Gingivitis Ulcero Necrotizante
Alargamiento De Corona Estético
Apicectomía En Diente Anterior Con Mta
B. P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences
Anatomical Evaluation Of Root Canal Diameter On The Apical Third Of Mandibular Molar
Root And Canal Morphology Of Mandibular First Permanent Molar In Nepalese Sub-Population, A CBCT Stu
Oral Health Related Quality of Life In Adult Population Attending The Outpatient Department of A
Dental School of the University of São Paulo
Cytotoxicity in osteoblasts of polymeric devices for local use impregnated with antimicrobials
Department of Oral Implantology, Faculty Of Dentistry, Istanbul University
Buccal Dehiscence of an Immediate Implanted and Loaded Dental Implant in the Anterior Maxilla: 10 Year Follow-up
Department of Periodontology, Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital Seoul, Korea
The prognosis of splinted restoration of the most-distal implants in the posterior region
Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry,
Victor Babe University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara, Romania
Victor Babe University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara, Romania
Flexural Strength of Glass Fibre Reinforcement Provisional Fixed Partial Dentures
Dr.Ishrat ul Ebad Institute of Oral Health Sciences
Dow University of Health Sciences,Karachi
Dow University of Health Sciences,Karachi
Benign and Malignant lesions of Salivary Gland in Pakistan: Seven Years Data (2009-2015)
Faculty of Dentistry, Victor Babes University of Medicine and Pharmacy
Timisoara, Romania
Timisoara, Romania
Aggressive Periodontitis In A Romanian Sample
A Three-Year Retrospective And Clinical Follow -Up Study Of Lithium Disilicate Crowns Bonded With Different Adhesive Protocols
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)
Possibility of Y-TZP Surface Conditioning With Hydrofluoric Acid 10% In Low-Viscosity Gel
Microstructural and Mechanical Study of ZrO2-Y2O3 Sintered At Different Times And Sintering Temperature
Production and characterization of nanostructured hydroxyapatite coatings on titanium substrates for
Federal University of Sergipe
Effect Of Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy In Reducing Volatile Sulfur Compounds: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Federico II Napoli
"Idrox" Implant Surface Treatment With Calcium Hydroxide
GITAM Dental College and Hospital
CAD -CAM in Dentistry
INAPÓS - Faculty of Dentistry
Equipment Development: "Light Box With Integrated Functions"
Institute for Research on Cancer and Aging, Nice
TERF2 (Telomeric Repeat-binding Factor 2) overexpression in oral squamous cell carcinoma: a new mark
Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry Department of Oral Implantology
Edentulous Maxillary and Mandibular Arch Fixed Dental Implant-Supported Oral Rehabilitation by a Hybrid Prosthesis Employing a Micro-Ceramic Composite
Kerala Dental Clinic
Temporary Implants for Kids
Khon Kaen University
Dextran Particles for Targeted Drug Delivery in Caries Prevention
Kyung Hee University Dental Hospital
Importance of Early Diagnosis and Multidisciplinary Approach for the Treatment of Rhabdomyosarcoma
Oro-dental Genetics Department, National Research Centre, Egypt
Lobulated Tongue As A Distinguishing Oral Feature Between Orofaciodigital And Ellis-Van Creveld Syndromes
Pharos University In Alexandria
Sacred Lotus as disinfectant and its effect on the dimensional stability of elastomeric impression material
Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM)
Prevalence Of Color In Upper Lateral Incisors And Canines Using Spectrophotometry On Adult Patients
Qassim University - College of Dentistry
Assessment of Oral and Dental Health Status in children with Cerebral Palsy: An Exploratory Study
Sao Paulo University
Sodium Ascorbate and Ascorbic Acid In Bond Strength Of Composite to Bovine Bleached Enamel
Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry
Assessment of a Novel Communication Tool for Implantology
Dental implant provisionals utilizing a novel abutment and technique: assessing quality, efficiency
Development and validation of a novel dental hand instrument
The Universty Of The West Indies School Of Dentistry
An Alternate Technique For Amaris Gingiva Coloured Composite Application
Analysis of stresses on the abutments and micro dissipated deformations in crestal bone area
Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán
Dental Inlays Among Prehispanic Mayas: Characterization of the Cement and Pulp Reaction
Comparision Of Two Materials Such As Apical Plugs
Universidad de los Andes. Facultad de Odontología
Prenatal Effects by Exposing to Amoxicillin on Dental Enamel in Wistar Rats
Universidad Iberoamericana
Customized mold for patients with head and neck cancer using high-dose-rate brachytherapy
Clinical, Histological, and Tomografic Study In Post Extraction Sockets In Order To Evaluate Bone
Fracture Resistance of Endodontically Treated Premolars Restored with Bulk Fill
Resistance To Tractional Forces of The Anatomical Post Vs. Prefabricated Post
Comparative Study on the Effectiveness of Cement Endorez vs Sealapex in Sealing Root Canals With Single Cone Technique
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Effect of Non-surgical Periodontal Therapy in the Expression of hB-1 in Gingival Crevicular Fluid of individuals with Diabetes Mellitus and Chronic Periodontitis
Universidade Federal Do Rio de Janeiro - IPUB - Laboratório de Mapeamento Cerebral
Act Of Chewing Influence On Electrophysiological Parameters: An Approach To Quantitative Electroencephalografy
Universidade Metropolitana de Santos
Evaluating of the Impact In The Quality Of Life Of Pacients In Diferents Rehabilitation With Dental Implants Rehabilitations
University of Medical Science and Health Services School of Dentistry, Kerman, Iran
Management of Sturge-Weber Syndrome oral manifestation with CO2 laser: a case study
University of Medicine and Pharmacy ''Victor Babes'', Faculty of Dentistry, Timisoara, România
MicroCT scaffold evaluation for the bone augmentation of rats femours
3D Printing of a Mandibular Bone defect
Optical Coherence Tomography and Synchrotron Radiation MicroCt employed for different endodontic fillings
Marginal Integrity of Class II Cavities Filled With Conventional Methods versus an Ultrasound System
Optical Coherence Tomography and MicroCT Evaluation of Direct versus Indirect Veneers Microleakage
New Evaluation Methods Employed For Oral Cancer Identification In Dentistry
Mi Surata University
Comparison between CAD/CAM Lithium Disilicate and Veneered Y-TZP Crowns RegardingFatigue Resistance