Book Hotels Here

We've negotiated travel discounts and secured a limited number of reduced-rate hotel rooms to make your trip to New York affordable. Through the travel experts at Connections Housing, rooms at the group rate are limited and available on a first come, first-served basis.

New York Marriott Marquis, Official Headquarters Hotel

Book at our Official Booking Site

Find the perfect room and rate for you. All of our official hotels are located only a few miles from the venue.

Submit a Room Block Request

Need to submit a room block request for 10 or more rooms? Submit your request online and the GNYDM Connections Housing team will help place your room block at one of your preferred hotels.
BUYER BEWARE! Connections Housing is the only housing company authorized by Greater New York Dental Meeting to provide housing services to attendees and exhibitors. Please do not conduct business with any other travel or housing company claiming to represent this event. Should you happen to receive communication from any outside company, please forward their contact information to Connections Housing via email at